More By Austin Goss | Eastern North Carolina Now

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Austin Goss's Entries

The University of Texas at Austin is offering counseling services to help create what it labels “healthy masculinity.”
The University of Texas at Austin is offering counseling services to help create what it labels “healthy masculinity.”
Governor Greg Abbott spoke on behalf of all taxpayers in his open letter to disgraced former Congressman Blake Farenthold.
Governor Greg Abbott spoke on behalf of all taxpayers in his open letter to disgraced former Congressman Blake Farenthold.
Now 6 months into a young Trump presidency, the Republicans who were have promised for years on end to repeal Obamacare need to do so immediately.
Now 6 months into a young Trump presidency, the Republicans who were have promised for years on end to repeal Obamacare need to do so immediately.
Democrats are setting a dangerous precedent for presidencies to come.
Democrats are setting a dangerous precedent for presidencies to come.
Consistency in politics is crucial to the survival of the Republic
Consistency in politics is crucial to the survival of the Republic
The Purpose of Obstruction in Today's Republic
The Purpose of Obstruction in Today's Republic
Last Week, the North Carolina State Senate did not repeal HB2 in lieu of the new Governor-elect...
Last Week, the North Carolina State Senate did not repeal HB2 in lieu of the new Governor-elect...


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