FBI Reopens the L. Hillary Clinton Email / Illegal Server Scandal | Eastern North Carolina Now

FOX News is now reporting: FBI Director James Comey has just released a Friday letter to congress explaining that he will be forced to reopen the L. Hillary case because of new evidence that has surfaced from the Anthony Weiner under-aged sexting investigation.

October 28, 2016: The Day Announced

    FOX News is now reporting: FBI Director James Comey has just released a Friday letter to congress explaining that he will be forced to reopen the L. Hillary case because of new evidence that has surfaced from the Anthony Weiner (former N.Y. congressman married to top L. Hillary aide, Huma Aberdin) under-aged sexting investigation.

    I believe that this new development has surfaced due to steady drumbeat of information released by so many sources of L. Hillary Clinton improprieties and illegal behavior, the vast majority of which is not covered by the Democrat Media, that even the corruptible James Comey can not ignore its sheer enormity.

    Breaking News: FBI Director Comey is reopening the Lying Hillary Clinton investigation on new "unrelated" email evidence of vast impropriety and illegal behavior of Hillary the Felon in her handling of the People's server that she hijacked, destroyed; but only after it was hacked by our enemies.

    I hope it is not too late to save our Republic from the Evil Bitch.

    Oh, is that statement worse, in the mind of the Socialist Liberal or the RINO, than Trump's remark in the last debate, when he used the descriptor 'nasty woman'?

    Still, I have a question for the Socialist Liberal or the RINO: Do you understand that if your darling Hillary the Felon is elected, she can, and should be summarily Impeached, and if not by the non patriot Democrats and RINOs in congress, there may be a new, more credible cast who will do so?

    Do you understand that these sorry politicians can lose their sorry seats when the going gets rough enough for most Americans; a time that is surely not too far down the road?

    "Drain the Swamp"

October 29, 2016: The Democrat Fallout

    Socialist Liberals and RINOs are apoplectic that the FBI should release Lying Hillary's emails originating from the "Weiner Probe" (now, that's funny) here just 11 days before the election.

    I have a suggestion for Hillary the Felon, a point of negotiation: Release all your emails from your Illegal Server (I'm sure they are somewhere - maybe "the Russian's" have them) and then Director Comey could release the "Carlos Danger" (Anthony Weiner's sexting handle) emails. Then we could all know the whole truth, and we could see how they line up with the business of the Clinton Foundation..

    You could continue on and be elected, maybe exonerated; or, you could continued on, be elected, and then be possibly Impeached. Who knows you may even go to jail, and Philandering Bill with you.

    This could be a win/win here. As a an American citizen, and a patriot, I'm on board for this negotiation to be a success.

    You see, I still want to know what is in the 33,000 supposedly destroyed emails. As an American citizen, I own them just as much as L. Hillary, and I have a right to see them. Other American citizens, many of them patriots like myself, have that right as well.

Considering that Hillary Clinton, from the recently concluded email investigation, is charged with gross negligence, dereliction of duty, was recommended that she lose her security clearance, while pathologically lying to congress, the press and the American People; and even though she was not referred for indictment because she is a Clinton: Will you?
12.84%   Vote for Hillary
76.65%   Vote for The Donald
10.51%   Vote for none of the above
257 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

And now for your additional voting pleasure:

What should be the priority of the Federal Government after the "Pulse" massacre: Should we turn our attention toward destroying, earadicating ISIS as Candidate Trump suggests, or, as Democrats' President Obama suggests, broaden our efforts to effect stricter Gun Control laws to limit "Gun Violence?"
83.78%   After many years of trying to degrade and contain the murderous ISIS, we should make it the nation's policy to destroy ISIS immediately.
6.08%   Gun Violence in America can be eliminated by limiting access to guns for all American citizens.
10.14%   I don't care either way; I just live here.
148 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

Should Americans be thankful for North Carolinians setting precedent in taking a stand for their state's right to manage the safety of their public facilities, where separation of the sexes remains, or should they follow Bruce Springsteen's lead and boycott the state as bigots since they will not allow grown Transgender men to use the same bathrooms /locker rooms as pre-pubescent girls?
  North Carolina is right to control the separation of the sexes as a matter of decorum and safety.
  North Carolina is a bigoted state to not require that children of opposite sexes share the same public facilities with adults of the opposite sex, although misidentified - the Transgender.
  I generally prefer the natural environs of the vacant, although rather public, large tree.
253 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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( November 1st, 2016 @ 3:22 pm )
Don' t gorget the pardon. Will Obama pull a Ford in "the best interest for of the country". Talk about long nightmares.
( November 1st, 2016 @ 3:08 pm )
Lying Hillary has broken so many laws - some misdemeanors, others felonies - that there is no way she will make it through her first two years as president if there were enough patriots in the next congress.

Of course, lying to congress is a very serious offense as well.
( November 1st, 2016 @ 7:23 am )
There are at least two dynamics at work here.
The legal: Were any laws broken?
The Political: Is anything that Hillary says credible?

The real question before the voters now is also at least two dynamics.
Do we want to get our pound of flesh for broken laws?
--or --
Do we want to elect someone who will try to redirect the course of this country toward a brighter future?

We, as voters are can only control the second question. Any time we spend debating the legalities is wasted effort at this time, but may influence some undecided voters. The legal system will handle the rest regardless of who is elected.
One is a matter for judges and lawyers, the other is a matter for voters.
( October 31st, 2016 @ 7:32 pm )
I predict they, the Democrat Media, will tire of the revelations quickly since it does not conform to their motivations, and then there will be a new group of Liberals and Middlecrats who might ask, when it all turns really bad: Where did this come from?
( October 30th, 2016 @ 5:50 am )
Now that the FBI had deviated from the new script and announced the re-investigation of emails by part of the Clinton Clique, we should pay close attention to CNN, MSNBC and other stations as they shift their news coverage to other 'BREAKING NEWS.' It could be another police shooting, an earthquake or maybe even just someone stumping their toe in a foreign country.

We must remember that our news outlets use the 'BREAKING NEWS' to choose which events take precedence over the rest of the news. It is an editorial decision, which is subject to the same bias as the actual reporting.
( October 28th, 2016 @ 8:48 pm )
It is as if FOX News is the devil because they do not pull the Liberal freight like everyone else in the Democrat media.
( October 28th, 2016 @ 8:37 pm )
Even though I am trying to stay away from Election coverage (Early voted) I just had to turn to MSNBC to see how they would cover this. It appears that Comey has stepped in the proverbial pile of stuff since many of the pundits are saying this is a great miscarriage of FBI procedure by commented on the investigation.

I will use the probe joke but I am not sure I will attribute it to Fox. You know how that upsets the liberals.
( October 28th, 2016 @ 8:27 pm )
I put part of this post on FB to see if it would get any traction and it di and it will probably continue to see some action.

However, what astounded me is just how prevalent the pro Hillary propaganda is being passed around by Liberals as it there was any truth to it. Here below is an exchange between me and a young Liberal by the name of Jessica Buchwald.

If I insinuated that people that believe unsubstantial propaganda as if was truth, then that was my intention. I don't apologize, nor did I demand an apology from this person for being a product of America's education system, in which I have plenty of taxes for her education, as well as many others, and would be within my right to demand a refund.

Here below is the exchange between this patriot and that committed Liberal who only consumes propaganda to enhance her nebulous intellect.

Jessica Buchwald: Benghazi happened because of the republican congress cutting funding after multiple requests by HRC not to do so...so that is a complete fabrication that that was her fault at all...she didn't have an illegal server, she had a private server that she had her private messages on and there is absolutely no evidence that she had any confidential messages on it...so that theory has been debunked...she doesn't make arms deals...there are plenty of democratic patriots...a lot that especially don't want someone that brags about sexually assaulting women (while he was married) that has multiple failed marriages, multiple bankruptcies, has been sued and settled thousands of fraud cases because he is a crook, has zero experience or political knowledge (as evidenced by him constantly blaming HRC for not getting laws passed when she was a Senator because a Senator only has one vote...out of hundreds so she has zero power to get anything passed as a single individula) I mean the list goes on and on....

Stan Deatherage: Jessica Buchwald - Well, you are a true believer of all propaganda, a committed Liberal with no discernible appreciation for any principles whatsoever.

By your level of intellect, I reckon you figure it was the Republicans' fault that Hussein and L. Hillary left them all to die, and the Republicans told them to lie about a 'despicable video' being the cause of the attack when all at the CIA annex did not die, and their story lived on.

Oh, those mean -spirited Republicans; the things they make cross-eyed stupid Liberals do.

Jessica Buchwald: Well Stan, thank you for giving me yet another example of how rude and insensitive Trump supporters are if someone dares disagree with them...by calling me stupid. Since I have no desire to stoop down to your level of desperation to start an argument, I will just bid you good night sir. I hope you have a nice evening.

Stan Deatherage: Jessica Buchwald, I don't like Trump, but I will vote for him because he is not her, and all she represents. If that is rude and insensitive: "DEAL ME IN!"

A word of advice: Be careful how you throw unsubstantial pseudo facts around. Not everyone is stupid.

There are real folks in America that look askance at drivel masquerading as the facts of Liberals who won't take the time to know stuff.

If my exchange seemed "rude" and "insensitive", then do not come into my space and support the unsupportable with propaganda built by liars. It is one of the few things that i will not tolerate.
( October 28th, 2016 @ 6:55 pm )
Remember this: If L. Hillary gets elected, and then there is a transition of power, where she becomes president. She can stil be impeached, if there are enough patriots in congress.

On another note, the best one liner that I heard today came from FOX News's Carl Cameron: 'It's ironic that the Clinton campaign could be derailed by yet another Weiner probe'.
( October 28th, 2016 @ 5:57 pm )
This will most likely never see a courtroom because the current President can pardon her and Bill. If he does not and she is elected she can actually pardon herself and Bill. Don't forget the last minute pardons that Bill Clinton signed during his last days in office.

It is up to the voters to make a decision in this critical election.


Governor McCrory Releases Statement On Re-Opening Of FBI Investigation Into Hillary Clinton's Emails What is Real, Editorials, Op-Ed & Politics Liberals are Apoplectic Over the Continuance of the Clinton Illegal Server /Email Scandal


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