My Newest Writing Adventure | Eastern North Carolina Now

Well, it was bound to happen. I've embarked on a new writing adventure.

    Publisher's note: Please join me in welcoming our newest contributor to BCN, Kathy Manos Penn, a native of the "Big Apple", by way of the "Peach City" - Atlanta. Kathy, a former English teacher, authors The Ink Penn blog and is now happily retired from a corporate career in communications.

    Well, it was bound to happen. I've embarked on a new writing adventure. My Dunwoody Crier newspaper column, my blog and my contributions to BCN were born of a passion for writing. It seems I made the right decision oh-so-many years ago when I chose to major in English, my favorite subject, rather than something more practical like Business. I attempted poetry and once wrote a short story but never seriously pursued writing. In fact, I'd all but forgotten those endeavors until recently.

    Who knew that my degrees in English would take me from teaching high school English to a three-decade career in banking to a job as a columnist? In my corporate career, my various managers sooner or later discovered I could write, and I'd end up as the communications queen no matter my role. Even better, I enjoyed the work.

    Eventually, I moved into a position where writing was my primary responsibility. My team and I crafted presentations, training materials, and more. I even briefly wrote a leadership blog for our larger team. As a self-proclaimed word nerd and grammar geek, I was in heaven; I was able to indulge my passion for writing and also work with great people.

    So how did I come to be a columnist? I was reading The Dunwoody Crier one day when inspiration struck. Why not write a few articles highlighting the connections I'd made by reading the weekly paper? I wanted to promote our local businesses and the paper, and, goodness knows, with the economy in dire straits at the time, both needed support. I had no journalism experience, but I thought, "What do I have to lose by trying?"

    I pitched the idea to the editor of The Crier, and, lo and behold; he offered me a job as a columnist. Thus began my side job. I find my topics in everyday life-the deer in the yard, a bicycle ride, my yoga class, holidays, our local July 4th parade, and trips here and there.

    It wasn't long before I wanted another outlet for my writing and began a blog. My blog gives me the freedom to write about whatever strikes my fancy. I may be inspired by reading an article in the Wall Street Journal, listening to NPR, seeing a Disney movie on TV, or chatting with a friend. Lately, my dog Banjo has been trying his hand−I mean paw−at writing the blog. He's getting lots of praise, though he tells me he'd prefer belly-rubs.

    And now, drumroll please, I'm embarking on my latest adventure−publishing a collection of my columns and blogs in time for the holiday season. I'd had the idea for a while, but retiring last year prompted me to act on it.

    And that, BCN readers, is where you come in. You've accompanied me on this ride and, in many ways, have been the impetus for the book. Your comments on my BCN posts motivate me to write more, write better, leap tall buildings−oh wait; I got carried away. Suffice it to say your response brings a smile to my face and keeps me keeping on. Many thanks to one and all.

    I picture the book as one to keep on the nightstand for a daily smile, to place in your guest rooms, and to give to friends and family as the perfect hostess gift or stocking stuffer. Stay tuned for updates on how to purchase the book. Yes, it will be on Amazon. I look forward to you joining me on the next stage of the journey.
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( September 17th, 2016 @ 8:00 pm )
Promote away. "We're here to help."
( September 17th, 2016 @ 5:23 pm )
You just never know what will be next. In another month, I DO plan to write a piece on my publisher and my experience and list where the book can be found. I'll be shamelessly promoting my book in my columns in the Dunwoody Crier and here! I am fortunate to have seven local shops signed up to offer the book, but need to get cracking on a more comprehensive marketing plan.
( September 17th, 2016 @ 5:15 pm )
That sounds like a grand adventure. Perhaps you can generate an article on the trials of a self published book or dealing with a publisher.

Good Luck.
( September 17th, 2016 @ 12:55 pm )
Thanks Stan!
( September 17th, 2016 @ 12:43 pm )
I wish you well with your new publication.

These pages will be filled with personable musing that most folks will find touching, amusing and just plain real.

Your personal way with words have the power to communicate well to those of us living our days one at a time, and trying to make just a piece of the sense of it all.

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