Public Hearing: North Carolina Community Colleges Admission of Illegal Immigrants. | Eastern North Carolina Now

North Carolina's Community College sponsored a public hearing to gain insight as to whether they should continue to admit students, who are in our country illegally.

I Was Embarrassed for my Fellow Man.  The Stupidity ... Oh, the Stupidity!

    On Friday, December 18, 2009, I represented Beaufort County at a public hearing on the North Carolina Community Colleges' decision to allow illegal / undocumented immigrants admission to the Community Colleges, providing that they pay out of state tuition. My initial impression with the collective theme of that impassioned crowd, after a number of speakers (10 or more) spoke: Wear your heart on your sleeve, but check your brain at the door.

    Sadly, but in all seriousness, one speaker after another took to the podium; some Latinos / Latinas, some representing special interests (illegal immigrants and those that make money off them - educators representing the community college system), and goofy college students so compassionate in their protest. And as ridiculous as the caring college student shtick was, the smattering of non physician doctors that spoke in compassionate tones in favor of educating the underprivileged world at the expense of North Carolina taxpayers was the most egregious. I seem to remember that most of the infamous 19 murdering terrorist on September 11, 2001 were in America on expired student visas. They, who are educated to know better, obviously do not.

    These students, educators, and special interests advocates all had one common voice and they presented it in a long trail of droning drool that was intellectually incomprehensible. They made no sense, and with every extra uttered word heaped on top of a pathetic pile of other meaningless words, they proved only one thing - how low can a community of compassionates sink in presenting a position that has no pragmatic premise - no reason to exist - other than provide jobs to, and make these extra-compassionates feel so much better about themselves.

    When James Johnson of N.C. FIRE (Federal Immigration Reform and Enforcement) promised a lawsuit, on the constitutional grounds of knowingly aiding and abetting illegal aliens, against the North Carolina Community College System if they continued in their proposed practice of admitting illegal immigrants, a voice cried out from the audience, "human rights are bigger than your constitution!"

    With this coordinated voice in support for the Community College System at about 95% of the speakers permitted to speak, the rare voices speaking for the rule of law and for the existing permanent taxpayers were few. These taxpayers, who were working at real jobs this Friday morn, are, and have been paying the freight for the illegal immigrants' incursion into our entitlement system. The human rights contingency, that had nowhere else to be this Friday morn, spoke collectively within the context of their coordinated general argument, summarized as: It is the human right of illegal (undocumented is the proper vernacular as espoused by compassionates) aliens to an open door policy to the North Carolina Primary Education System because "a mind is a terrible thing to waste."

    And then, after that chorus line singing on key that same old tune, it hit me: Everyone, and excuse my redundant reiteration, all of these compassionates either worked for the rights of illegal immigrants, were illegal immigrants, or generally found continual succor from the system - and in this instance the illegal component is a big chunk of their financial betterment ... and their argument - we care more than you do. I was embarrassed for them, and then by them that these learned educators, who have the responsibility to educate our young impressionable youth, could make no better impassioned plea than we just care more for immigrants than they do (we, who operate in the realm of reality) ... so very sad.

    I have always heard, "those, who can; do ... those, who can't; teach." I don't entirely buy that story. I have met some mighty productive teachers in my day. I have taught real estate at the Beaufort County Community College, and I generally take a back seat to few people when it comes to creative productivity, however, if you could have seen and heard what I witnessed at that public hearing, you may be constituted to an identical reaction of total disgust at the way these public financed educators / compassionates comported themselves, providing, of course, that you possess a smattering of universal wisdom.

    A universal wisdom that demands that one realize: Those who create jobs, and those who must produce at those jobs, pay the vast majority of taxes in this nation of laws and free men; those who represent that higher and that better cause will always speak for the preservation of that ethic (that would be me), and any of those who cannot understand that any nation that will not protect its borders, does not deserve to exist; need to smarten up a bit (that would be the compassionates). History teaches these ever apparent maxims, irrespective of the extent that some educators, and other compassionates, who are educated way beyond their level of comprehension, feel otherwise.

    Also, this issue goes way beyond a difference of opinion: It speaks to our nations', willingness to continue as one of laws and free men, who live within the confines and structure of those laws. It also speaks to this immutable point: Will we be guided and governed by mush minded compassionates, or by those who will swear allegiance, and be prepared to defend, the United States Constitution?

    "Human rights are more important than your constitution!" Not in my land. Not under my roof. And not in my Community College System. As a taxpayer and as one, who represents other taxpayers, and one who is sworn to defend the constitution of our land, I proffer this promise as a shot over the bow of the Community College Board of Trustees. If you continue to allow illegal immigrants to be admitted to our state system, I will work diligently to have the offending trustees publicly removed. Not because we have a difference of opinion, but because these trustees do not have the intellectual where-with-all, and the patriotic will, to make competent decisions to administer our once valuable public resources.

    If after watching the recorded public hearing, and reading the written comments, these trustees cannot make a reasonable choice, they will be publicly exposed for your pathetic embrace of our nation's laws, and our state's position within that historically permanent mosaic.
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