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Beaufort Observer Editorial Team's Entries

About a hundred Buffalo, NY business owners were meeting to respond to Governor Cuomo's latest lockdown order, when an anonymous complaint led to deputies and health department officials showing up.
About a hundred Buffalo, NY business owners were meeting to respond to Governor Cuomo's latest lockdown order, when an anonymous complaint led to deputies and health department officials showing up.
British Supreme Court Justice Lord Sumpton has blasted the coronavirus lockdowns of the UK government as "totalitarian" in an op-ed he has written for a major British newspaper.
British Supreme Court Justice Lord Sumpton has blasted the coronavirus lockdowns of the UK government as "totalitarian" in an op-ed he has written for a major British newspaper.
The government and several pharmaceutical companies have announced that a vaccine is almost ready for the market.
The government and several pharmaceutical companies have announced that a vaccine is almost ready for the market.
The science clearly says, from all of multiple studies in multiple countries that children are much better off in school and not at home in dealing with the coronavirus.
The science clearly says, from all of multiple studies in multiple countries that children are much better off in school and not at home in dealing with the coronavirus.
You're seeing the reports all over the news: Pfizer's new coronavirus vaccine requires storage at -70C (-94F), which is much colder than the North Pole.
You're seeing the reports all over the news: Pfizer's new coronavirus vaccine requires storage at -70C (-94F), which is much colder than the North Pole.
Angela Merkel had provisions inserted into the new 7 year European Union budget to punish countries that failed to follow EU dictates on immigration and other issues.
Angela Merkel had provisions inserted into the new 7 year European Union budget to punish countries that failed to follow EU dictates on immigration and other issues.
In case you missed it, Tucker Carlson breaks down what happened in the Senate hearing earlier this week when the august salons called the Big Three tech oligarchs to testify about how they censor private American citizens who are naive enough to use their products.
In case you missed it, Tucker Carlson breaks down what happened in the Senate hearing earlier this week when the august salons called the Big Three tech oligarchs to testify about how they censor private American citizens who are naive enough to use their products.
We have not finished the last silly season, the Trump election. But we are beginning the silly season of electing the chairman of the Board of Beaufort County Commissioners.
We have not finished the last silly season, the Trump election. But we are beginning the silly season of electing the chairman of the Board of Beaufort County Commissioners.
The 2020 elections proved one thing: Election integrity is a joke.
The race for Chief Justice of the N.C. Supreme Court is about as close as it gets.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has used executive orders to impose new lockdowns on citizens over the Wuhan coronavirus, and legislators are responding by calling for legislative hearings to start the process to impeach Whitmer and remove her from office.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has used executive orders to impose new lockdowns on citizens over the Wuhan coronavirus, and legislators are responding by calling for legislative hearings to start the process to impeach Whitmer and remove her from office.
It's not often we agree with Barack Obama, but on this particular issue we do agree even though many of our conservative friends do not agree.
It's not often we agree with Barack Obama, but on this particular issue we do agree even though many of our conservative friends do not agree.
President Trump has told friends he wants to start a digital media company to clobber Fox News and undermine the conservative-friendly network, sources tell Axios.
President Trump has told friends he wants to start a digital media company to clobber Fox News and undermine the conservative-friendly network, sources tell Axios.
It's strange how we can hear a Scripture passage for years and fail to experience the full import of its meaning.
It's strange how we can hear a Scripture passage for years and fail to experience the full import of its meaning.
Of all of the things that have changed since November 3 the most significant, in our opinion, is the conservative public's abandoning the Elite Media.
Of all of the things that have changed since November 3 the most significant, in our opinion, is the conservative public's abandoning the Elite Media.
At this time you may or may not be the President-Elect, time will tell.
At this time you may or may not be the President-Elect, time will tell.
Stacey Abrams lost Georgia by more votes than Trump lost Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin combined and she still hasn't conceded.
Stacey Abrams lost Georgia by more votes than Trump lost Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin combined and she still hasn't conceded.
Stock markets surged at opening Monday after Pfizer and BioNTech announced that a vaccine candidate has a more than 90% effectiveness rate preventing COVID-19.
Stock markets surged at opening Monday after Pfizer and BioNTech announced that a vaccine candidate has a more than 90% effectiveness rate preventing COVID-19.
There once was a man who hated his wife. He nit-picked everything she ever did.
There once was a man who hated his wife. He nit-picked everything she ever did.
Censorship and ideological authoritarianism on Twitter and Facebook has led to a major shift in use to the free speecn site Parler.
Censorship and ideological authoritarianism on Twitter and Facebook has led to a major shift in use to the free speecn site Parler.
A group of truckers is planning a "stop all tires" one day trucking strike across the country for Veterans Day as a warning shot against the Green New Deal.
A group of truckers is planning a "stop all tires" one day trucking strike across the country for Veterans Day as a warning shot against the Green New Deal.
They were supposed to tell us early on Election Day what the results were going to be based on asking a few voters how they voted when they came out of the polling place.
They were supposed to tell us early on Election Day what the results were going to be based on asking a few voters how they voted when they came out of the polling place.
Long but interesting article with all the Constitutional provisions if that should happen.
Long but interesting article with all the Constitutional provisions if that should happen.
The more and more I see and hear what is happening I begin to wonder If maybe I am crazy but…….
The more and more I see and hear what is happening I begin to wonder If maybe I am crazy but…….
Four decades of legal experience, 16 years on the state's High Court and a lifetime of community service are just a few of the qualifications that Paul Newby brings to the race for Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court.
Four decades of legal experience, 16 years on the state's High Court and a lifetime of community service are just a few of the qualifications that Paul Newby brings to the race for Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court.
A new poll for the Daily Express of London of likely American voters by the polling firm Democracy Institute shows President Trump winning the popular vote by one percentage point
A new poll for the Daily Express of London of likely American voters by the polling firm Democracy Institute shows President Trump winning the popular vote by one percentage point
This election, with its myriad of issues to navigate, poses a tough choice for some Christians.
The Post praised Trump's purported economic success before the coronavirus reached U.S. shores in late January and advocated against "cancel culture and censorship" in a front-page cover story.
The Post praised Trump's purported economic success before the coronavirus reached U.S. shores in late January and advocated against "cancel culture and censorship" in a front-page cover story.
So the Titans of Silicon Valley went to Washington as commanded to tell the Senate that they are doing a wonderful job facilitating free speech with their platforms.
So the Titans of Silicon Valley went to Washington as commanded to tell the Senate that they are doing a wonderful job facilitating free speech with their platforms.
If one really wants to know what is causing much of America's problems, from economics to politics, this article will document the root cause
If one really wants to know what is causing much of America's problems, from economics to politics, this article will document the root cause
The Republican-led Senate voted 52-48 to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court Monday after a contentious confirmation battle.
The Republican-led Senate voted 52-48 to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court Monday after a contentious confirmation battle.
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