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John W. LaCava's Entries

This not only a national problem but a local problem as well.
When I was a tenth grade student, I had the good fortune to have an English teacher named MS. Comer.
When I was a tenth grade student, I had the good fortune to have an English teacher named MS. Comer.
People have long memories and this fact was on public display during this last election cycle.
People have long memories and this fact was on public display during this last election cycle.
In my 38 years in public education, one runs into all kinds of educators.
In my 38 years in public education, one runs into all kinds of educators.
When my wife and I lived in Woodbridge, Virginia, We were very disturbed about the number of burglaries that were occurring in our surrounding neighborhoods.
When my wife and I lived in Woodbridge, Virginia, We were very disturbed about the number of burglaries that were occurring in our surrounding neighborhoods.
Every person or organization has a method of operation. To our detriment, it would appear that our federal government has adopted an M.O. that is unquestionably criminal in intent.
Every person or organization has a method of operation. To our detriment, it would appear that our federal government has adopted an M.O. that is unquestionably criminal in intent.
The multiple problems todays public school teachers face are daunting.
The multiple problems todays public school teachers face are daunting.
Never mind that Boston's Children's Hospital has changed the gender of thousands of children, those god-like deniers of the Hippocractic Oath (first do no harm) know what they are doing.
Never mind that Boston's Children's Hospital has changed the gender of thousands of children, those god-like deniers of the Hippocractic Oath (first do no harm) know what they are doing.
If you haven't noticed, the current Federal government has managed to confine you in an almost escape proof box.

The Box

If you haven't noticed, the current Federal government has managed to confine you in an almost escape proof box.
Bureaucratism is fundamentally anti-democratic and illiberal. Unelected bureaucrats, rather than elected legislator make decisions that greatly impact their fellow citizens.
Bureaucratism is fundamentally anti-democratic and illiberal. Unelected bureaucrats, rather than elected legislator make decisions that greatly impact their fellow citizens.
If you had told me 55 years ago that public education would sink to the depths that it has, I never would have believed you.
If you had told me 55 years ago that public education would sink to the depths that it has, I never would have believed you.


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