Remarks by President Trump on the National Security and Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border | Eastern North Carolina Now

Earlier today, I spoke with Prime Minister Ardern of New Zealand to express the sorrow of our entire nation following the monstrous terror attacks at two mosques.

Press Release:

    Oval Office  •  March 15, 2019  •  3:29 P.M. EDT

    THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Earlier today, I spoke with Prime Minister Ardern of New Zealand to express the sorrow of our entire nation following the monstrous terror attacks at two mosques. These sacred places of worship were turned into scenes of evil killing. You've all been seeing what went on. It's a horrible, horrible thing. I told the Prime Minister that the United States is with them all the way, a hundred percent. Whatever they need, we will be there. New Zealand has been a great friend and partner for many years. Our relationship has never been better. And what they're going through is absolutely terrible.

    So our hearts are with them, and whatever we can do.


    We're grateful to be joined today by the Vice President - thank you very much, Mike, for being here - members of my Cabinet, devoted public servants, and Angel parents - very important people to me and to a lot of other people. I want to thank you all for being here. Thank you so much for being here, and we appreciate it. Thank you. You've gone through a lot. As we take action to restore our national sovereignty and defend this nation from criminal cartels, human traffickers, and drug smugglers. Crime of all kinds coming through our southern border and other places. But this is the place. This is the place. We have the biggest problem by far.

    And I want to also compliment the incredible people at Border Patrol and ICE and law enforcement for the job they have done. They've apprehended so many thousands and thousands of people that, if we had the proper protection, we wouldn't even have to apprehend. They wouldn't be coming in.

    As President, the protection of the nation is my highest duty. Yesterday, Congress passed a dangerous resolution that, if signed into law, would put countless Americans in danger - very grave danger. The Democrat-sponsored resolution would terminate vital border security operations by revoking the national emergency issued last month. It is definitely a national emergency. Rarely have we had such a national emergency.

    Therefore, to defend the safety and security of all Americans, I will be signing and issuing a formal veto of this reckless resolution - and that's what it was. And I have to, in particular, thank the Republican - strong, wonderful people - the Republican senators that were on our side and on the side of border security and on the side of doing what they have to to keep our nation safe. They were very courageous yesterday, and I appreciate that very much.

    Congress's vote to deny the crisis on the southern border is a vote against reality. It's against reality. It is a tremendous national emergency. It is a tremendous crisis.

    Last month, more than 76,000 illegal migrants arrived at our border. We're on track for a million illegal aliens to rush our borders. People hate the word "invasion," but that's what it is. It's an invasion of drugs and criminals and people. We have no idea who they are, but we capture them because border security is so good. But they're put in a very bad position, and we're bursting at the seams. Literally, bursting at the seams. What Border Patrol is able to do is incredible.

    I also, by the way, want to thank our military, because our military has been very much involved, as you know. And they're putting up walls, in some cases temporary; in some cases, they were supposed to be temporary. They're so good that they're better than the permanent. So we're leaving them.

    We've really nowhere left to hold all of the people that were captured. And we're at a point where we're just going to have to say, with these horrible decisions that we've been handed by people that aren't living in reality, that there's nothing we can do. There's absolutely nothing we can do. We're bursting at the seams. You can only do so much. And the only option then is to release them, but we can't do that either. Because when you release them, they come into our society, and in many cases they're stone-cold criminals. And in many cases, and in some cases, you have killers coming in and murderers coming in, and we're not going to allow that to happen. Just not going to allow it to happen.

    There has been a nearly 2,000 percent increase in border-related asylum claims over the last decade. Part of the reason is because our country is doing so well economically that people are coming up in droves. The vast majority are rejected, but smuggling organizations - making a tremendous amount of money, like they've never made before - are using these people to crash the system. Our immigration system is stretched beyond the breaking point.

    And as I said, nothing much we can do. We can just do our job and do it well. But there's a point at which, if the Democrats would - we'd get in, we'd be able to make a deal. Literally, in 15 minutes, we could make a deal on changing catch and release; changing the horrible asylum laws that are so unfair; changing visa lottery, chain migration. These laws are just horrendous. I won't explain them, but everybody standing behind me knows exactly what they are: They're dangerous for our country, and they're inspired by Democrats who have to change.

    One in three migrant women is sexually assaulted on the journey north. The border crisis is driving the drug crisis. Seventy thousand Americans a year are killed by drugs, including meth, heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl. And the 70,000 people is a number that's so low that it probably shouldn't even be used anymore.

    The mass incursion of illegal aliens, deadly drugs, dangerous weapons, and criminal gang members across our borders has to end.

    We are bringing out thousands and thousands a year of MS-13 gang members, and other gang members that are just as bad, where they come into our country, they're able to skirt the border, come through areas where we don't have proper wall, where we don't have any wall at all. And they get into the country and they do a lot of damage, in many cases. But we get them out by the thousands, and we bring them back or we incarcerate them.


    The national emergency I declared last month was authorized by Congress under the 1976 National Emergencies Act. And there haven't been too many that are a bigger emergency than we have right at our own border.

    Consistent with the law and the legislative process designed by our Founders, today I am vetoing this resolution. Congress has the freedom to pass this resolution, and I have the duty to veto it. And I'm very proud to veto it. And I'm very proud, as I said, of a lot of Republican senators that were with me. And I'm also very proud of the House. The Republicans in the House voted overwhelmingly in favor of a secure border.

    Since 1976, Presidents have declared 59 national emergencies. They often involved protecting foreign citizens in far-off lands, yet Congress has not terminated any of them. Every single one of them is still in existence. And yet, we don't worry about our land; we worry about other people's lands. That's why I say "America first." If that's okay: "America first."

    The only emergency Congress voted to revoke was the one to protect our own country. So, think of that: With all of the national emergencies, this was the one they don't want to do. And this is the one, perhaps, they should most do.

    We're joined today by many brave law enforcement officers, including sheriffs and just people that have been just tremendous, tremendous backers of law and order, which we have to have.

    We're also joined by friends of mine, Mary Ann Mendoza, Kent Terry, Laura Wilkerson, Sabine Durden, and Steve Ronnebeck. And I'm going to ask Steve to say a few words. And I'm going to ask some of the folks behind me to say, also, a few words as to the importance of what we're doing. There's nothing more important.

    As I said, I was elected on a very - by a very, very great group of American people - millions and millions of people - because they want security for our country. And that's what we're going to have.

    I'd like to ask Secretary Nielsen to say a few words and then Attorney General Bill Barr. And then I'd like to go to some of the folks behind me, and perhaps you'd have something to say. And then we're going to sign something that's going to give us safety at our border.


    SECRETARY NIELSEN: Sir, I just want to thank you and the Vice President for your leadership and your constant support of the brave men and women not only represented behind you, on the very frontlines of our country, but of CBP and ICE.

    The fact that this is an emergency is undeniable. We have not seen this type of flow. As you know, it's predominantly families and children, which means that there's a very unique and dangerous humanitarian crisis at hand, in addition to the security that you just described in your remarks.

    So we have a duty to know who comes in our country, and we have a duty to ensure that the flow is safe and orderly. That's what you've attempted to do and that's what you've demanded that Congress do. And I just again ask Congress to please pay attention. We've given you the facts. The system is breaking. Security is at risk. And the very humanitarian protections that we hold dear in this country are at risk in terms of our ability to provide those to vulnerable populations.

    So, Mr. President, thank you always for your leadership and great support.

    THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you. Bill?

    ATTORNEY GENERAL BARR: Mr. President, your declaration of an emergency on the southern border was clearly authorized under the law and consistent with past precedent.

    As you said, the National Emergencies Act directly authorizes the President, and gives broad discretionary authority to the President, to identify and respond to emergent circumstances that require a decisive response.

    And the humanitarian and security crisis we have on the border right now is exactly the kind of emergency that Presidents are permitted to address under the National Emergencies Act.


    ATTORNEY GENERAL BARR: As you alluded to yourself, in the past 40 years, there have been 59 emergencies declared. And many of these have dealt with political conditions in countries like Burundi, Sierra Leone, Belarus. The crisis that we're dealing with today is right on our doorstep, and it presents a real clear and present danger to the American people.

    So what you've done from a legal standpoint is solidly grounded in law. And from the standpoint of protecting the American people, it's imperative.

    THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Bill. That's great. So you'll be defending it -


    THE PRESIDENT: - and you'll defend it well. I have no doubt about that.

    Would anybody like to say something? Why don't we start with Mike?

    THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you, Mr. President. I don't know that I've ever been more proud to be standing next to your desk than I am today, to be standing with these courageous Americans and with these extraordinary Angel parents.

    We have a crisis on our southern border. The reality is it's not only a crisis of illegal immigration, but criminal elements are coming across our border; the flow of drugs. Now drug overdose is the number-one cause of death for Americans under the age of 55.

    So the crisis on our southern border is a crisis all across this nation. Add in human trafficking and all that comes with this crisis; justify the President's declaration of a national emergency - this is affecting all the people of the United States.


    And today, Mr. President, with your strong support for the men and women of law enforcement, Customs and Border Protection, Homeland Security, and with, I know, what is your love in your heart for these Angel parents, you're keeping your word by vetoing this legislation, by finding the available resources to build the wall, address this emergency, and secure our border.

    And I know I speak on behalf of all gathered here, people all across this country, when I say thank you for keeping your word, Mr. President.

    THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Mike. I appreciate that. (Applause.)
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