Remarks by President Trump at Grant Announcement for Drug-Free Communities Support Program | Eastern North Carolina Now

Well, thank you very much. It's an honor to be here today with community leaders from across our country whose incredible work is helping young Americans live a drug-free life.


    Q May I ask you about Google, sir?

    THE PRESIDENT: Google.

    Q What would you like the federal government to do about Google?

    THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think that Google and Facebook and Twitter, I think they treat conservatives and Republicans very unfairly. I could tell you that I have personal experience; I have a lot of people on the various platforms. Dan would tell you probably over 100 million, over 125 million. What is the numbers, Dan, here? Dan? What is it?

    MR. SCAVINO: You're at about 160 million across all the platforms - Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat.

    THE PRESIDENT: One hundred and sixty million people. I have numerous - yeah, numerous platforms. But that's a lot of people. But I can tell you when things are different. And all of the sudden, you lose people. And you say, "Where did they go?" They've taken off.

    Now I don't know if it happens to the other side, but I can say that, with respect to Google and Twitter and Facebook, there is a big difference. And, in fact, I hear that they're holding hearings in Congress over the next couple of weeks. And I think it's a very serious problem, because they're really trying to silence a very large part of this country. And those people don't want to be silenced. It's not right. It's not fair. It may not be legal. But we'll see. We just want fairness.

    Q Do you think - do you want to regulate them more? Is that what you're looking for?

    THE PRESIDENT: We're just going to see. We're just going to see. You know what we want? Not regulation; we want fairness. If we have fairness, we're all very happy.

    But you're talking about a tremendous amount. I mean, I'm President. They got me here. You're talking about a tremendous number of people. We want to see fairness. Very important.

    Thank you all very much.

    Q Have you talked to Prime Minister Trudeau, Mr. President? Have you talked to -


    Q You did?

    THE PRESIDENT: I spoke to him yesterday. We had a very good talk. I spoke to him a couple of times.

    Q And you feel that, before the end of the week, you can bring Canada in the agreement?

    THE PRESIDENT: I don't know - hey, he called me. I didn't call him.

    Q Okay. And it was a positive call?

    THE PRESIDENT: He was very nice. He couldn't have been nicer. We'll see what happens. I love Canada.

    Q (Inaudible) hear that.

    THE PRESIDENT: And you know what? I love Mexico, too.

    Q Which one is better?

    THE PRESIDENT: I like them both the same. (Laughter.)

    Thank you very much everybody.

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