Liberal Insanity | Eastern North Carolina Now

There is a disabling disease going around; epidemiologists believe it hit sometime in the fall of 2016.

    If we were to use the wall funding instead to insure everyone, that will be a bust since it won't go very far. Instead, while the borders are open and migrants continue to pour into our country, at the rate of 65-70% going on our welfare and other social programs, American taxpayers will continue and continue and continue to pay for those who come here illegally. The amount we pay to insure them today will exponentially increase as they multiply like crazy and continue on the current trend (which is that they remain in low-skilled jobs generation to generation). We were a "Land of Immigrants" many many years ago when our country was growing, developing, and becoming the greatest production powerhouse on the planet. But those days are long gone - our American union essentially ceased expanding by 1912 when New Mexico and Arizona became states (#47 and #48, respectively; Hawaii and Alaska would join in 1959) and we have shifted from a production economy to a more "service" economy. We do not need to continue bringing in more immigrants to our country simply to feed that onetime notion. People only have the privilege to come here as long as there is a need for them. That need HAS to be that they benefit our country somehow while being able to fully support themselves and their families; preferably, they should ADD to the wealth of the country, as our Founders advised.

    Liberal Sharon didn't address the bigger question: How do Open Borders benefit the American taxpayer? Maybe she likes having her house cleaned by an illegal who she can pay less to (and of course, pay under the table). Maybe she likes finding illegals to do construction and landscaping projects so she can get away with paying less. But clearly - CLEARLY - these unethical benefits do not outweigh the burdens. She has to realize that. Everyone has to realize that. If not, I have to doubt their ability to think and reason and use common sense.

    Oh, and let's not forget that today's illegal immigrant is tomorrow's Democratic voter. Considering that fact that Republicans pay far and above what Democrats pay in all levels of taxation (local, state, and especially federal), the FACT is that in many areas of the country, every Republican taxpayer's vote is cancelled by a Democratic voter who in fact very likely does NOT pay federal income tax. Approximately 50% of people have no federal income liability. In other words, there is a very high percentage of people (Democrats) who have too much power to vote to spend the money that OTHERS earn and pay in taxation. Actual taxpayers who want to keep more of their money are losing out at the ballot box, and open borders will continue that trend. It is not the traditional "American Way" or the "Christian Way" to take what others had to earn but those on the left clearly despise traditional values...

    Healthcare will become our next national black hole, where any possible tax break will go to die. Entitled (government-provided) healthcare is another one of those essentials in life that motivates a person to work, get a good job, move up the ladder, get a good education, breed responsibly, etc. Taking that pressure off of Americans is just another social program benefit that makes people comfortable and content in their poverty and relieves them of taking care of themselves. Why work? Why apply yourself in high school when you can get by with the absolute minimum and the government will provide you all the rest to allow you to live on par with those who've studied, worked hard, and didn't settle for poverty ? Why invest in learning a trade, a skill, going to college, or starting a business?? I absolutely hate the mentality that says we should do more for those who aren't making enough money with funding that others worked hard to earn and which is taken from their own families that rightfully should go to national and border security and to stop the insanity that is our current immigration and border problem - uncontrolled illegal entry into the country, human trafficking, more and more drugs flooding into our communities (most of the heroine that is killing our young people comes in across our southern border), gang members and drug traffickers terrorizing our cities and towns and preying on our children. Our OBLIGATION is spelled out in the Constitution - Congress has supreme power to tax and spend for our security, safety, and defense as a nation. Our obligation is NOT to people from other countries.


    Liberals, progressives, Democrats, socialists, and Trump-haters are dangerous to this country for many reasons: First because they presume to be motivated by compassion (but its really ideology and politics) rather than intellect, common sense, and rationality, second, because they have no concept or understanding whatsoever of the Constitution and rightful government power, and third, because they have absolutely no respect for decency and the Rule of Law. Liberals, progressives, Democrats, socialists, and Trump-haters want everything free in this country except free speech. They want everyone to have a better standard of living, while soaking money from those actually working hard, studying hard, and building careers to do that very same thing for their own families. They think everyone everywhere is entitled to America's wealth except those who earn it.

    When you see someone like Ms Angela make a stupid comment like the one she made regarding the wall funding, please take the time to respond with common sense, the law, and facts (As Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen told Nancy Pelosi after the latter chided: "I reject your facts.." - "They are THE facts, not my facts"). We need to educate these mis-informed, soft-brained, often diseased-minded people, one at a time. You may want to be far kinder than I have been in this article.


    Michael Rubin, "The Places Where Walls Work," AEI, January 27, 2017. Referenced at:

    Simon Tomlinson, "World of Walls: How 65 Countries Have Erected Fences On Their Borders - Four Times As Many As When the Berlin Wall Was Toppled - As Governments Try to Hold Back the Tide of Migrants," Daily Mail, August 21, 2015. Referenced at:

    Steve Watson, "Walls and Fences Are Bad Except If You're a Hollywood Elite Attending the Oscars," InfoWars, February 27, 2017. Referenced at:

    Paul Bedard, "Census Confirms 63 Percent of Non-Citizens on Welfare, 4.6 Million Households," Washington Examiner, December 3, 2018. Referenced at:

    "FAKE NEWS: AP Tries to Discredit Trump's Border Wall," golifa, December 28, 2016. Referenced at:
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Does President Trump Have Authority to Secure Our Southern Border? Local News & Expression, Editorials, For Love of God and Country, Op-Ed & Politics TAKE ACTION NOW! Tell Congress to Fund the Wall


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