The Clinton Saudi Connection: Pay-to-Play, Play-to-Kill | Eastern North Carolina Now

Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt presidential president this country has ever had the terror of going up against. It really is the U.S. Vs Hillary, and everything is at stake.


When grilled by Donald Trump about the ineffectiveness of the vetting system at our southern border, Hillary displayed pure confidence, explaining that if she were to become president she would make the vetting system "as strong as it needs to be."

Despite this concern, she's been very outspoken with her support for bringing in Syrian refugees, and refugees from countries that sponsor terrorist organizations. She has made clear her desire to increase the amount of refugees accepted into the United States by over 500%.

    The only reasonable question I have in response is this: Mrs. Clinton, if you acknowledge the threat of terrorists embedding themselves into groups of refugees, and if you acknowledge the ineffectiveness of our vetting system at weeding these terrorists out, why would you put Americans in very serious danger by allowing refugees to enter our country?

    From the outside looking in, one could almost imagine Hillary Clinton working with the terrorists to bring them into the country.

    It's really not that far of a stretch, either.

    We know that Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest donors to the Clinton Foundation, and they've spent a considerable amount of money on her campaign. And who can blame them? After all, if Clinton becomes the next president, Saudi leaders will have an easier time getting her to make even bigger decisions in their favor.

    When Russia began bombing mile-long lines of ISIS controlled tankers carrying stolen oil from northern Iraq into Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Syria, the world found out that these tankers were actually being waved through Saudi checkpoints. This information really only leads to one possibility: the Saudi government, along with American intelligence agencies as well as the State Department, is working with ISIS, buying stolen oil from the terrorist organization, effectively funding their terror campaigns around the world.

    Saudi Arabia publicly and strongly supports mosques and schools of Islam that are very dangerous to every non-Muslim country on earth. While it is easy to reveal (through rather minor research) that Islam in general is very aggressive toward non-believers and non-Muslim territories, there are plenty of Muslims who do not show these aggressive traits. Saudi Arabia has long shown aggressive traits, however.

    Keep in mind, folks, that this Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, supports Clinton completely. Saudi Arabia has given between $10-20 billion to the Clinton Foundation (a foundation that hoards 98% of the "charitable" donations sent in,) and the Saudis have funded 20% of Clinton's presidential campaign of 2016. And for those of you who doubt the validity of the 20% claim, there are PDF files of the Saudi Prince Mohammed that show his quotes, which were posted then deleted shortly thereafter, explaining that the Saudi government has funded, with "full enthusiasm," at least 20% of Clinton's 2016 run for U.S. President.

    The screenshot below reveals the report published by the Petra News agency, published in English and shortly thereafter deleted, presumably following the instructions of the Clinton campaign to get rid of the document.

    Moreover, Saudi Arabia practices Sharia Law and is extremely oppressive toward women and members of the LGBT community. Any Muslim speaking truth will tell you that the goal of Islam is to spread Sharia Law throughout the world.

    "The Clinton Foundation has accepted tens of millions of dollars from countries that the State Department - before, during and after Mrs. Clinton's time as secretary - criticized for their records on sex discrimination and other human-rights issues[,]" explained Amy Chozick and Steve Eder of the New York Times in an article published August of 2016. "The countries include Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Brunei and Algeria."

    Hillary has faced an avalanche of criticism for her apparent "pay-to-play" favoritism shown toward donor countries prior-to and during her time as Secretary of State under President Obama.

    One example of this is the pipeline that was proposed to run through several Middle Eastern territories, including Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Syria. The purpose of the pipeline was to ease the burden felt by Europe due to the oil situation, in which European countries are forced to get the majority of their oil from Russia.

    All of the countries involved agreed to the terms of the pipeline except for one. Because Syria and Russia are relatively strong allies, Syria, seeing the economic threat the pipeline would pose to Russia, refused to sign on to the plan.

    Shortly thereafter, Syrian "freedom fighters" began protesting Assad and rioting in the streets more frequently, and more violently, than usual. As media outlets reported that Assad was seeking asylum in Russia, he was actually going to Putin to request military assistance in dealing with the Syrian rebels. Russia moved in and cleared the streets.

    From the start, Hillary's State Department and the Obama administration have called for Russia to end their military campaign against "Syrian rebel forces." What Obama, Hillary, and the rest of the mainstream media will not share is that the Syrian rebel forces are terrorists, not Syrian rebels. Media outlets report that ISIS simply "got" some of the weapons provided to rebel forces by the U.S., but the truth is much more sinister. The truth is that ISIS is the Syrian rebel army.

    Russia refused to end their campaign and began bombing ISIS tankers carrying stolen oil into Saudi Arabia (referenced above.) The U.S. State Department and the Obama administration has become so outraged by these bombings that the famous "diplomatic" talks between the U.S., Russia, and Syria ended last Monday at the request of the United States government.

    Russia is smeared within mainstream media outlets just like Hussein was smeared prior to the invasion of Iraq, and just like Gaddafi was smeared prior to military strikes in Libya, and just like Assad is smeared now as U.S. trained, funded, and armed "rebel" forces attack Assad troops day and night. In reality, Russia confirmed that ISIS was profiting $100 million per month off of stolen oil being sold to Turkey and Saudi Arabia. As a result of Russia attacking these ISIS tankers, that number has inevitably gone down.

    Because Saudi Arabia has donated heavily to the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, and the Clinton campaign, our own State Department has scorned Russia publicly for weeks now, going as far as formally accusing them of hacking the DNC server as well as our upcoming elections, despite Obama assuring us that it's not possible because, as he put it, "the Federal government doesn't run the election process..."

    Hillary Clinton is one of the most corrupt presidential candidates I've seen, heard of, read about, etc., etc. As stated, she wants to increase the amount of refugees we take in by more than 500%, despite refugee camps in Syria and Saudi Arabia, hundreds-of-thousands of them empty, capable of housing tens-of-millions of refugees, providing armed security personnel and air-conditioned home tents (not camping tents, large home-sized tents, constructed to withstand wind and dust storms, as well as mobile-style homes and campers.)

Huge refugee camp in Saudi Arabia, mostly empty. There are hundreds-of-thousands of available spots, capable of housing tens-of-millions of refugees.

    Compiling all available information, and being as objective as possible, it's not hard to come to the conclusion that Hillary Clinton has sinister motives concerning her refugee plans. And this isn't the only issue.

    I would urge everyone who reads this article to conduct your own research. Go into it with an open and objective mind. Use the numerous links I've provided as a starting point for your own investigations. When the eureka moment hits you in the face, don't fight it. Embrace it and spread the word.

    We're closer than ever to nuclear war, even closer than we were during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Russia has already begun nuclear shelter drills with Russian citizens. Why are our leaders not telling us about this? There's only so many possible explanations. At some point you have to open your eyes.

    We absolutely must fight back against the progressive globalists who aim at bringing America to her collective knees. We must fight with information. Start a blog, a podcast, or even a Youtube channel. Do your part or you'll be partly to blame for the coming disaster.

    The Progressive Left in this country has deemed anyone that doesn't go along with their twisted agenda a "conspiracy theorist nut." Do NOT be afraid of the trivial labels they put on you.

    Don't write off a story just because the source is questionable. If the story is untrue, your research will tell you. But in a day and age when so much is at stake (literally everything is at stake,) we can't afford to just write off stories that could contain the key to unlocking the evil mind that is Hillary Clinton, or, for lack of a better word, the evil religion of Islam... (Don't hate me, do the research I've done on Islam and you'll understand where I'm coming from. Muhammad, their role model, beheaded almost 1000 people himself. Could you imagine Christ beheading people?)

    I hate to sound repetitive, but stop worrying about what you'll be called. This is no time for social anxiety. This is the time for war. I don't mean war in the sense that Hillary wants war with Russia and Syria, which would destroy America as we're no match for the nuclear powerhouse that is the Kremlin, but war in the sense of a War of Information.

    Until next time,


  • Russell Allen is a Conservative writer and researcher. He is the owner and editor at Conservative Articles, a Conservative News website with opinion articles as well as current-affairs articles. He's on Twitter @ConservArticles as well as Facebook. He's lives in southern-Granville County, NC. Husband to one, father of three, and follower of Christ.

Regardless of who was your champion in this past presidential election: Will you recognize the duly elected leader of the Free World?
  I will never recognize President Donald J. Trump because he is not worthy.
  I will recognize President Donald J. Trump, providing he respects the office in which he holds.
  "At this point, what difference does it make?"
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