Donald Trump Exposed | Eastern North Carolina Now

A few days ago an investigative reporter did a look back on the history of businessman, Donald Trump

    A few days ago an investigative reporter did a look back on the history of businessman, Donald Trump:

             •  "Most progressives and liberals have long suspected Donald Trump is a fraud. Thanks to an investigative reporter who has been dogging the Trumpster for over a quarter of a century, there is documentation of his numerous fraudulent acts and behaviors. In addition, there are a number of questions that the media should be asking that would doubtless prove that Donald Trump without a question is a total fraud."

             •  "Trump was successfully sued by the Attorney General of New York for running an "illegal educational institution"? Students at "Trump University" paid a whopping $35,000 for "Elite" mentorships - but never even saw their mentor. And here's a juicy little fact that fans of The Godfather and The Sopranos should appreciate: the contracting firm that constructed Trump Tower was owned by a pair of gentlemen who went by the monikers of "Fat Tony" Salerno and "Big Paul" Castellano."

             •  "Trump was found guilty in federal court of cheating immigrant workers hired to demolish a multi-story building. He paid them less than $5 per hour under the table. He didn't even furnish them with hard hats. Oh, and all that talk from Trump about how he's a "self-made billionaire"? It turns out that he had a bit of help from the taxpayers of New York. The mayor of NYC at the time, Abe Beame, happened to be good buddies with Donny-boy's Daddy, Fred Trump. That little connection got Donald a tax abatement on a mid-town Manhattan property (right next door to Grand Central Station) in 1976. That was the old Commodore Hotel, which today is the Grand Hyatt New York. As of 2016, that little deal that his daddy made for him will have cost taxpayers $400 million."

    These facts are just the start on how the rich "chuck and jive" to evade taxes and get favors from politicians in order to be "self-made billionaires." If ever there were a charlatan and egotistical success--- THE DONALD is just such!

    To me, there has been a terrible change in American Ethics since John Kennedy was killed to keep us in the Vietnam War. Here is what this writer has observed since his freshman year at Emory as Walter Cronkite came on in the middle of a soap opera to tell us "the President has been shot in Dallas." I shall never forget how he removed his glasses, gulped down a big lump in his throat, blinked away tears and then proceeded to announce: "President John Kennedy died at 1:00 Central time / 2:00 Eastern Standard Time."

    There followed a non-stop time of abject grief in America as a progressive President was laid to rest.

    Many look backs are now being run on the History and Smithsonian Channels. They are doing it by decade and also by presidential administrations. Here are the highlights:

             •  My friends and classmates were drafted to supply troops to Vietnam.

             •  We were not in that war to win it, but to spend money and munitions left over from Korea. Body counts replaced territory secured for South Vietnam.

             •  The Regime we were supporting was despotic and the people were starving.

             •  Texas friends of LBJ got big contracts to dredge Kam Ran Bay and build helicopters.

             •  Few politicians sent their own sons and daughters to fight the war they voted to do.

             •  A long country bordered by mountains and sea was impossible to neither defend nor win.

             •  The Vietnamese of today call us the INVADERS --- correctly.

             •  Across the nation (except at Emory) major Universities had students protesting the war.

             •  The same old hippies and liberals are now the Conservatives elected to positions at state and national levels --- and they spout the exact opposite of what they espoused as students. It is "fake conservatism" to make up for their angst over free love and drugs.

             •  Reagan came in and foisted Trickle Down Economics and Tax Codes on us.

             •  From Star Wars technology to constant war on foreign soil, over half the National Budget has been consistently spent on that which Ike warned against --- Military / Industrial Complex abuses and greed.

             •  Infrastructure and Corporate non-payment of taxes has us falling apart inside the USA.

             •  Labor Unions have taken a back seat to non-union and overseas cheap labor.

             •  Environmental clean ups are down / corporate greed prefers to put their new industry in countries without environmental regulations and replanting of trees in South America.

             •  The severity of Katrina is a direct result of super-heating on the fringe of storms moving toward the Gulf of Mexico and East Coast of the US.

             •  We are now --- in NC --- approving of FRACKING and Offshore Drilling.

             •  The "saving of tax money" in NC is really the reduction of deductions so all workers pay more in the last 2 years of our Conservative Governance and stupidly voting the Marriage Amendment which the Federal Courts bounced as unconstitutional.

    I am crying FAKE on the concepts we are working under since Kennedy was killed!

    Isaiah, the great Prophet, has a passage over idolatry. He tried to get the people to realize they cut a big tree and made of it wood to burn for warmth, furniture upon which to sit, and an IDOL to worship! The act was foolish. The worst part was that no one realized how
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( September 6th, 2015 @ 3:30 pm )
Donald Trump is one of my least favorite Republican candidates, but after Friday, 090315, I am warming to him.

Donald Trump is; however, infinitely better than any Democrat candidate, especially the top two, where one is an avowed Socialist and the other, the woman, is a "congenital liar" - William Safire.

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