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As Border Patrol Agent Jesus "Chito" Diaz left for work on October 15, 2008, he kissed his wife goodbye and hugged his children. His wife, Diana, had a gut check of impending danger as he walked out the door, and that is a normal reaction for a spouse going in harm's way and carrying a gun.
As Border Patrol Agent Jesus "Chito" Diaz left for work on October 15, 2008, he kissed his wife goodbye and hugged his children. His wife, Diana, had a gut check of impending danger as he walked out the door, and that is a normal reaction for a spouse going in harm's way and carrying a gun.
A new lawsuit has been filed in Broward County, Florida that challenges Barack Obama's eligibility to be listed on the ballot for the president of the United States.
A new lawsuit has been filed in Broward County, Florida that challenges Barack Obama's eligibility to be listed on the ballot for the president of the United States.
The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt by six employees of the Suez Canal in 1928. The Brotherhood's credo is "Allah is our objective, the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader, Jihad is our way, and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."
The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt by six employees of the Suez Canal in 1928. The Brotherhood's credo is "Allah is our objective, the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader, Jihad is our way, and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."
As we watched the Arab Spring roll violently across the Middle East engulfing country after country, the hope that a democracy was finally coming to the Arabic World was crushed by the reality of who the protesters were.
As we watched the Arab Spring roll violently across the Middle East engulfing country after country, the hope that a democracy was finally coming to the Arabic World was crushed by the reality of who the protesters were.
On December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese, and over 2,400 Americans were killed. As a result, a patriotic fever engulfed the entire country.
On December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese, and over 2,400 Americans were killed. As a result, a patriotic fever engulfed the entire country.
John Tedesco is a ‘lightening rod” of new ideas charged by his conviction that that he can improve the North Carolina school system. And I think he can do it.
John Tedesco is a ‘lightening rod” of new ideas charged by his conviction that that he can improve the North Carolina school system. And I think he can do it.
You said that you would have the most transparent presidency in the history of the United States.
You said that you would have the most transparent presidency in the history of the United States.
Ed Goodwin, a Chowan County commissioner, would like to be the next Secretary of State, and I hope that he wins the election.
Ed Goodwin, a Chowan County commissioner, would like to be the next Secretary of State, and I hope that he wins the election.
On October 13, Linda Harper and the Citizens for Constitutional Liberties (Wayne County Tea Party) hosted a forum in Goldsboro to allow candidates for state offices to present their ideas for improving the state of North Carolina.
On October 13, Linda Harper and the Citizens for Constitutional Liberties (Wayne County Tea Party) hosted a forum in Goldsboro to allow candidates for state offices to present their ideas for improving the state of North Carolina.
Before we become too excited, let's step back in time and reflect what the Congress was like when Nancy Pelosi was speaker of the Democratic controlled House.
Before we become too excited, let's step back in time and reflect what the Congress was like when Nancy Pelosi was speaker of the Democratic controlled House.
Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister of England, was closely associated with the policy of appeasement towards Nazi Germany in 1938. After ceding part of the Czech motherland to Adolf Hitler, he returned to England and loudly proclaimed, "We have peace. We have peace in our time."
Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister of England, was closely associated with the policy of appeasement towards Nazi Germany in 1938. After ceding part of the Czech motherland to Adolf Hitler, he returned to England and loudly proclaimed, "We have peace. We have peace in our time."
I remember a cartoon character years ago, that said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us." Radical Liberalism is home grown.
I remember a cartoon character years ago, that said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us." Radical Liberalism is home grown.
Four out of ten voters call themselves Liberal. The actual percentage is 21%. However, this small percentage controls fully the Democratic Party.
Four out of ten voters call themselves Liberal. The actual percentage is 21%. However, this small percentage controls fully the Democratic Party.
As we watched the DNC, many of us were shocked by the naked hostility that was directed towards our traditional values-like religion, family traditions, and individual responsibility.
As we watched the DNC, many of us were shocked by the naked hostility that was directed towards our traditional values-like religion, family traditions, and individual responsibility.
The astonishing transformation of people’s religious beliefs in the United States has happened so suddenly that most of us are in a state of shock.
The astonishing transformation of people’s religious beliefs in the United States has happened so suddenly that most of us are in a state of shock.
The Obama Justice Department ignored videoed voter intimidation by the New Black Panther party, but has sued the states for daring to suggest using voter IDs.
The Obama Justice Department ignored videoed voter intimidation by the New Black Panther party, but has sued the states for daring to suggest using voter IDs.
General MacArthur said in his fare well speech to congress," Once war is forced upon us there is no other alternative than to apply every available means to bring it to a swift end. War's very object is victory, not prolonged indecision.
General MacArthur said in his fare well speech to congress," Once war is forced upon us there is no other alternative than to apply every available means to bring it to a swift end. War's very object is victory, not prolonged indecision.
After Alice tumbled down the rabbit hole, she cried, "Things are curiouser and curiouser." I am starting to feel the same way when I try to make sense of the "Fast and Furious" scandal.
After Alice tumbled down the rabbit hole, she cried, "Things are curiouser and curiouser." I am starting to feel the same way when I try to make sense of the "Fast and Furious" scandal.
On March 16, President Obama signed Executive Order 12919 that outlined the National Defense Resources Procedures. As usual the far left media was either asleep or they approved of the new Obama program-most likely both.
On March 16, President Obama signed Executive Order 12919 that outlined the National Defense Resources Procedures. As usual the far left media was either asleep or they approved of the new Obama program-most likely both.
Senator Harry Reid said,” The Tea Party movement is dead in the water under his leadership, since the Tea Party will disappear as the economy improves, and it is improving every day.”
Senator Harry Reid said,” The Tea Party movement is dead in the water under his leadership, since the Tea Party will disappear as the economy improves, and it is improving every day.”
Jan Brewer, the governor of Arizona, has my nomination for the heroine of the year.
When the Korans were accidently burned, President Obama profusely apologized to the Muslims. However, I have yet to hear an apology from the Muslims for the death of hundreds of Christians in the past year.
When the Korans were accidently burned, President Obama profusely apologized to the Muslims. However, I have yet to hear an apology from the Muslims for the death of hundreds of Christians in the past year.
I am sure that every one has either seen or heard about the brutal attack ad that a super PAC, Priorities USA, unleashed against Mitt Romney.
I am sure that every one has either seen or heard about the brutal attack ad that a super PAC, Priorities USA, unleashed against Mitt Romney.
The Supreme Court upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and its mandate that all individuals must be covered by a health insurance program. Under Obamacare businesses that have more than 50 employees must provide health insurance to their employees or face a penalty.
The Supreme Court upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and its mandate that all individuals must be covered by a health insurance program. Under Obamacare businesses that have more than 50 employees must provide health insurance to their employees or face a penalty.
President Obama has been relentless with his attacks on Mitt Romney, and his association with Bain Capital. The major media outlets only print the propaganda that the White House feeds them. Let's hear the other side of the story.
President Obama has been relentless with his attacks on Mitt Romney, and his association with Bain Capital. The major media outlets only print the propaganda that the White House feeds them. Let's hear the other side of the story.
The Congress of the United States has cited Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the United States, in CONTEMPT for lying and withholding information that would help uncover the truth in the Fast and Furious scandal.
The Congress of the United States has cited Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the United States, in CONTEMPT for lying and withholding information that would help uncover the truth in the Fast and Furious scandal.
The United States contributes more than any other nation to the budget of the UN, and yet we get less respect and cooperation than any other member nation.
The United States contributes more than any other nation to the budget of the UN, and yet we get less respect and cooperation than any other member nation.


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