The Board of Commissioners' Clown Car rolls on | Eastern North Carolina Now

Monday (8-4-14) night's Beaufort County Board of Commissioners' meeting was a phenomenal event. We would not have believed it had we not seen it with our own eyes.

    Publisher's Note: This article originally appeared in the Beaufort Observer.

    Monday (8-4-14) night's Beaufort County Board of Commissioners' meeting was a phenomenal event. We would not have believed it had we not seen it with our own eyes. You'll get to see it when the video is released, but let us jump ahead and tell you what we know is going to be hard to believe.

    First, the background, once again. There will be an election in November for three seats on the board. There will be at least two new board members elected and perhaps more. Stan Deatherage and Al Klemm will not be returning. Stan is opposed to building a new jail now. Al is for it. He has joined the three Democrats (Robert Belcher, Jerry Langley and Ed Booth) in providing the one-vote majority to make the decisions to push the jail along. We've dubbed them the Gang of Four. So what you have is a lame-duck majority that is pushing it. Two candidates running to replace Stan and Al have signed a letter saying they will vote to kill the project if elected. They are Frankie Waters and Keith Kidwell. It is generally believed the voters are opposed to building a new jail. The reasoning for that conclusion is that the proponents of building a jail refuse to allow it to be put to a vote of the people.

    They planned to get the money to finance the 20-30 million dollar project from the U. S. Department of Agriculture. USDA turned them down, because they have not gotten the people's support in a referendum. So Monday night they considered how to get alternative financing. What they heard was that they will have to get the Local Government Commission's approval for financing the project. They don't have that approval but authorized the staff to make application.

    But the problem is that if the majority flips and two members are elected who will vote to scrap the project then much of the money they are now spending will be wasted but it will save the taxpayers 20-30 million dollars.

    So the proposal put before the board, from Commissioner Hood Richardson, was that they delay spending any more money on the project until they get the financing approved. They voted 3-4 to not do that but to spend another million dollars in addition to about two million they've already committed to spend to rush the project along. They are taking that money out of fund balance (savings), hoping they can get permanent financing to replace the fund balance. But rather than stopping or slowing the spending until they know they can get the permanent financing they voted to plow ahead.

    Apparently they are thinking (we use that term loosely) that they can get the project far enough along so that the new board will have no choice but to finish it.

    But there is a kink in that thinking. State law provides that the new board does not have to appropriate the annual debt service and if they choose not to do so and that any deficiency if the creditors foreclose on the collateral that is put up to back the loan then the county is not libel for the deficiency. The creditors are stuck if they can't sell the property for enough to cover the debt. That's a risky proposition with the election pending and a probable flip flop in the majority.

    So, you might wonder: Why don't they just wait until the new board is elected and let them decide? Or, at least stop/slow the spending until they know they can get permanent financing? Indeed, it makes no sense to us.

    But that's not all of the nonsense.

    Hood Richardson made a motion that they commission an audit to find out where the $70,000 a year they have been appropriating to the Sheriff's Department to "buy drugs" in undercover operations has actually been going, what kind of convictions they've gotten, how much of the money has been recovered and where the money that was not recovered has gone. The board voted 3-4 against doing the audit. When you watch the video you will see that there was no sensible reason not to find out where the money has gone.

    After the meeting commissioner candidate Keith Kidwell remarked to us: "Wow is all I can say. Tonight the four commissioners that always seem to be on the wrong side of logic have again set me wondering. There was a motion made to do a forensic audit of the sheriff's department spending of $70,000.00 per year to make drug buys. There has been no accounting of this money and there still will not, because they have decided it would be better to audit the sheriff's office after the new sheriff is elected. What good will that do? There will be no one there to answer any questions. From a business, financial and logical prospective that makes no sense at all. The people of Beaufort County deserve to know how their money is spent. This $70,000.00 has had no accounting whatsoever, as elected officials how could you not ask for an accounting of taxpayers' money? I guess common sense is just not as common as you think it should be."

    Then, to add insult to injury they voted 3-4 not to have the current Sheriff do an equipment inventory before he leaves office. Yep, you read that correctly. They appropriate hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Sheriff every year to buy equipment. But they don't know what he bought, and what is still on hand and what is unaccounted for. There will be a new Sheriff taking office in December and they will not know what equipment was turned over from the outgoing Sheriff to the new Sheriff.

    Now one observer remarked after the meeting: "This is crazy. They are deliberately making bad decisions simply to spite Hood Richardson." Now, surely that's not true, you reckon? That would not make sense, now would it.



    We are fully aware of the disrespect we are showing toward the Gang of Four (Belcher, Klemm, Langley and Booth). We regret having to do so, but we think it is entirely appropriate. These four men are exhibiting supreme arrogance and stubbornness at the expense of the hard pressed taxpayers of Beaufort County.

    It matters not whether you think we need to build a new jail or where it should or should not be built. What matters is that it is absolute foolishness to rush ahead before the election that may, and we think likely will, turn the project into a waste dump.

    We think the board should have had an impartial study done to determine if a new jail is needed now and if so what the options are for meeting those needs. The plan should have then been sold to the people who should have been allowed to vote whether to borrow this much money.

    But even if they were not going to let the people vote on the issue the Gang of Four certainly should recognize the reality that the election may change the majority on the board. It is the epitome of arrogance to rush ahead spending $11,000 a day planning a project that may likely not ever happen.

    We have no respect for any politician who puts his wishes above the will of the people. There is no excuse for that. But that is what we've got in Beaufort County.

    The disrespect we regret, and our apologies are to clowns, not these four men.

    It seems to us that the members of the Gang of Four simply do not understand reality. The reality in Beaufort County now is that many people and small businesses are hurting. Property owners have been hit with significant tax increases in recent years, along with increased insurance costs. People who rent or lease property are having to bear the load as the expense is shifted to them, many of whom are low and fixed income people. The loss of manufacturing jobs has hit Beaufort County harder than most places.

    The issue then is not whether the county needs a new jail/public safety center. That's not the point. The issue is the people simply cannot afford the increased taxes that this project will dump on them. Clearly, for four men to sit there and vote to waste a million dollars simply by not delaying the process for a few weeks shows that they don't understand reality in this county.

    Again we say, the issue is not whether a new public safety center is needed or a good idea. The issue is: The people simply cannot afford it at this time. Many people simply cannot stand another tax increase until the economy rebounds.

    As soon as the video is released we'll post it so you can watch all this for yourself. It's quite a show.

Considering that Beaufort County may build a new jail /sheriff's office: What should be the best course?
7.51%   Build a modern jail/S.O. in the southwest corner of the county
43.3%   Build a modern jail/S.O. behind the courthouse in the county seat
49.2%   Do not build a jail/S.O. anywhere
746 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

Which was a better expense for Beaufort County taxpayers' 2 million dollars?
91.07%   Loan it to Belhaven government, as a first mortgage, to help them keep their hospital open.
6.43%   Give it to consultants to plan a Southwest County jail with no financing in place.
2.5%   Find another overpaid Economic Developer, who won't move to Beaufort County after he gets the job.
280 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

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( August 7th, 2014 @ 12:13 pm )

I get it. I got it. I've actually had it quite well for some time.

And very soon, I will be gone ... for good as a county commissioner.


Thanks man. It was because of guys like you and Velma that I did this.

And once again, as if you did not know this already: Thanks for all you did fronting the party, and thank-you for all that you did to help me, and, therefore, my constituents all these years.

You remember when the Washington Daily News wrote that hit-piece on me, on the issue of constituency, when the WDN was front-running to help give away our county hospital to UHS, now Vidant.

I felt that I was in another world that I so well understood constituency, and the WDN did not, which translated to so many of their readers being, once again, so terribly misinformed. The WDN really has a hard time thinking their way out of a 'wet paper bag', and sadly, so do most of their ardent readers, who certainly won't read what I am writing now.

I won't miss that level of stupidity directed at me as a commissioner. I can promise you that.

As a businessman and being part of the creation team here here at SNI, I don't have to do business with people that despise me because I am a Conservative, or just that I don't hate Hood. I can always just work with their competition, and give them the superior product, and for less money since our products are so far superior to our local, and regional competition.

This will be fun, and this game is just nigh of beginning.
Somebody said:
( August 7th, 2014 @ 12:00 pm )

I appreciate the compliments, especially coming from one of our all time best county commissioners.

I've got an epithet for those four Beaufort County Commissioners hell bent on taking our rights as citizens away from us: Despots!

The North Carolina Constitution gives the citizens the right of deciding if we want to engage in building projects that will create long term public debt. The citizens of Beaufort County want a referendum before we do something that will raise our taxes for an extended period of time. Commissioners Langley, Klemm, Booth, and Belcher are refusing to grant us our legitimate right. I and others intend to stop this gross violation of our rights.
( August 7th, 2014 @ 11:57 am )
You still don't "get it", Stan ---- sorry about that!
( August 7th, 2014 @ 11:27 am )
The definition of epithet: adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing mentioned.

That's a fair assessment. Whatever it takes to provide a fair, accurate description of something. Time is fleeting.
( August 7th, 2014 @ 11:18 am )
We are still throwing epithets without serious definition, gentlemen!

I am Baptist by rearing and profession for many years. The Southern Baptist Convention was, perhaps, the most democratic religious denomination of any today. The only way to really describe it WAS: Whatever the Roman Catholics were in organization, the SBC WAS NOT!!! We both believe in the basics of the Faith, but the way we went about organizing and doing business were miles apart.

Inside this diverse group of churches, you had all the way from mountain snake-handlers to robed clergy with liturgy/split-chancel. The rules were that "if you gave to the Mission Enterprise, you had a vote at the annual meeting." We USED not to kill each over theology because we majored on missions and left the details of the faith to the individual and local church. It worked pretty well since the SBC was the largest Protestant Denomination in the US under that umbrella.

Back in the 50's and with power and steam/flame in the 60's --- things began to change. At every meeting you now had "Conservatives" pushing to rule when they had been a minority on votes / "Liberals" holding against what they perceived as barbarians at the gates of a diverse and fair organization.

Some called the Conservatives "fundamentalists" / others called the Main Line folks who understood (like me) "liberals." Then it went to Conservative-Fundamentalists / Moderate-Liberal. Nobody found a term to describe it. We all knew it was a "Battle for the Bible" as described in naive media. It kept the SBC on front pages of each State Baptist Paper with unending debate (nothing new for any Baptist) until the votes were cast in Houston, Texas, where I was present and watching, mid-70's.

A massive influx of church buses rolled up to the door. Out came masses of people flooding through the registration area and picking up ballots. There were rules which limited each church to a max of 10 Messengers, but they all got run over! Trust was the rule before that event. What Baptist Church or it's member, all knowing the rules, would intentionally violate them? How about just enough voters with ballots to give the Conservative candidate for the President a 2% edge in numbers!!!

What used to be a mission-sending organization is now a highly paid Executive organization with the Executive Committee appointed by a Conservative President (Mega Church pay) consistently in office ever since. Southeastern Seminary at Wake Forest is now a little Liberty University run with the outlook of Jerry Falwell---who was an Independent Baptist in Lynchburg, VA, saying all the SBC churches were bound for hell if attended by any type of Baptist other than "his type of Baptist."

When we stop respecting one another / when we start calling each other names in hate / we see how the SBC is no longer as big as it used to be / has nowhere near the type of professional schools with respect it used to have / is crying the blues over "what happened to our fast growth of the 60's?"

All I can say is, "God doesn't bless a mess!"
( August 7th, 2014 @ 10:52 am )
Yes, this is the same Charles Hickman, that I spoke of earlier. He should be a template for all future aspiring county Republican party chair people.
( August 7th, 2014 @ 10:43 am )
Well, I like DINOs, and actually DINOs are a remnant of the old Democrat party before it got hijacked by the victim class.

DINO's kept me in office for 18 years, so I am a bit partial here.

You know I don't mind Liberals, when they are not so damned mean-spirited, and some are the worst this nation has ever known.

Mostly, my truck is with the RINOs, always has been. As you know, I despise a liar, and a fake, and RINOs are the worst.

On your mention of the "over-used flame title", for me it is a quicker way to better describe a self-anointed class. I like good descriptive words, because time is fleeting.
( August 7th, 2014 @ 10:36 am )
Thanks for the help on another "designation." They are getting so plenteous these days to make people mad at one another, I lose count!

With your RINO definition, I would probable quality as as DINO!!! We both look past party to the real nature of people proven by who we know them to be. That is really hard with Madison Avenue ads puffing people into "politicians you need to elect."

Since you are on the subject and use often the conservative/liberal designations = the "L" designation you say with a sneer. How would you define each of these or any other over-used flame title?
Somebody said:
( August 7th, 2014 @ 10:25 am )
Stan gave a good explanation of the RINO phenomenon. I've actually stopped using the term, but I'm still in flux about settling on the correct standard term to use. At various times, I now use the terms of establishment Republican, big government Republican, liberal Republican, progressive Republican, socialist Republican, globalist Republican, crony Republican, phony Republican, corrupt Republican, unprincipled Republican, or traitorous Republican.

Some quick ways to recognize one of these dudes is by asking if this fellow cares a wit about the Republican Party platform, if they align with Democrat Socialists in policy making or organization, and if they are anti-conservative.

In my lifetime there have always been tensions in the party with these establishment types; the Rockefeller cocktail progressive Republicans weren't real happy with conservatives like Goldwater, Reagan, and Helms. But, the big government boys have escalated the tensions over time. After what happened in the 2014 Mississippi Senate primary, we may have reached a point of no return.
( August 7th, 2014 @ 9:19 am )
RINO - Republican in Name Only.

The Liberals in Beaufort County have done all their damage, over these many years, only with the help of the RINO. Actually RINOs are liberals, and we have had more than our share of them.

Why do you think that I cannot make it out of a Republican primary, and I don't care how little effort I put in it? How can a Republican party not nominate someone that has won 5 straight general elections, twice by standing record totals? I don't get in by the skin of my teeth, I win well.

You'd be surprised how many Democrats vote for me because they know that I am honest, and I stand against crony capitalism, government favoritism.

Beaufort County is well known among real Republicans, from across the state, as a haven for RINOs, and we have well more than our share.

No, there will always be liberal Democrats. The real problem in this county are the RINOs. Every real Republican knows this. If they don't, they are either drinking the Kool-aide of stupid, or they are not real Republicans.

It is really a simple proposition here, and I will be well out of it very soon.

Becuase of the RINOs, and too many non RINOs that won't stand up, and work for real Republicans, the Beaufort County Republican party is an abysmal failure, and has been for many years.

One guy - Charles Hickman - was by far the best chairman we have ever had, and he had to fill in for the RINO stooge Greg Dority, when he quit as we headed into election season.
( August 7th, 2014 @ 8:54 am )
Stan---any small businessman / Conservative Republican like you is in that same spot = economy slow / expenses up / I manage it with 80% less than before this economy busted under Bush's watch and Reagan's VooDoo.

I find ways to do more with less. I drive a 1990 F-250, but it's better engineered with an International 7.3 than the $65K up new ones!

That's a total NON-ANSWER/COMMENT, my brother!!! This whole thing is going to be declared illegal unless it gets a public vote---after more money is wasted by the Commissioners hiring a lawyer to defend their actions at odds with NC Statute!!!

Sorry, but WTH is a RINO????
( August 6th, 2014 @ 5:17 pm )

The question has been decided by the Liberals.

You will get your new jail in the southwest corner of the county, if you can stop the me and my constituents, and I only have a few more months to make any difference.

I still can't fathom this whole: We need a new, safe jail, but you, commissioners, need to lower our taxes thing.

That is not how math works.

If you have friends that actually understand this logic, you might need to pick some smarter friends.
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NCSEN: Paying people to stay home with the kids? Editorials, Beaufort Observer, Op-Ed & Politics The Entertaining County Commissioner Meeting on the Jail – 8/5/2014


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