Tale of Two Funerals Replied | Eastern North Carolina Now

A good friend of mine knows my political position = INDEPENDENT who leans Democrat. He also knows that I DISPISE people who use hate and division to get a political advantage.

    Publisher's note: This post, by Gene Scarborough, reflects his opinions regarding a very short story of "Two Recent Funerals".

    A good friend of mine knows my political position = INDEPENDENT who leans Democrat. He also knows that I DISPISE people who use hate and division to get a political advantage. It is the same righteous indignation Jesus had for Pharisees and Jewish outlooks of his day.

    This is the kind of "empty tomb full of dead men's bones" of which he spoke (Matthew 23) that makes me mad. Click Me!

    It seems to be characteristic of the Republican outlook since our President took office. After all he was duly elected by a majority of American voters. There was none of the "voter fraud" allegations in Florida over the election of George W. Bush, III to the office. There is no doubt whatsoever the Tea Party is trying to influence through hate/division.

    NC voters now have to ramp up our ID when we had no real voter fraud problems I know in the past elections. Is it only to thwart poor and less educated people who might vote Democratic under the past requirements? When I go through the line at Surry Township (Bath), what we have is working well and is quite sufficient, in my view.

    I don't care what your political outlook is. Most of us have our minds made up by now so this is not going to do anything but make me mad and cause me to tell everyone I can --- how hate and division must go.

    "An army divided against itself is doomed to fail." Click Me!

    Our battle is with:

     •  A busted economy ever so slowly recovering with no help from Congress
     •  Failing infrastructure
     •  A penchant toward war and large expenditures on weapons
     •  Taxes too heavily placed on the working
     •  Poor people who could work taking a government check and sitting on their porch
     •  Rich people and corporations getting huge tax benefits and ---
     •  Taking the majority of their efforts to offshore banking and building a kingdom in 3rd world countries
     •  State and National--as well as local--elected officials selling themselves to the highest bidder
     •  A false thinking that government can solve problems with the stroke of a pen and some new law/program
     •  Campaigns based more on advertising than expressing "how I propose to solve this issue"

    Unless something changes ...


A Tale of Two Funerals

    There are not enough words in the English language to describe how pathetic our President is.

    I guess I need to learn a foreign language so I can expand my vocabulary and better explain what a loser he is.

    By all accounts, Harold was a bright child. He grew up in America. He went to school and had a bright future ahead of him. Harold's full life was cut short in a violent moment. While few people had ever heard of Harold before his death, many did afterwards. And in death, something shocking happened. What was so shocking, especially when it is compared to the death of someone else recently in the news? Harold is Harold Greene, Major General United States Army.

    On August 5th, General Greene was killed by a Taliban terrorist. He was returned to America with full military honors. It has been a tradition that the President attends the funeral of flag officers killed in the line of duty. Richard Nixon attended the funeral of a Major General killed in Vietnam and George W. Bush attended the funeral of Lieutenant General Timothy Maude, who was killed in the 9/11 attacks. While Major General Greene was buried, Barack Obama was golfing. The Vice President wasn't there either. Neither was the Secretary of Defense. Flags were not even lowered to half staff.

    Four days after Harold Greene gave his life for America, Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson Missouri. It is safe to say, Brown was at best a thug. The media has repeatedly shown photos of Brown flashing gang signs. Some media outlets have even associated him with a specific gang. In the minutes before his death, Brown committed a robbery at a local convenience store. According to other reports, Brown struck officer Darren Wilson and shattered his orbital bone.

    Obama is sending a three-person delegation to Michael Brown's funeral. Obama would not attend the funeral of the highest ranking military officer killed in the line of duty since 9/11, yet he will send a delegation to the funeral of a thug.

    When Margaret Thatcher, one of America's staunchest allies and Ronald Reagan's partner in bringing down Soviet communism, died Obama sent only a small low-level delegation to her funeral. The snub was not missed by the British.

    When Chris Kyle, the most lethal American sniper in history was murdered, there was no expression of sympathy from the White House. There was no White House delegation at his funeral.

    American heroes die and Obama goes to the golf course.

    A thug dies and he gets a White House delegation.

    No wonder real Americans hold Obama in contempt.
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( September 2nd, 2014 @ 11:10 am )
I think we got a message loud and clear from 9/11 that we are hated and there are some sneaky snakes who can figure a way around every protection we want to install. In a hating world, one can never be totally safe.

The issue I have is with the lack of coordination between Administrations on our diligence. No one can fault the President over getting Osamma at last. Even then old John McCain tries to be critical so to hell with operating anything in the US without criticism.

If the critics had a better way, they can try it. For sure going to war over false information about WMD and in the wrong place proved to be a disaster. O'Cain and his like seem to never get that. John war tortured in the Hanoi Hilton, but cannot rise to criticize the torture going on at Guantanamo. His mind of hate and vengeance cannot help in the least---except to goad us into more dead soldiers for no resolution of what they are fighting for (darned if I really know what that is).

We have raped all the oil out of the Middle East we can. They are enjoying the partnership with US Big Oil and the price at the pump for diesel is what you don't want me to go into. US Greed + Middle East Greed = feeding the greed of arms manufacturers and good old Dick Cheney and friends who profit from war.
( August 29th, 2014 @ 10:49 pm )
Good Comment.

It makes good sense from an aspirational perspective.

I pray that we do not have to have another Pearl Harbor or 9/11 for the so called People, or the politicians to get their heads out of the sand to know the enemy.
( August 29th, 2014 @ 5:14 pm )
I reckon we, indeed, do get what we deserve in government.

The real problem is the split nature of society today and the high level of hate preventing anyone from compromising. Neither of us is inside the Beltway in DC to see exactly what is going on, but it's not pretty.

The Founding Fathers envisioned a debate process where level heads worked to have a better outcome than any single side might have if it were a clear majority in some direction. Through the years we have sometimes done well / other times messed around and accomplished nothing. Roosevelt knew the situation in Europe in WWII ramp up. The public was war weary from WWI and he knew no consensus was possible.

It took Pearl Harbor to wake us up to despots sneaking up on us from both sides of the oceans surrounding us. In the meantime, the Holocaust was raging and Japan was killing with merciless furiosity any enemy. In both societies the people worshiped an Emperor/Dictator. Hitler was an elected leader. The Emperor got his position from his blood line. That shows me the wisdom of a democratic process where all sides have a say without slaughtering opposition.

At some point people need to respect decisions and join together in cooperation. National Healthcare passed, but got constant criticism and reluctance until it slowly but surely came to pass with people signing up. Now people who could not get insurance coverage before under pure capitalism are covered.

I'm just not convinced money making over compassion is a way to go. The only reason we have the high costs still is caps were not set on Big Medicine / Pharma / Hospitals / suing Lawyers.

When Roosevelt came to power he was called a "Socialist, communist," every hate word imaginable, but it worked and we began to get out of the Depression. As yet we have not rediscovered the wisdom of starting government help with the common man who wants only to pay his bills and have work to do with fair income for it.

The beauty of our system is that it corrects itself over time. Right now we are in a cycle of wealth worship. Never forget the danger of the LOVE of MONEY.
( August 29th, 2014 @ 2:19 pm )
Actually, Candidate Obama has had the senate for 6 years, and the house for 2, plus he is unwilling to negotiate with Republicans, as evidenced by ObamaCare legislation when he had both houses of congress, so this Amateur President has lost the ability to deal with his political peers, not matter how much he complains.

The Candidate is arrogant, untrustworthy and furthermore not intellectually or emotionally capable of performing the job.

As a Beaufort County Commissioner, I know what it means to spend 18 years in the minority, and Beaufort County has well suffered because of this majority's actions, although, I did get my way on a few issues, which was to the benefit of Beaufort County's taxpayers.

I often wonder how better positioned Beaufort County would be if I was in the majority for these 18 years. I guess we will never know, although, I have rather definitive idea how these would be far better days for Beaufort County.

But, the People get the government they deserve. This is so true, especially here in Beaufort County.
( August 29th, 2014 @ 12:02 pm )
What I "now" is that he has had 6 years of a bunch of stubborn mules walking and scheming at the other end of the Washington Mall!!!

How can anyone who has been blasted as you have, not understand the non-production of Congress compared to that of the Beaufort County Commissioners?
( August 29th, 2014 @ 11:54 am )
Good post Gene.

What "The Tale of Two Funerals", along with so many improper actions, and inactions, including yesterday's non-press conference, by America's first "Affirmative Action" president, Amateur Obama, is that he is woefully incapable of understanding his duties, as per the United States Constitution, and that he is intellectually, or emotionally incapable administering his office.

All that we now that he is self-competent of doing, or completing, is play gold and campaigning.

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