WWLD: "Occupy Wall Street" - it's their job | Eastern North Carolina Now

"THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING, THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING:" The hackneyed refrain, oft-repeated in unison, when Liberals, and, or their children congregate en masse is very true; however, one has to question, "What are we watching here and now on New York City's Wall Street?"

    Publisher's note: WWLD (What Would Liberals Do?) continues, as we take a quick peak at those protestors who now occupy Wall Street, and are beginning to occupy the hearts and minds of most well healed Liberals everywhere.

    What is an on going gag reel for our entertainment here at BCN is a very real avocation for these protestors, which is also very funny, as well as being very sad. We take this short look now, and we hope to revisit it later, if only for a few laughs, regardless of how sad it will ultimately, and very surely, become.

    "THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING, THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING:" The hackneyed refrain, oft-repeated in unison, when Liberals, and, or their children congregate en masse is very true; however, one has to question, "What are we watching here and now on New York City's Wall Street?"

    I know what I see when I look into the collective face of these protestors participating in the "Occupy Wall Street" movement. I see mostly fresh faced, highly, and probably over educated young men and women, all with very soft hands, expressing themselves in a manner that speaks more to their group sociological background than the work-a-day society that they have yet to graduate to. Their words are very telling, their actions reinforce their words.

    The vast majority of these people taking time away from their jobs, or from looking for a job, or from seeking the available training to upgrade their ability to function in today's workforce, obviously have a message. I just have a hard time taking them seriously.

    Shortly after the onset of this ongoing event, I watched an older (probably 35 to 40) disheveled out-of-work protestor remark to Larry Kudlow on CNBC, "They're taking away our democracy, man."

    This comment alone speaks volumes about the intellectual background of this individual, and those he represents here on national television. It also could be a great barometer of the quality of "weed" that many must be smoking in the "Occupy" delegation, and that "weed" has got to be of the highest grade, by evaluating just that one simple comment.

    Consider that somebody is taking away this man's democracy, and one has to wonder: How?

    Are the authorities, he questions, taking away this man's right to legitimately vote in all lawful elections, because they certainly are not taking away his right to congregate in an assembly of his likeminded comrades. Maybe the inarticulate protestor does not realize that he does not live in a Democracy. Outside of early colonial New England, and since 1776, this nation has been a Republic, not a Democracy.

    Sadly, this spokesman for Occupy Wall Street," who can't keep a job, did not realize this ... man. I suppose teaching history or civics is out of the question in his possible work related future.

    "A government is an entity which holds the monopolistic right to initiate force," which was one of the ranted phrases on their ever comical website, occupywallst.org. Like it or not, that aforementioned rant is very true. That is how government in the United States of America works, and has worked accordingly, as it does now, since the creation of our Constitution in 1789.

    Since we live in a Republic, which is obviously lost on the majority of these young protestors, we must depend on our politicians, who are elected democratically, to legislate their "monopolistic right to initiate force" wisely. That is just the way it is, and all these protests to the contrary will remain unheeded. Sorry. Get involved politically to effect democratic change, or remain an integral component of this ongoing "Occupy Wall Street" gag reel, which just keeps getting funnier with each new segment. It is up to you. I don't really care. I actually dig the comedy. Stupid is always funny.

    One young unemployed female protestor was asked, "Would you take a job for 150,00.00 if you were offered that job by a banker?"

    Young unemployed female protester: "No way, man, I would never work for those people."

    Here we are still engaged in the remnants of this Great Recession, where our real unemployment is closer to 17%, and this young woman protests, in part, that no jobs are not being created by industry, and yet she would "turn up her nose" to a good paying job offered by a banker. Obviously, she is not truly interested in finding gainful employment, or she has never truly been hungry. One has to wonder: Does this young woman support herself, and her high-minded principals, or does her daddy? Regardless, I do not see her as an essential cog in America's future workforce.

    New York Times Columnist, Thomas Friedman, was recently published in his new book, The World is Flat, and recently commented on CNBC, and I paraphrase, "Because of the world wide economy, our American workforce will need to be better trained, and show up ready to work. I believe our American workforce has that capability if we return to the values that once made our workforce one of the greatest the world has ever known."

    I have to wonder just what job skills these occupiers of Wall Street, many of them paid by global financial manipulators, like Socialist George Soros, are gaining while ranting slogans like, "THEY GOT BAILED OUT; WE GOT SOLD OUT."

    Ironically, one of my Liberal friends, Mike Hayes (who may not be as Liberal as he pretends to be, and is published in BCN), remarked to me his opinion on these young, and collectively very funny folks occupying Wall Street.

    Mike Hayes: "Once when I was with my Boston-Irish father, who has always worked really hard his whole life, he drove by a protest, like these people on Wall Street, rolled down the window of his car and shouted, 'GET A JOB, YOU LOUSY BUMS.' That made a big impression on me, and that is why I will always do everything I can to keep a job."

    Sound advice, worth repeating to those funny folks within the "Occupy Wall Street" movement: "GET A JOB, YOU LOUSY BUMS." And then, "do everything you can to keep the job."

    Probably, they will have to get smarter first. They certainly are humorous enough right now, and I suppose we should all be thankful for that.

    Publisher's note: The videos below may be disturbing to some. I just find them incredibly funny.

    This first video is basically Michael Moore meets the movement. Check out how the protesters mimic his every word.

    This second video is the reality of what might happen when you follow the tenants of Michael Moore.

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( October 9th, 2011 @ 1:13 pm )
We agree on much my liberal friend.

The one overarching theme that I gleaned from the videos of these dislocated children is that they appeared to have soft hands, and when they spoke, the they gave the obvious appearance of having soft minds.

There are others piggybacking on the energy of this growing movement, but their opinions are lost in the haze of atmospheric stupidity.
( October 9th, 2011 @ 9:58 am )
Another aspect of these protest movements from the left is that they are trying to relive the 60's. The slogans are the same, the angst is the same, and the lack of employment is the same.
( October 9th, 2011 @ 9:55 am )
As a liberal and former protester, I find Stan's comments to be spot on. The only thing that I would add is that protesters in general-- left wing or right wing-- are typically filled with folks that have entirely too much time on their hands and read way too much of writings that agree with their own ideological perspective. One of my favorite professors at UMASS was a lead scholar at the conservative think-tank, The American Enterprise Institute. His advice to me was to, "always be careful of overstating issues. Overreaction makes you look silly." That hit me hard back then; it remains true today.

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