Obama 'Gets his Che On' | Eastern North Carolina Now

American Democrats' first really cool president, Barack Hussein Obama, has now achieved near normalized relations with Communist, dictatorial Cuba.

He keeps it real by staying cool, collected; reaching out to Communists, offending few enemies, while his nuanced politically correct governing keeps Liberals in tow.

    American Democrats' first really cool president, Barack Hussein Obama, has now achieved near normalized relations with Communist, dictatorial Cuba. Working hand in steel glove with the Castro brothers, Fidel and Raúl, Hussein Obama has done what no other modern American president has accomplished in modern times, he has cozied-up to a Communist, dictatorial regime, and not since President Calvin Coolidge has an American president visited the island state. Of course, in January, 1928, President Coolidge visited a Democratic Republic patterned after the United States' government, and there is a reason for that ...

    In 1898, the expeditionary forces of the United States liberated the Cuban people, after nearly 400 years of subjugation from the colonial /imperial grip of Spain. Rather than conquering the nation, the United States government allowed Cuba to become a protectorate of this nation, and, therefore, one can understand why the sensible, intelligent American people resisted allowing the brutal Castro regime of dictatorial Communism - the ultimate tyranny in our northern hemisphere here in modern times.

    Now, Barack the Cool, Hussein the Wise, has normalized relations with the only Communist country in our World hemisphere, and he did it by executive fiat alone. The United States fought a war, The Spanish American War (1898-1901), in part, to remove foreign European Imperial powers from our hemisphere, which made Cuba free. Now, Hussein Obama used his "phone and his pen" to legitimize tyranny only 90 miles from our shore.
The Obamas on yet another family vacation; this time to Cuba: Above. Hussein Obama ceremoniously sending the first postal correspondence to Cuba in over 50 years: Below.
    While listening to, and reading some of our cool president's speech, I imagined that committed Communists and Socialists would be truly inspired; however, no true American patriot would be satisfied with this presentation to the regime ... not one with a full working brain.

    Why, pray tell?

    During the nearly 38 minute speech, pausing only to bask in the glow of applause from committed Communists and Socialists, the Democrats' president spoke in a manner that was relatively empathetic to the struggle of the good Cuban people against tyranny; born by the deeds of ... the United States(?):

    Hussein: "Before 1959, some Americans saw Cuba as something to exploit, ignored poverty, enabled corruption. And since 1959, we've been shadow-boxers in this battle of geopolitics and personalities. I know the history, but I refuse to be trapped by it."

    Regarding real history, Professorial Obama lectured America, the one that patriots like me embrace, by proxy of the Cuban tyrannical regime he addressed, where he spoke exclusively of the promise of Cuba, 'in spite of past American intervention', while not even mentioning the Spanish American War. A war where: America sacrificed the blood of our own patriots to liberate, in part, these very Cubans; and a past American president, at the ripe age of 39, displayed incredible valor while leading his volunteer regiment of Rough Riders at The Battle of San Juan Heights. President Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican, was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for heroism in that bloody and decisive battle. Theodore Roosevelt, considered by every real historian as one of America's top 6 presidents was not mentioned by Hussein as well.

    After exhibiting a solidarity, a political symbiosis with the 'Cuban People', the Democrats' really cool president met with Cuba's leaders, the Cuban people of Havana, had his picture made in front of a gigantic image of Che Guevara, and took in a Cuban baseball game, and did the wave with Raúl, while ISIS struck Brussels, Belgium. After nearly 8 long years in our presidential office, this is the Hussein Obama I well know.

    Here below is the Barack Hussein Obama Address to Cuba:

Remarks by President Obama to the People of Cuba

    Gran Teatro de la Habana,  •  Havana, Cuba  •  10:10 A.M. CST

    PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you. (Applause.) Muchas gracias. Thank you so much. Thank you very much.

    President Castro, the people of Cuba, thank you so much for the warm welcome that I have received, that my family have received, and that our delegation has received. It is an extraordinary honor to be here today.

    Before I begin, please indulge me. I want to comment on the terrorist attacks that have taken place in Brussels. The thoughts and the prayers of the American people are with the people of Belgium. We stand in solidarity with them in condemning these outrageous attacks against innocent people. We will do whatever is necessary to support our friend and ally, Belgium, in bringing to justice those who are responsible. And this is yet another reminder that the world must unite, we must be together, regardless of nationality, or race, or faith, in fighting against the scourge of terrorism. We can -- and will -- defeat those who threaten the safety and security of people all around the world.

    To the government and the people of Cuba, I want to thank you for the kindness that you've shown to me and Michelle, Malia, Sasha, and my mother-in-law, Marian.

    "Cultivo una rosa blanca." (Applause.) In his most famous poem, Jose Marti made this offering of friendship and peace to both his friend and his enemy. Today, as the President of the United States of America, I offer the Cuban people el saludo de paz. (Applause.)

    Havana is only 90 miles from Florida, but to get here we had to travel a great distance -- over barriers of history and ideology; barriers of pain and separation. The blue waters beneath Air Force One once carried American battleships to this island -- to liberate, but also to exert control over Cuba. Those waters also carried generations of Cuban revolutionaries to the United States, where they built support for their cause. And that short distance has been crossed by hundreds of thousands of Cuban exiles -- on planes and makeshift rafts -- who came to America in pursuit of freedom and opportunity, sometimes leaving behind everything they owned and every person that they loved.

    Like so many people in both of our countries, my lifetime has spanned a time of isolation between us. The Cuban Revolution took place the same year that my father came to the United States from Kenya. The Bay of Pigs took place the year that I was born. The next year, the entire world held its breath, watching our two countries, as humanity came as close as we ever have to the horror of nuclear war. As the decades rolled by, our governments settled into a seemingly endless confrontation, fighting battles through proxies. In a world that remade itself time and again, one constant was the conflict between the United States and Cuba.

    I have come here to bury the last remnant of the Cold War in the Americas. (Applause.) I have come here to extend the hand of friendship to the Cuban people. (Applause.)

    I want to be clear: The differences between our governments over these many years are real and they are important. I'm sure President Castro would say the same thing -- I know, because I've heard him address those differences at length. But before I discuss those issues, we also need to recognize how much we share. Because in many ways, the United States and Cuba are like two brothers who've been estranged for many years, even as we share the same blood.

    We both live in a new world, colonized by Europeans. Cuba, like the United States, was built in part by slaves brought here from Africa. Like the United States, the Cuban people can trace their heritage to both slaves and slave-owners. We've welcomed both immigrants who came a great distance to start new lives in the Americas.

    Over the years, our cultures have blended together. Dr. Carlos Finlay's work in Cuba paved the way for generations of doctors, including Walter Reed, who drew on Dr. Finlay's work to help combat Yellow Fever. Just as Marti wrote some of his most famous words in New York, Ernest Hemingway made a home in Cuba, and found inspiration in the waters of these shores. We share a national past-time -- La Pelota -- and later today our players will compete on the same Havana field that Jackie Robinson played on before he made his Major League debut. (Applause.) And it's said that our greatest boxer, Muhammad Ali, once paid tribute to a Cuban that he could never fight -- saying that he would only be able to reach a draw with the great Cuban, Teofilo Stevenson. (Applause.)

    So even as our governments became adversaries, our people continued to share these common passions, particularly as so many Cubans came to America. In Miami or Havana, you can find places to dance the Cha-Cha-Cha or the Salsa, and eat ropa vieja. People in both of our countries have sung along with Celia Cruz or Gloria Estefan, and now listen to reggaeton or Pitbull. (Laughter.) Millions of our people share a common religion -- a faith that I paid tribute to at the Shrine of our Lady of Charity in Miami, a peace that Cubans find in La Cachita.

    For all of our differences, the Cuban and American people share common values in their own lives. A sense of patriotism and a sense of pride -- a lot of pride. A profound love of family. A passion for our children, a commitment to their education. And that's why I believe our grandchildren will look back on this period of isolation as an aberration, as just one chapter in a longer story of family and of friendship.

    But we cannot, and should not, ignore the very real differences that we have -- about how we organize our governments, our economies, and our societies. Cuba has a one-party system; the United States is a multi-party democracy. Cuba has a socialist economic model; the United States is an open market. Cuba has emphasized the role and rights of the state; the United States is founded upon the rights of the individual.

    Despite these differences, on December 17th 2014, President Castro and I announced that the United States and Cuba would begin a process to normalize relations between our countries. (Applause.) Since then, we have established diplomatic relations and opened embassies. We've begun initiatives to cooperate on health and agriculture, education and law enforcement. We've reached agreements to restore direct flights and mail service. We've expanded commercial ties, and increased the capacity of Americans to travel and do business in Cuba.

    And these changes have been welcomed, even though there are still opponents to these policies. But still, many people on both sides of this debate have asked: Why now? Why now?

    There is one simple answer: What the United States was doing was not working. We have to have the courage to acknowledge that truth. A policy of isolation designed for the Cold War made little sense in the 21st century. The embargo was only hurting the Cuban people instead of helping them. And I've always believed in what Martin Luther King, Jr. called "the fierce urgency of now" -- we should not fear change, we should embrace it. (Applause.)

    That leads me to a bigger and more important reason for these changes: Creo en el pueblo Cubano. I believe in the Cuban people. (Applause.) This is not just a policy of normalizing relations with the Cuban government. The United States of America is normalizing relations with the Cuban people. (Applause.)

    And today, I want to share with you my vision of what our future can be. I want the Cuban people -- especially the young people -- to understand why I believe that you should look to the future with hope; not the false promise which insists that things are better than they really are, or the blind optimism that says all your problems can go away tomorrow. Hope that is rooted in the future that you can choose and that you can shape, and that you can build for your country.

    I'm hopeful because I believe that the Cuban people are as innovative as any people in the world.

    In a global economy, powered by ideas and information, a country's greatest asset is its people. In the United States, we have a clear monument to what the Cuban people can build: it's called Miami. Here in Havana, we see that same talent in cuentapropistas, cooperatives and old cars that still run. El Cubano inventa del aire. (Applause.)

    Cuba has an extraordinary resource -- a system of education which values every boy and every girl. (Applause.) And in recent years, the Cuban government has begun to open up to the world, and to open up more space for that talent to thrive. In just a few years, we've seen how cuentapropistas can succeed while sustaining a distinctly Cuban spirit. Being self-employed is not about becoming more like America, it's about being yourself.

    Look at Sandra Lidice Aldama, who chose to start a small business. Cubans, she said, can "innovate and adapt without losing our identity...our secret is in not copying or imitating but simply being ourselves."

    Look at Papito Valladeres, a barber, whose success allowed him to improve conditions in his neighborhood. "I realize I'm not going to solve all of the world's problems," he said. "But if I can solve problems in the little piece of the world where I live, it can ripple across Havana."

    That's where hope begins -- with the ability to earn your own living, and to build something you can be proud of. That's why our policies focus on supporting Cubans, instead of hurting them. That's why we got rid of limits on remittances -- so ordinary Cubans have more resources. That's why we're encouraging travel -- which will build bridges between our people, and bring more revenue to those Cuban small businesses. That's why we've opened up space for commerce and exchanges -- so that Americans and Cubans can work together to find cures for diseases, and create jobs, and open the door to more opportunity for the Cuban people.

    As President of the United States, I've called on our Congress to lift the embargo. (Applause.) It is an outdated burden on the Cuban people. It's a burden on the Americans who want to work and do business or invest here in Cuba. It's time to lift the embargo. But even if we lifted the embargo tomorrow, Cubans would not realize their potential without continued change here in Cuba. (Applause.) It should be easier to open a business here in Cuba. A worker should be able to get a job directly with companies who invest here in Cuba. Two currencies shouldn't separate the type of salaries that Cubans can earn. The Internet should be available across the island, so that Cubans can connect to the wider world -- (applause) -- and to one of the greatest engines of growth in human history.

    There's no limitation from the United States on the ability of Cuba to take these steps. It's up to you. And I can tell you as a friend that sustainable prosperity in the 21st century depends upon education, health care, and environmental protection. But it also depends on the free and open exchange of ideas. If you can't access information online, if you cannot be exposed to different points of view, you will not reach your full potential. And over time, the youth will lose hope.

    I know these issues are sensitive, especially coming from an American President. Before 1959, some Americans saw Cuba as something to exploit, ignored poverty, enabled corruption. And since 1959, we've been shadow-boxers in this battle of geopolitics and personalities. I know the history, but I refuse to be trapped by it. (Applause.)

    I've made it clear that the United States has neither the capacity, nor the intention to impose change on Cuba. What changes come will depend upon the Cuban people. We will not impose our political or economic system on you. We recognize that every country, every people, must chart its own course and shape its own model. But having removed the shadow of history from our relationship, I must speak honestly about the things that I believe -- the things that we, as Americans, believe. As Marti said, "Liberty is the right of every man to be honest, to think and to speak without hypocrisy."

    So let me tell you what I believe. I can't force you to agree, but you should know what I think. I believe that every person should be equal under the law. (Applause.) Every child deserves the dignity that comes with education, and health care and food on the table and a roof over their heads. (Applause.) I believe citizens should be free to speak their mind without fear -- (applause) -- to organize, and to criticize their government, and to protest peacefully, and that the rule of law should not include arbitrary detentions of people who exercise those rights. (Applause.) I believe that every person should have the freedom to practice their faith peacefully and publicly. (Applause.) And, yes, I believe voters should be able to choose their governments in free and democratic elections. (Applause.)

    Not everybody agrees with me on this. Not everybody agrees with the American people on this. But I believe those human rights are universal. (Applause.) I believe they are the rights of the American people, the Cuban people, and people around the world.

    Now, there's no secret that our governments disagree on many of these issues. I've had frank conversations with President Castro. For many years, he has pointed out the flaws in the American system -- economic inequality; the death penalty; racial discrimination; wars abroad. That's just a sample. He has a much longer list. (Laughter.) But here's what the Cuban people need to understand: I welcome this open debate and dialogue. It's good. It's healthy. I'm not afraid of it.

    We do have too much money in American politics. But, in America, it's still possible for somebody like me -- a child who was raised by a single mom, a child of mixed race who did not have a lot of money -- to pursue and achieve the highest office in the land. That's what's possible in America. (Applause.)

    We do have challenges with racial bias -- in our communities, in our criminal justice system, in our society -- the legacy of slavery and segregation. But the fact that we have open debates within America's own democracy is what allows us to get better. In 1959, the year that my father moved to America, it was illegal for him to marry my mother, who was white, in many American states. When I first started school, we were still struggling to desegregate schools across the American South. But people organized; they protested; they debated these issues; they challenged government officials. And because of those protests, and because of those debates, and because of popular mobilization, I'm able to stand here today as an African-American and as President of the United States. That was because of the freedoms that were afforded in the United States that we were able to bring about change.
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( March 24th, 2016 @ 7:59 am )
Agreed Stan and Alex,

President Obama has consistently used cloaked gestures and images to demonstrate to his fellow compatriots around the world that he supports their philosophy. In my opinion, the blockbuster sales of his books were just a mechanism to transfer money to him from his liberal supporters. That is a legal and appropriate technique used by all sides to repay past or future favors. It is a part of our free speech protection and I have no problem with that but many do not recognize it as just a transfer mechanism for money. Unfortunately, not too many citizens read the books where he does not cloak his beliefs but told us "Who he was".

We the people have allowed this to occur. Jefferson was right when he said:

"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny". Thomas Jefferson
( March 23rd, 2016 @ 11:19 pm )
Bobby Tony,

When Hussein says, "it's not who we are", I don't believe he knows who we are, or: Why would Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz be doing so well in this election season? Wait, drop Bernie.

"Who we are" is pissed off. And the only way a Democrat gets elected in 2016 is if people, who speak extremely poor English, vote in huge numbers for the free stuff that we patriots pay for.
( March 23rd, 2016 @ 10:50 pm )
Great sarcasm Alex.

Hussein is truly a man of many words and very little action. When he speaks about coming together, I think he is just rallying Liberals for the next Global Warming or LGBT ... Q conference.
( March 23rd, 2016 @ 10:01 pm )
Give him credit.
He is only looking out for the American People.
We don't have any beaches in the Good Ole USofA & he is down there begging to get us some beach time.

Another thought...
A talking head last night said he ought to cut short his trip.
Come back home & organize the effort to protect us & spearhead the effort to go destroy ISIS.
Obama probably heard that comment & said to Michelle, "Even if I went home, I'm not going to be doing that protecting & spearheading stuff, so I might as well go to the baseball game. Besides, I promised Raul."
( March 23rd, 2016 @ 1:26 pm )
I just saw the POTUS speech in Argentina and I wish the hell that President Obama would stop telling me "That is not who we are". I am not too sure he has a clue on who we are much less who I am. Based on his lack of understanding on who the Terrorist are, it does not comfort me that he thinks he understands the founding principles of our country and why the USA is still one of the best examples of a republic based on the rule of law and not men.

I guess I am not the only one who has noticed President Obama's tendency to overuse this phrase. Check out this link for 46 repeats of the phrase.


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