The Great Republican Debate---2 Weeks After | Eastern North Carolina Now

It has been 2 weeks since the "Great Republican Debate" and the froth and blow is going strong.

    It has been 2 weeks since the "Great Republican Debate" and the froth and blow is going strong. They were all at the Iowa State Fair over the weekend and the hot air was enough to fill any balloons there. Old Donald Trump was giving kids rides on his helicopter as an added attraction. Rev. Mike Huckabee was telling us a 10-year-old girl raped and pregnant should carry the baby to term!!! It seems there is no limit to EXTREME CONSERVATISM . . .No common sense applied.

    Hillary and Bernie were there as well. She has now turned over her server to the whatevers, but the criticism blasts as strong this morning as the last weeks since the mud started flying. The is NO ACKNOWLEDGING the same issues with Reagan nor George Bush Administrations along the same lines. How easily we forget Reagan made relations and agreements with the Middle East leaders during his time. Arms for Hostages got a pass, but could well come back if the battle continues. This time it could get the exploration that history gives us the right to view with expiration of time on "National Security" matters.

    This new information bubbled to the surface as we are re-examining 9/11 again now on many venues: starts with: All of us knew it but couldn't prove it. Now we can prove it. Newly declassified documents published at the National Security Archive prove beyond all reasonable doubt that the Bush administration planned to topple Saddam Hussein and invade Iraq as early as January, 2001, and were making strategic plans and resource allocations as early as November, 2001.

    All of us knew it but couldn't prove it. Now we can prove it. Newly declassified documents published at the National Security Archive prove beyond all reasonable doubt that the Bush administration planned to topple Saddam Hussein and invade Iraq as early as January, 2001, and were making strategic plans and resource allocations as early as November, 2001.

    January 30, 2001 - Bush administration principals (agency heads) meet for the first time and discuss the Middle East, including Bush's intention to disengage from the Israel-Palestine peace process and "How Iraq is destabilizing the region." Bush directs Rumsfeld and JCS chairman Hugh Shelton to examine military options for Iraq; CIA director George Tenet is directed to improve intelligence on the country. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill and counter-terrorism coordinator Richard Clarke are both struck by the emphasis on confronting Iraq, an aim consistent with Rumsfeld's hiring of Wolfowitz and later Feith, well known for their bellicosity on the issue, for high-level Pentagon positions. (Source: EBB/Franks Timeline (PDF))

    As I think on the surface, it seems we are all running, but nobody is getting anywhere!

    Like my recent trips to Atlanta and its growing mass of people and traffic --- there seems to be symbolism. Our nation is somewhat the same. It was conceived as a nation where Lady Liberty stood in the NY Harbor with the wonderful words viewed from several perspectives in this fine article:

    The actual motto shining in the sun reads:

    "Give me your tired, your poor,

    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:

    I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

    ― Emma Lazarus

    The second quote in the article is from the great statesman, Robin Williams:

    "The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying, "Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses." She's got a baseball bat and yelling "You want a piece of me?"

    I am feeling a great need for some sense to it all . . .

    The contestants interviewed yesterday had Donald Trump most prominent. It is as if the commentators are enjoying the bombast and outlandish way he is campaigning. His opponents in the word battle are trying to decide what to do---

           •  Ignore him

           •  Engage in a shouting match

           •  Run for cover

           •  Borrow some money to invest from him

           •  Immolate him

    Every time I hear this loud mouthed, arrogant, son of a slum lord in NYC I cringe. Is this the best we can do in a person wanting to be President? He is just a few years younger than me. He is so bald he has to sweep up hair from his back to cover the chrome dome. He has gone through 3 gorgeous women for wives. His private jet hostess is a beauty queen and his private pilot is a symbol of "get-er-done." The plane, itself is a symbol of bombast. It is large enough to be a passenger jet, yet ornate enough an Oil Sheik would be proud. It has real gold and deep pile carpet. He went to see his golf tournament in a wink and made sure to fly by so all the camera crews could get special pictures of that gleaming jet with TRUMP painted in large letters. On his own greed, The Donald can make a similar grandiose statement as the President in AF-1.

    Just remember his private plane is made by the same company, but it is only a 747 miniature! In my mind that makes him a wannabe great man rather than an elected great man . . .He would have to blow up his private plane by 10 times to equal AF-1.

    Is this the best we can do? What would a guy like him do if turned loose with the Oath of the President in his hand? It could happen so this is a serious question . . .

    In early morning quiet I am envisioning a possibility ---

           •  The shrill hate and machine gun voice of an Adolf Hitler puppet

           •  His clearly shown hate of Mexican Immigrants

           •  He demand that police shoot more thugs

           •  His size and shape says brown shirted guards and firelight parades scares the mess out of me.

           •  His call to get tougher in the Middle East and "take back" jobs from other countries.

    The more he spews his venom, the more I see people being sucked into the Untermenchen heil given a mad man in the 1920's. What troubles me even more is that at the time Germany was considered to be so intelligent and sophisticated as to be 40 years ahead of the rest of the world! Those same people listened to the Propaganda Machine as Goebbels proclaimed them to be such wonderful white knights put down from losing WWI; they deserved to steal oil, gold, land, and kill the Jewish "rats of finance and clever business deals."

    You would think that Germans who could invent the diesel engine would be smart enough to see through the bombast---but the average citizen sucked it in with gusto.

    Einstein left along with many notable philosophers and entertainers who had X-ray vision through the pomp and pretense of Nazi might. Jews came out whispering of death camps and smells of burning flesh. The rest of the world stood quietly by hoping it would go away. Chamberlain tried to negotiate a peace. Churchill was a lone voice for several years of apathy. Franklin Roosevelt dared not put the USA back into global war and came up with Lend-Lease as the way to provide materials. A few Americans joined the French and British as pilots or advisers. Meanwhile, the beast grew and threatened both Russia and America.

    A deep angst gripped us, but we kept telling ourselves, "This can't happen again after fighting the war to end all wars ending in 1918. This is supposed to be the Roaring 20's and Peace."

    Some jumpy Conservatives are going to say, "He is calling Trump a Nazi! How dare he say that about such a successful man of vision and earned wealth proving his ability?"

    It is early to call anyone anything, my friends. I am just reflecting on a basic psychological principle:

    Frustration leads to Aggression or Regression . . .

    We are certainly FRUSTRATED with a continued Recession. We are not the great economy we were in the 50's after WWII. We are now competing with nations we bombed into rubble and now the newly built factories of Japan and Germany are up to full production. Corporations are hiring in Third World countries rather than America. Goods are cheap, but at what real cost?

    We have many of those factories now here in the US borders, but it is still "foreign auto success" which is scaring Ford / GM / Chrysler. In reality, NOW to qualify as US-built, means 51% is ASSEMBLED in the US!

    We taxpayers owned 62% of GM when they crashed.

    DID THEY REDUCE THE PRICE OF THEIR CARS TO REFLECT US TAXPAYERS already paying 61% of their cost to produce them????

    I am feeling much AGGRESSION over that rape and pillage of the American taxpayers. 1% now own 80% of all American wealth.

    That is not the dream of the early arrivals to the New World. It was a dream of opportunity and freedom to express YOU in a free new nation/wilderness. We were throwing off the shekels of wealth and social position enjoyed only by a few of the Upper Crust and Royalty.

    Nobody wins by calling names and throwing hate. All you get is a bunch of Civil War Vets missing limbs and wearing prosthetic devices to cover the blown off chins and noses along with ears . . .
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