Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders | Eastern North Carolina Now

Good afternoon. As you all saw, the President delivered remarks at the Latino Coalition Summit this afternoon. The business leaders in attendance are living proof that the American Dream is back and stronger than ever under President Trump's leadership.

    Q Isn't the message from the markets, though, that they're concerned about Gary Cohn's departure and what it might mean for the stability of this White House and the U.S. economy?

    MS. SANDERS: I think if you look at the overall message of the markets, it's that we're doing much better under President Trump than we were doing before he took office.

    Q And the President called Gary Cohn a "rare talent." Does that mean that he's open to having him come back in some other capacity, perhaps a Cabinet-level role?

    MS. SANDERS: Certainly, they maintain a strong relationship and are going to continue that relationship, and certainly Gary will continue to be an advocate for the President in a number -

    Q Is that a yes?

    MS. SANDERS: I'm not closing the door.

    Q Sarah, one more, quickly. One more, quickly. Can you confirm -

    MS. SANDERS: I'm going to move around just because I want to make sure I get to as many of your colleagues as possible.

    Q Can you just confirm or comment on the ABC News report that a number of staffers have had their -

    MS. SANDERS: Kristen, I'm going to bounce around, but I'm sure one of your colleagues would be happy to pick up where you've left off.

    Q I do have a question about something you said earlier in response to Jeff's question. You said that there's arbitration that's already been won. By whom and when?

    MS. SANDERS: By the President's personal attorneys. And for details on that, I would refer you to them.

    Q But you're aware of them, so what more can you share with us?

    MS. SANDERS: I can share that the arbitration was won in the President's favor, and I would refer you to the President's outside counsel on any details beyond that.

    Q A follow-up, a separate question. Tomorrow, the President will be meeting with video game executives. What does he hope to accomplish? And why is he bringing them in?

    MS. SANDERS: The President wants to continue the conversation on every different area that we can to help promote school safety. And I'm not going to get ahead of the discussion that they're going to have tomorrow, but we think it's an important discussion to have and one that the President looks forward to.

    Q Does he think they're too violent? Is that why?

    MS. SANDERS: I'm sorry?

    Q Does he think that video games are too violent? Is that why he wants to bring them here?

    MS. SANDERS: It's certainly something that should be looked at and something that we want to have the conversation about.


    Q Thanks very much. I was wondering - the President tweeted earlier about - saying the U.S. is acting swiftly on intellectual property theft. Should we understand that to mean that the 301 report is imminent? And can you, kind of, give us some detail about whether it might lean into tariffs or damages for intellectual property theft?

    MS. SANDERS: Something, certainly, that we have considered and talked about extensively, but I'm not going to get ahead of any potential announcement.

    Q Sarah, given the President's criticism of the Attorney General in the past referring matters to the IG, does he then concur with several of the GOP congressmen who are calling for a second special counsel to look into FISA abuse in the Department of Justice?

    MS. SANDERS: The President has made clear that he has significant concerns about the current FISA process. Nothing makes the problem of FISA more clear than what the Democrat and the Republican memos that outlined that the FBI used political campaign material to get a warrant to spy on American citizens. They failed to disclose to the judge that the dossier was funded by the Clinton campaign and the DNC, even as it was being used to spy on people associated with the Trump campaign.

    Obviously, those details alone show that the process needs to be looked at closely and reformed to make sure that we're doing everything we can to protect the privacy of Americans.


    Q On a separate topic, I want to ask you about the VA, but I do want to follow up on something you have said twice now this week, which is, when asked about that payment to the President, you said, "Not that I'm aware of." Have you asked the President this question?

    MS. SANDERS: I'm sorry, can you be more (inaudible)?

    Q Sure. Sure. To both Jeff, as well as, Monday, to the Wall Street Journal reporter, you were asked about whether the President knew about this payment his longtime lawyer made to - facilitated, rather - to Stormy Daniels. You said then, and again today, not that you're aware of. Have you asked the President this question?

    MS. SANDERS: Yeah, I've had conversations with the President about this. And, as I outlined earlier, that this case has already been won in arbitration and that there was no knowledge of any payments from the President, and he's denied all of these allegations.

    Q But I just want to - is there a reason why you're not answering the actual substance of the question on the payment itself? Because it's come up a few times now.

    MS. SANDERS: I've believed I've addressed this question pretty extensively. And on ongoing litigation, I'm not going to comment any further than I already have.

    Q (Inaudible), which is the new IG report coming out. This is an issue that the President has been passionate about - veterans' care. It finds that Secretary Shulkin was a part of failed leadership at the VA. So why is he still a part of this administration?

    MS. SANDERS: Look, Secretary Shulkin has done a great job, as I outlined on Tuesday. A number of the things that have been improved upon at the VA under his leadership. We're proud of the work that we've done, and we're going to continue to do everything we can to protect the veterans and helps veterans in this country. It's something that the President talked about extensively on the campaign and has directed Director Shulkin to take an aggressive approach, and he's done that since becoming Secretary.


    Q Jordan, and then me. Jordan, and then me.

    MS. SANDERS: Oh, sorry. You're right. Jordan, I'm sorry.

    Q All right, thanks, Sarah. I want to ask about -

    MS. SANDERS: April, that was very polite of you.

    Q I'm always polite. (Laughter.)

    MS. SANDERS: Just to be clear, I didn't suggest otherwise, because I'm sure there will be some sort of terrible comment about how I was abusive to the press otherwise.

    Go ahead, Jordan.

    Q Me, in particular (inaudible). (Laughs.)

    Q All right, thanks, Sarah. I wanted to ask you about elephant trophies. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service put out new guidance saying it would evaluate all permit requests on a case-by-case basis. This comes after the President had suspended the previous guidance lifting the trophy ban.

    The President called that practice of collecting trophies a "horror show." So I'm wondering what does the President think of this latest policy of relaxing the ban? And did he sign off on it?

    MS. SANDERS: Look, the President's - President Trump's position on trophy hunting remains the same. The Fish and Wildlife's announcement is a response to a court decision impacting how trophy import applications are reviewed. Anything further, I'd refer you to the Fish and Wildlife Service.

    Q Does the President want them to further curtail that, given his thoughts about -

    MS. SANDERS: The President has been clear what his position is, and that has not changed.

    April. I'm sorry, I was a little scattered today on the order. Go ahead.

    Q You're all right. All right, three topics, really fast. The President was a businessman before he became a politician. And understanding business - if there's high turnover in a business, it's considered a management issue at the top. What's the issue here?

    MS. SANDERS: I don't believe there is one. I think that's why the first year of the administration has been so successful. As many people have outlined, we've actually accomplished a great deal of what the President campaigned on and set out to do, and we've only been here just over a year. So we certainly feel like there isn't an issue, but, actually, a great deal of success and a great story to tell about the President's first year.

    Q Do you have any confidence in this administration, with top - I mean, you've had a lot of people - 10 to 13 people - in top-tier positions leave.

    MS. SANDERS: I think that confidence should be in the President and the policies that he's outlined, and the agenda that he's laid out. That's what the American people voted for, and that's certainly what we've seen enacted over the first year and a half. And I think that's been a tremendous success.

    Q And the second, going back to Jared. You know, we heard a tape of the President with Billy Bush, and now we hear about Stormy Daniels, and you're saying that it's not true. What should the American public believe? And what does the President want the American public to believe after hearing that before the election, and now this?

    MS. SANDERS: Well, let's not conflate two different things. The President has denied these allegations. We've addressed this. The American people were aware of this and voted for the President. I don't have anything more to add.


    Q Thank you, Sarah. Two quick questions on two separate topics. Have any countries notified the administration of their intent to file complaints with the WTO regarding the imposition of the steel and aluminum tariffs?

    MS. SANDERS: I'm not aware of any specific complaints.

    Q And then, on the other question I wanted to ask you. Michael Cohen has indicated that he was not reimbursed in any way by the Trump organization or the Trump campaign for the $130,000 that he paid to Stormy Daniels. At the same time, he is being reimbursed for this legal fees by the Trump campaign. They've already paid $214,000 in legal fees to a firm that's representing Mr. Cohen. I don't want to get you in trouble with the Hatch Act, but do you happen to know why it is that the Trump campaign is paying his legal fees?

    MS. SANDERS: I don't. I can't speak on behalf of the campaign. I'd refer you to them.


    Q Sarah, can you confirm this trip to California next week? And also, why has it taken so long for the President to visit California?

    MS. SANDERS: I can confirm the President does plan to make a trip to California next week. Why it's taken so long? I think it's because he's been busy growing the economy, creating jobs, defeating ISIS, remaking the judiciary. I'd be happy to name off some other successes.

    Q It's been 14 months. It's a pretty big state.

    MS. SANDERS: But I think that's probably enough. But, yes, I can confirm the President will be headed to California next week.

    We'll take one last question. Alex.

    Q Sarah, bouncing off John's question on the Hatch Act, the White House is reasoning that Kellyanne Conway did not violate the Hatch Act when she said that a candidate in Alabama would be "a vote against tax cuts, weak on crime, weak on borders, and strong on raising your taxes." How do you see that as not advocating against a candidate?

    MS. SANDERS: She didn't advocate for or against the election of any particular candidate. She simply expressed the President's obvious position specific to policy, that he have people in the House and Senate who would support his agenda. I don't think it should be a secret to anybody that the President is going to want people both in the House and Senate that are going to help push forward policies that he supports and push forward policies and his agenda.

    In fact, Kellyanne's statement actually shows her intention and desire to comply with the Hatch Act, as she twice declined to respond to the host's specific invitation to encourage the people of Alabama to vote for that Republican.

    Thanks so much, guys. We'll see you tomorrow.


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