Ben Carson asks for money Updated March 6, 2016 Final Update | Eastern North Carolina Now

Ben Carson drops out of primary but explains his vision of America

    "The following is an coupleof emal request for donation from the Ben Carson campaign. I admit that I have contributed to his campaign for no other reason than I thought it would be worthy to have an adult in the race with a rational and considered opinion. Showmanship is not his style and I am not endorsing him, but I am in the habit of supporting people who are honestly trying to rise above the rough and tumble of today's politics. Presented here just as a matter of interest so you can form your own opinion.The letters are followed by his final speech dropping out at the CPAC convention.Bobby Tony"

    R. Anthony,

    Last night's debate was ugly, vicious, and not worthy of the American people.

    There's a reason that the first word in my campaign slogan is "heal," and last night it was there for everyone to see. The cancer of divisiveness is corroding our politics and the soul of our nation and if we don't fix it, nothing else matters.

    It's very easy to get pulled down into the mud. The media and our political class thrive on it. But I got into this race for bigger reasons, and I will continue to stay focused on the big picture.

    Looking under the hood of what runs Washington, D.C. would cause any rational person to run in the other direction. For a time, I put myself in that category.

    But this is about the future for our children and grandchildren. This is about the American people and the survival of our Republic -- and we simply cannot afford to lose this election.

    If I have the honor of serving as your President, I will be accountable to all and beholden to none. My only goal will be to champion the average American whose voice has been ignored, and fight to defend our liberties, our values and our unique way of life.

    R. Anthony, we don't have to accept the way things are. We have the power to create real and lasting change, and I want to be the vessel through which you and all of your fellow Americans can create that positive change.

    But we will only be successful if you are willing to continue to invest in this campaign. We've gone from 17 candidates down to 6 and our fight will only get more difficult.

    I ask you to stand with me right now by making an urgent donation.

    Last night's debate was an ugly reminder of the nastiness and divisiveness of our politics. The South Carolina primary is now just 6 days away and we have an opportunity to reset the table.

    We have a real chance to show the media and the political class that values and decency still matter, that solutions and substance still matter, and that "We the People" will never allow our country to be ripped apart.

    Please, stand with me right now and make an urgent donation of any amount.

    Thank you for your faith in me, and your incredible dedication to this campaign.


    Ben Carson


    Update from Ben Carson to contributors: I received this update via email to day and just wanted to include it at the end of my previous post. No content has been edited or changed in this or the original email from Ben.

    March 2, 2016

    R. Anthony,

    As one of my most dedicated supporters, I wanted you to hear this directly from me.

    I have decided not to attend the Fox News GOP Presidential Debate tomorrow night in Detroit.

    Even though I will not be in my hometown of Detroit on Thursday, I remain deeply committed to my home nation, America.

    I do not see a political path forward in light of last evening's Super Tuesday primary results.

    However, this grassroots movement on behalf of "We the People" will continue.

    Along with millions of patriots who have supported my campaign for President, I remain committed to saving America for future generations. We must not depart from our goals to restore what God and our Founders intended for this exceptional nation.

    I appreciate the support, financial and otherwise, from all corners of America.

    Gratefully, my campaign decisions are not constrained by finances; rather by what is in the best interest of the American people.

    I will discuss more about the future of this movement during my speech on Friday at CPAC in Washington, D.C.

    Thank you for everything.


Ben Carson

Here is Ben Carson's full speech at CPAC where he explains his beliefs and announces he is dropping out of the presidential primary. This explains why I donated to his campaign in hopes that he may be able to provide some counterbalance to the excesses of the other candidates who are still practicing the "Art of the Election".

Ben Carson full CPAC speech
   Apparently Mr. Smith will not be going to Washington and stuff like that really only does happen in the movies.

Final update March 6,2016

    Below is the final update on this post from Dr. Carson. Here he summarizes his participation in the primary and offers his hope for the future. Thank you for allowing me to provide this historical documentation of his efforts to affect our future. Perhaps we can look back on this after the election and see if Dr. Carson provided some stability to a very contentious election.Bobby Tony

    R. Anthony,

    Late yesterday, I announced that I am suspending my campaign for President. I'd like to thank you for your incredible support and tell you more about my decision, my thoughts on the campaign overall, and my plans moving forward.

    I have lived a blessed life and achieved more success than I ever dreamed was possible.

    Running for President was never on my bucket list, and when I was drafted by a grassroots movement asking me to do so, it was not a decision that I made lightly.

    However, I believed that my values, life experience and common sense solutions put me in a position to help get our nation back on track for the sake of our children and grandchildren. This grueling endeavor would not have been worth it for any other reason.

    When I began exploring a run for President as a private citizen detached from the political class, I had neither a political team nor a national network of wealthy donors standing by waiting to support me.

    We had to build a grassroots campaign from scratch by reaching out to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible and through every means possible, resulting in indisputable success.

    This movement consistently outraised the entire Republican field, got onto every ballot and built a 50-state, bricks-and-mortar campaign infrastructure to share my story, values and solutions.

    It was an historic feat, and I'll be forever grateful to my team and my incredible supporters, financial and otherwise, from all corners of America.

    I hope my presence added a measure of civility to the race, raised issues that would not otherwise have been discussed and had an overall positive impact. While our political efforts must come to a close, gratefully, this grassroots movement has given new voice to "We the People" and inspired millions.

    I may be departing the campaign trail, but I will not be departing the scene. Instead, for the rest of my life, I will continue to work tirelessly to do everything I can to save America for the next generation.

    I will be working on a number of initiatives, including serving as honorary chair of My Faith Votes, a non-profit organization dedicated to mobilizing the 25 million evangelicals who didn't vote in the last election. The twin pillars of faith and family are under attack, and I will work to strengthen our nation by preserving them both.

    I have committed to not endorse a specific individual, but rather "We the People." Though many today are making decisions based on fear and anger, I trust their judgment to logically examine the candidates and make the right decision by looking at:

  • whether they've demonstrated significant accomplishments over their lives and careers;
  • if they have ideas that are clear and policies that are easy to find;
  • how they treat their family and others, as that is how they will lead the country;
  • what they have done to improve the lives of their fellow Americans;
  • the people they are with, what they are saying and how they collaborate with others;
  • • their ethics, because what America needs is "trickle-down ethics."

    Conservatives should not be embarrassed by capitalism but must couple it with compassion to lift people out of a culture of dependency and provide ladders of opportunity for all Americans to be a part of the fabric of society.

    People need to understand this is a most important election, in which we are deciding whether we allow the government to dictate our rights and take care of our needs, or whether individuals will rise up and take responsibility in an atmosphere of opportunity for all.

    The bottom line is, "We the People" are the ones making the decisions; but in order to do that, we must become active and informed, not manipulated by the political class and media.

    Along with millions of patriots who have supported my campaign for President, I remain committed to saving America for future generations. We must not depart from our goal of restoring what God and our Founders intended for this exceptional nation.

    Equally important, we need to understand that Republicans are not each others' enemies. We need to engage in conversation and challenge each others' positions, not fight each other. Conservatives need to unify so that that we do not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and put another secular progressive in the White House.

    Again, thank you for your support. I will never forget you, and I hope we'll be able to work side by side for years to come.


    Ben Carson
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