Hillary & Kerry Warn Military Action Against Russia Despite No Evidence of Russian Hacks | Eastern North Carolina Now

With no evidence to back up their claims, U.S. leaders in the State Department publicly accuse the Putin administration of hacking DNC servers as well as the upcoming presidential elections.

    With no evidence to back up their claims, U.S. leaders in the State Department publicly accuse the Putin administration of hacking DNC servers as well as the upcoming presidential elections.

    On top of this public accusation, members of the Obama administration as well as State Department employees and major media outlets have begun a smear campaign against Vladimir Putin and the Russian government. These smear tactics are being employed for two reasons, which we'll cover shortly.

    First, let's go over what the State Department had to say:

  • "We released this information to put the people doing it on a notice that they're not, quote, 'getting away with it' for free, as well as to put states on notice that we're serious when we say they need to take every measure possible to guarantee the integrity of our elections," Secretary of State John Kerry speaking at the Internet Association's Virtuous Cycle Conference.

    The integrity of our elections? Seriously, John? If there's anything that the Wikileaks data-dumps have revealed so far it's that Hillary Clinton and establishment Democrats ruined the integrity of our election system by stealing the nomination from Bernie Sanders.

    Moreover, the United States has long been known for military and political intervention. Regardless of your opinion, whether the U.S. should mind its own in all situations, whether she should intervene in all situations, or anywhere in between, we can agree that it's gone on for decades. I firmly deny the claims made against Putin, but even if they were true, how could the U.S. ever be justified in calling for military action against another country for "cyber attacks?"

    I'm not saying that hackers who live in Russia haven't tried to attack U.S. servers, but that comes to us from almost every developed country on earth. To single out the Russian government because of hacks that probably didn't happen is ludicrous. "Everybody in the United States is saying that it is Russia which is running the (US) presidential election," said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. He added that there has been no proof offered to back up this claim, I agree. I would also say to Mr. Lavrov that not everyone in the U.S. agrees with these accusations.

  • "Everyone is talking about 'who did it,'" said Vladimir Putin, adding that the "most important thing is what is inside this information."

    He's right. So what was inside the information? Thousands of emails, emails that those involved never thought would be seen.

    The Clinton campaign's director of communications, Jennifer Palmieri, wrote in an email, concerning Catholics:

  • "I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn't understand if they became evangelical."

    Center for American Progress senior fellow John Halpin got in on the trash-talk also, saying that the form of Catholicism practiced by Conservative Catholics is an "an amazing bastardization of the faith." He went even further, adding that:

  • "They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy."

    All parties involved in this particular exchange of emails went on to agree that a major revolution within the Catholic religion and the Christian faith is "necessary."

    Hillary Clinton, along with our State Department head John Kerry, as well as other high-ranking officials within the Obama administration, are attempting to smear Putin and Assad in the hopes that, God forbid we go to war with these two foreign actors (which seems more and more likely by the day,) the American people could be persuaded to support an invasion because of the negative attention given by the media to these nations.

    "You've seen reports. Russia's hacked into a lot of things. China's hacked into a lot of things. Russia even hacked into the Democratic National Committee, maybe even some state election systems." Clinton said during a speech for the American Legion Convention in Ohio. "As president, I will make it clear that the United States will treat cyberattacks just like any other attack. We will be ready with serious political, economic and military responses."

    What reports, Hillary? There's absolutely no evidence to support the claim that Putin or the Russian government has hacked anything.

    They're using the Hackingate argument, as mentioned above, for two main reasons.

    Firstly, they do their best to connect Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin. As usual, the Progressives and Liberals don't allow reality to get in their way as they insist that Trump is seriously connected to the Russian government. If they can convince a chunk of voters that Putin hacked the DNC and our election system, and that Trump has close ties with Putin and the Kremlin, then they can say that Trump is friends with an enemy of the United States.

    Secondly, they're using this argument to divert attention far away from the actual content of the emails released by Wikileaks. As if the DNC emails weren't enough, proving that the Clinton campaign stole the primary from Sanders, the Podesta emails are full of severe, critical content. This is content that Hillary never wanted to get out, but it's out now. They're playing damage-control by trying to divert attention onto Putin, or Trump, or Assad, or, preferably, all three at once.

    Vladimir Putin said that Russian government sites are targeted by hackers thousands of times per day. He added that many of these attacks can be traced by to the U.S., but you don't ever see Putin blaming Washington or the State Department.

    The State Department, the Obama administration, and the Clinton campaign are playing with fire. Putin has called for Russians living abroad to return to their Motherland. This could be an empty threat, but why take the chance? We're nowhere near prepared to survive a missile exchange with the Kremlin. If Hillary Clinton is elected president, moreover, it'll be Syria as well that we go to war with.

    There's a lot at stake people. It's imperative that you educate yourself, discern the truth from all the garbage put out by the mainstream media, and save our country, indeed, our world.

    Until next time, thanks for reading!


  • Russell Allen is a conservative writer and researcher. He is the owner and editor of Conservative Articles, a Conservative news website with opinion articles as well as current-affairs. He's on Twitter as well as Facebook. He's lives in southern-Granville County, NC. Husband to one, father of three, and follower of Christ.

Regardless of who was your champion in this past presidential election: Will you recognize the duly elected leader of the Free World?
  I will never recognize President Donald J. Trump because he is not worthy.
  I will recognize President Donald J. Trump, providing he respects the office in which he holds.
  "At this point, what difference does it make?"
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( October 16th, 2016 @ 1:49 pm )
Damn Bobby Tony, you cut to the heart of the matter once again ... effortlessly.

Liberals tend to examine the messenger for intent rather than the message for its veracity, hence, they tend to keep their arguments personal rather than fact based, because they do not understand the reality of facts, or maybe, they can not interpret the facts.

I think boils down to their collective inability to conceptualize the math of it.
( October 16th, 2016 @ 10:47 am )
The United States has along history of meddling in other country elections under both parties. It is common practice in the international espionage business. That is why each country should have procedures in place (voter ID?, no dead voters, legitimate address & etc) to insure that its elections are honestly reflective of those eligible to vote.

Now, while it is important for the authorities to know the source of a 911 call for help, that is secondary to the call for help. This blame the Russians is merely a deflection away from the contents of the leaked emails. To be fair the source of information is a legitimate area for skepticism but most normal people can hold two ideas in their head at the same time. When the sun rises in the east, do you really need to study the resume of the weatherman?

If you are old enough to remember the McCarthy hearings, the whole progressive backlash then was that any self-respecting Communist citizen had the right to voice his opinions. There is a ditch on both sides of the road. The free flow of information is all that an INFORMED electorate needs to make its decisions. In today's internet environment, unfortunately the burden of truth rest with the recipient and not the originator of the information. Just for the record, everyone is trying to influence the Democratic Process, that is what a Democratic Process is.
( October 16th, 2016 @ 9:23 am )
Plus, I also hear that Trump was not only responsible for the Benghazi terrorist attack, but he actually funded that 'Despicable Video', and found a way to influence the Hussein administration to think in was their idea to employ that 'Despicable, Offensive Video' which, they believed, would be a sufficient distraction to persuade the most stupid Americans to not blame Hussein for his obligatory inaction before, during and after the attack.

You see, that was all Trump's fault too. Now he has been found out.

In reality, America is very divided, and it is not only the politician's fault, it is the fault of people who put them in office. We are a representative government.

A point of fact, regardless of what you think about Trump, Lying Hillary would have not made it through the Republican primary. The only reason that Trump made it through is that most working Americans are pretty pissed, and they will stay pissed, with or without Trump.

Oh, the polls are designed to make a point on issues. They are written by one with clarion thought.
( October 16th, 2016 @ 9:00 am )
The push poll at the bottom is ridiculous. Only a fool would attempt to answer all questions.
( October 16th, 2016 @ 8:59 am )
The intelligence community briefed Trump that Russia was almost certainly behind the hacks on the DNC and the Clinton campaign in an effort to influence our democratic process. Every American should be extremely alarmed by such news and unite to send the most extreme warning to Putin that such interference will not be tollerated because, above partisan politics, we value the democracy that we enjoy due to the sacrifices made by so many patriotic countrymen over the centuries. But rather than unite, Trump seeks to divide Americans and to aid and comfort America's enemy with "plausible denial".

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