Mr. Obama: You're Not a Community Organizer Anymore: Part I | Eastern North Carolina Now

President Obama is finding that his former prowess as a community organizer has not prepared him to be the leader of the free world.

Mr. Obama: You're not a Community Organizer Anymore ...

    You're the duly elected President of the United States of the America - the once most powerful nation in the world. Our nation could be as powerful as before and reassert its position as the preeminent place to raise our children, our nation, and keep the free world safe from the ravages of evil men. But first, we need to understand a few common precepts - outside of the mental acuity of even the best community organizer:

    1. When the United States was a great nation, it operated within the context of a capitalist market place: A nation that allowed businesses to succeed or fail based on their viability and the sociological necessity for their construct. I do not contend that our governing apparatus has never, by the sheer will of its destiny, picked winners or losers - it has. It just never has done so on such a vast scale, and for the political reward that the ruling liberal class pray (or is it prey) to achieve. First, let us determine their desired political reward, then, the vast scale necessary to make their great play for future control.

    In these liberal politicians constructed future scenario, as foisted upon the American people by the will of their majority rule, there will be two classes of people: the workers / producers - the taxpayers. And then there will exist another class of people - those that will benefit from industry of the working / producing class. It is that simple: But how will it work? Will not the workers / producers understand that their economic existence is to provide the taxable capital to provide the political fodder to purchase this platform that will provide succor, and, thereby, encourage the growth of these beneficiaries - this future voting block for their every liberal cause.

    Not necessarily. For their purpose of political survival, these liberal politicians understand what their base of productive believes, holds dear to their ever-sensitive hearts: A utopian world, where injustice can be cleaved from society, and economic parity achieved and controlled by better taxing the more efficient, hardest working element within our society. These intuitive liberal "organizers" well understand that the true liberal working base (those that actually work to attain financial reward) will continue to do so under all conditions because their beloved politicians use domestic policy to: reverse "Global Warming" (or is it "Climate Change" now) at any cost, that their politicians promised to proffer government controlled health care, with undeterred tortuous interference in all business - especially that of the medical profession, and that their practiced politicians will immediately redistribute the wealth, by pushing the so-called stimulus funds to well connected political favorites, allow illegal immigration, and most importantly, provide state funded abortion on demand. Moreover, from a foreign policy perspective, these liberal devotees understand, and expect their elected leaders to change the war footing in the ongoing War on Terror, which they have, by: closing the Guantanamo Bay, by discontinuing to describe the combatants as terrorists, and instead, refer to them as "extremists," and most importantly treating captured extremist as criminals, who have are protected by the United States Constitution, with the capability to "lawyer up." If their leaders continued to ascribe to these principles, they will continue their support, while continuing as productive members of society.

    The second largest element of their support is the growing nonproductive, entitlement class that will always vote liberal - providing they vote. This is where "community organizers" are so instrumental. This why our current "community organizer," turned President of the United States, understands these other community organizers / political operatives must be rewarded - hence, "the stimulus" largesse - and be very aware, these operatives can and will keep this nonproductive, entitlement class as an effective political component. That is the way it works. That is the way it is currently working.

    The third, slightly smaller, element of their support is the independent / not quite dyed-in-the-wool liberal, that can and sometimes switch their vote. I well understand this group. I have, at one time or another, been a party to either stereotype. These groups pride themselves of being independent minded, but, from a realistic perspective, just have not taken the time to understand the issues to the extent that they can evaluate, and identify a position of principles to sustain a lifetime of good decision-making prowess. Furthermore, the undedicated liberal may change his mind once he grows older, wiser, has children, and, or, develops a small business, is forced to pay some really meaningful taxes. Consequently, the self-professed "independent minded voter," who will "vote the issues," but alternatively, will mostly be influenced by paying higher taxes, and their consequential revulsion to the ugliness of unrestrained liberal policies. Both elements of this group played a big part in the liberal revolution in Washington, DC, with President Obama at its head. If I have offended any member of this group; my apologies, however, I reiterate, I have been a member of both groups, and I do understand you quite well.

    Because Candidate Barack Obama / Liberal Coalition was successful in coordinating these all three groups of voters, they won Washington, DC, and we are changed as an economy, and we are changed in our commitment to protect our citizens. To this level of change, Candidate Obama is doing just as he promised in his election, and no one should be surprised. If anyone should feel mislead, I suggest you gain a greater base of knowledge, or just extract your head from the proverbial sand. Our new president has not lied, he has brought us "change" and I, for one, believe he has delivered his promised change. He is a successful politician.

    2. "Community organizers" seek consensus. In prosecuting a war, there is never consensus. There is only decisive decisions and commitment. President Obama, whose resume only speaks to his commitment as a "community organizer," possesses neither. His commitment to no commitment satisfies two of the three elements of his successful coalition of the voters who pushed him over the top in the 2008 election. The impassioned liberals believe the United Nations (UN) should save the world from evil men. The nonproductive / entitlement class are just interested in the next handout - unless they are threatened. The "independent minded" voters, almost without exception, can get behind the prosecution of a war, if the threat is imminent. How long they stay with that objective "depends on the issues."

    Regardless of these people's level of commitment to their nation's independence and the safety of its people, a true leader will recognize the obvious set of precepts handed a "Commander in Chief," irrespective of the level of wisdom possessed by his voting base. There is no seeking of consensus, there is only the wise prosecution of measures that will protect our people. I fear that this "Community Organizer," may shrink from his obligation as our Commander in Chief. Of course, I could be wrong. But I doubt it.

    After the election did as he promised on the closing of the Prison for Detained Terrorist in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, albeit a bit slow for most ardent liberals. It is scheduled to be closed in January, 2010. Now liberals will not be so embarrassed when they travel abroad. I, and others like me, will not be as safe, but with terrorists from Guantanamo; or as liberals know them: "Freedom Fighters," returned to their freedom fighting enclaves, we will continue to know the face of evil. Sadly, many will be the same faces interdicted by battle, and formerly detained within the sturdy walls of that valuable resource of that terrorist prison, but good liberals will be able to crow at their social outings, and once again, not so embarrassed by their government when they travel abroad.

    Now that the closing the prison is all but accomplished, President Obama has worked diligently, with the loyal assistance of his Justice Department, to remove the stigma of terrorist: by referring to them as extremist, reducing their enemy status to that of criminal activity, bestowing upon them the protection of the United Constitution as evidenced by the treatment of five former Guantanamo detainees, among them Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the mastermind of 911, who will all be tried in federal court in Brooklyn and lower Manhattan, New York City, New York. Hopefully they will be found guilty by a jury of their peers. Now, how are you going to find 12 Muslim terrorists, excuse me, extremists (a jury of their peers), in New York City? This is truly preposterous, but sadly, it all makes sense to liberals, and liberals, by virtue of the last election, are firmly entrenched and in charge.

    Is it any wonder that it took 92 days for the President to make up his mind to send an additional 30,000 Army and Marine Corps. Troops as requested by theater commander General Stanley A. McChrystal, but unfortunately the "community organizer" turned President of the United States of America signaled his game plan to the enemy by publicly announcing that he would begin withdrawing these troops in 18 months irrespective of their success. While this sends the wrong signal to our enemy, our troops in harm's way, our allies in the field, and in that host country of Afghanistan, it does send the right signal to liberals, who, if given the abject authority, would leave our soldiers "to die on the vine" And while these liberals' efforts, and their votes elected the former "community organizer," liberals are well renowned for not being the proverbial "brightest bulbs in the pack," and would not be capable of prosecuting a war, running an economy, or even interpreting their regulatory authority.

    Now, after witnessing their first year in total power, it can be said, liberals should not be anywhere near the cash register, lest they sell-out our collective future, to keep in power, as evidenced by the fraud associated with the passage of the "stimulus bill" and the "government control of health care bill." Many, including myself, expect the best of people and especially my government. With the recent events unfolding, like the veiled subplot of a B rated horror film, in our once proud nation, I now anticipate the worst. I pray I am wrong, but I will not put my faith in the "community organizer," his congress or their sad supporters. 2012 may be just three years away, but great damage can be done in the span of four years.
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