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Comments for School Super-intendent organizes a Power Play

The existing School Board should vote to put this project on hold until new Board is seated

Frank...thanks for your service. No clue how you put up with it, but you are right to hang in there.
Commented: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 @ 5:42 pm By: Big Bob
Bath Parent: When you slander me, or others that are of substance, people that matter with lies, you will get called out.

Frankie Waters has never been slandered on this platform, because all slander has to begin with a lie. Plus, Frankie is a RINO 1st class, of which every real Republican of Beaufort County knows to their core.

One more thing "Bath Parent," you used a Fake Email again, so couple that with the fact that you operate under an alias, you are suspended from commenting for the next 6 weeks; do it again and it will be much longer if not forever on this august platform.
Commented: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 @ 5:17 pm By: Stan Deatherage
If you really are from Bath (instead of BCCS central office), have you thought about where Cheeseman plans to get the other 200 students for his 1,000 student school? The system has declining enrollment, and the two schools being combined have only 800 students. The other two closest elementary schools are Chocowinity and BATH.

When we spend public funds, they shold be spent efficiently, not in a half-assed manner to bolster a bureaucrat's resume.

As to T.W. Allen, I suggest you watch some school board meetings. Sometimes you even wonder whether he is awake, except when Cheeseman leans over to instruct him on what to do. He is a complete joke, as are Mack Hodges and Eltha Booth, who also rarely open their mouths on anything. All three are Cheeseman puppets.
Commented: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 @ 4:02 pm By: Conservative Voter
You are quick to call slander on people that call out Hood or yourself. Why not call out slander when people comment on TW ALLEN or Frankie? We all know this is a one sided narrative this blog post prints. Have you stopped to ask yourself how much money this grant will put into the county? Oh yea you and Hood would like Beaufort County to not change at all.
Commented: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 @ 3:12 pm By: Bath Parent
Proper financial management of this $52 million project means we need ALL of our elected school board members AND county commissioners to be fully engaged, not mere bystanders. There is too much taxpayer money invovled here for any of them to take a powder. Cheeseman has little or no experience in this area of building schools. I guess that is why he is so desperate for this one for his resume. He can probably paper over a boondoggle. The taxpayers, on the other hand, will be stuck with it when he moves on.
Commented: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 @ 12:43 pm By: Concerned Taxpayer
When Hood gets called out he calls everyone a liar or Rino.
Commented: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 @ 11:21 am By: Prendiegirl
The majority on the school board are useful idiots for liberal and power hungry superientant Cheeseman, and that is the crux of the problem. That particularly goes for T.W. Allen, Eltha Booth, and Mack Hodges, all of whom are little more than bench warmers.

The county commission has financial oversight of this construction, and it is time for that entire board to be responsible public officials and exercise it, since the school board majority has abdicated its role and ceded their role to Cheeseman.
Commented: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 @ 11:02 am By: Conservative Voter
But not you HR. You are not on the school board. Maybe you should run?
Commented: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 @ 10:09 am By: Big Bob
Is it Prediegirl or Bidengirl? She uses the same demonization tactics as the Biden Democrats, accusing Richardson of the same things that the Biden Democrats try to falsely accuse President Trump of doing. She is high on personal villification and very light on actual issues.

I guess when you don't have facts on your side, personal vilification is the only thing you have left.
Commented: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 @ 9:55 am By: Rino Hunter
Prendiest Girl. Your are a liar. But that is the way Democrats and RINO's play.
Commented: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 @ 9:31 am By: Hood Richardson
Cheeseman is a control freak. He is the reason we are losing teachers because teachers are afraid of him. He is controlling this whole school construction thing to create a resume item for himself for when he seeks to move up to a larger, better paying school system. The reason this school is being built in the manner it is has everything to do with Cheeseman's resume and nothing to do with education in Beaufort County. It is shameful that we have such pathetically weak leadership on both the school board and the county commission that they are letting him play them like a violin.

We need ALL of our elected officials on both the school board and the county commission to engage on this issue, something they should have done a long time ago. Most of them are just sitting there like bumps on a log and rubberstamping whatever Cheeseman wants.
Commented: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 @ 8:11 am By: John Steed
Prendiegirl: If you believe that Commissioner Richardson is in any way corrupt in governing all these many decades, you have outed yourself, by projection, to be a corrupt person, whose opinion, as an alias, means very little except to other corrupt people.

So let this be a warning Prendiegirl, if you continue to slander good people, well known to all other good people here on this publication or elsewhere, you will lose your alias status, then you can slander the Good Commissioner under your real name ... How would that work for you?

As someone who has served with Commissioner Richardson for 22 1/2 years, we both know well what corruption looks like here in Beaufort County, and neither one of us have one iota of that taint upon us ... Just the scars as those that stand strong the best we can between the honest good folk of Beaufort County and the corrupted dishonest that are far too many in positions of power.
Commented: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 @ 8:10 am By: Stan Deatherage
Hood, The only person I see trying to seize power is you. You are the only corruption I see going on in Beaufort County. Wasn’t it your racist self who called people Monkey & Taco Mamas? Time to go Hood. I see a rocking chair with your name on it.
Commented: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 @ 6:13 am By: Prendiegirl
You are missing the 9 member board direct the one superintendent. Plus democracy is all of us.
Commented: Tuesday, July 16th, 2024 @ 5:00 pm By: Hood Richardson
Last I saw the school board is made up of people, not a person. What did I miss?
Commented: Tuesday, July 16th, 2024 @ 4:39 pm By: Big Bob
Big Bob, No oner ever intended for one person to make all of the decisions about education. You need to understand what democracy is. One man making all decision is called a dictatorship. it is no wonder that education is so fouled up.
Commented: Tuesday, July 16th, 2024 @ 3:36 pm By: Hood Richardson
I'm sorry HR, but like you, these people were elected to make decisions. Your views will not always carry the day.

You can make some sense and often make valid points but you're hard to work with and that effects outcomes. Remember, no man is an island.

(He's a peninsula!)
Commented: Tuesday, July 16th, 2024 @ 12:45 pm By: Big Bob
Prendiegirl, You have lived with corruption so long, you believe it is normal. Try to disstinguish between democracy and seizing power.
Commented: Tuesday, July 16th, 2024 @ 10:48 am By: Hood Richardson
Hood, you are such a blowhard. Try getting your facts right. Your minions agreed with the changes.
Commented: Tuesday, July 16th, 2024 @ 7:04 am By: Prendiegirl
One man leading the sheep to slaughter. The Democrat and RINO way.
Commented: Tuesday, July 16th, 2024 @ 7:46 am By: Hood Richardson
Sounds like a meeting, decisions were made, nobody voted or did what you wanted.
Commented: Monday, July 15th, 2024 @ 10:27 pm By: Big Bob


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