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Comments for Trump shot. Minor injury. Assassin shot dead by LEO.

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"We need to put Trump in the bullseye" - Joe Biden, just a week or so ago.
Commented: Monday, July 15th, 2024 @ 8:09 pm By: Conservative Voter
Name someone other than a private citizen who did that?
Post what they said
Commented: Monday, July 15th, 2024 @ 6:32 pm By: Big Bob
Like this

Mark R. Some need killin.
Stan - democrats have no reason to exist.
Commented: Monday, July 15th, 2024 @ 6:33 pm By: Big Bob
Here is a retired Canadian army sniper who has also worked protective details for major world leaders, who says the Trump shooter had to have had help from insiders:
Commented: Monday, July 15th, 2024 @ 5:32 pm By: Rino Hunter
Just a few weeks ago after the SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity, there was a lot of loose, ugly, and disgusting talk by liberals, including some elected Democrats, involving someone killing Trump. Just a few weeks later, someone actually tried to do it. The Biden Democrats and the far left own this.
Commented: Monday, July 15th, 2024 @ 5:05 pm By: Steven P. Rader
Commented: Monday, July 15th, 2024 @ 3:19 pm By: Big Bob
Trump on John McCain
I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which as president I had to approve. I don't care about this. I didn't get [a] thank you. That's OK. We sent him on the way, but I wasn't a fan of John McCain.[19]
Commented: Monday, July 15th, 2024 @ 3:33 pm By: Big Bob
I think Trump did it to himself. Gets the base out. Of course I have no evidence but either do any of you for the stuff you post
Commented: Monday, July 15th, 2024 @ 3:23 pm By: Big Bob
Trump on Paul Pelosi -
“We’ll stand up to crazy Nancy Pelosi, who ruined San Francisco — how’s her husband doing, anybody know?” Trump said to a raucous crowd of California Republicans at a state party convention. “And she’s against building a wall at our border, even though she has a wall around her house — which obviously didn’t do a very good job.”
Commented: Monday, July 15th, 2024 @ 3:19 pm By: Big Bob
Glenn Beck just had a professional sniper on his radio program who says the shooter had to have had help and this could not have been done by one man acting alone. His expert was Dallas Alexander, a retired Canadian army sniper who has the world's record for the longest kill shot, who has also worked on the other side of the aisle providing security assistance to important leaders including Canada's prime minister. Alexander said that there was no level of incompetence that could explain away what happened. He pointed out that he had never himself worked a protective detail where the enemy sniper was allowed to fire first before being taken out.

It is also interesting that they are now saying that explosive devises were found in the shooter's home as well as his car. One wonders what other mayhem he had in mind.

The lack of info that is being given on the shooter and his motives is also concerning. Will we have another coverup like the FBI did with the transgender shooter in Tennessee?
Commented: Monday, July 15th, 2024 @ 12:02 pm By: Conservative Voter
Yes, Bobbie, that sounds EXACTLY like what the Biden Democrats are doing with their distortions about Project 2025. Gaslighting. Also, all of their "Trump is Hitler" and "threat to democracy" crap.
Commented: Monday, July 15th, 2024 @ 9:50 am By: Rino Hunter
Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse or manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim's mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.
Commented: Monday, July 15th, 2024 @ 9:40 am By: Big Bob
The kids the shooter went to school with say he was a loner, was badly bullied, was rejected because he was a bad shot when he tried out for the school rifle team, and that his family were withdrawn from the rest of the community. His father bought the rifle he used. The shooter made his first Democrat political contribution while he was 17 and still in high school. Not many high school kids make political contributions.

The BLM / ANTIFA riots were bi-racial, with BLM mostly black and ANTIFA mostly white. Both were radical extremist far left groups. Responsible black organizations like the NAACP and the Congress of Racail Equality do not riot or use violence and destruction.

THe only race hustler on this board, Little Bobbie, is YOU.

Being cheated out of an election is a very different thing from losing a fair and honest election. Trump responded with legal remedies and support of peaceful domonstrations. He did not want the agitators and instigators to do what they did at the Capitol, but even so, it lacked the violence and destruction of so many of the BLM / ANTIFA riots.
Commented: Monday, July 15th, 2024 @ 8:03 am By: Conservative Voter
Not according to the kids he went to school with.
We are Americans. We are in the same team.
We all have a right to exist
Nobody needs killing
Commented: Monday, July 15th, 2024 @ 12:49 am By: Big Bob
Apples and oranges-CV -I understand you have a racist point of view and I'm sorry for you. Black people have a right to be treated as equals under the law. often they are not. BLM was a response to that.

Trump lost an election and had a tantrum.
There is no comparison.
Commented: Sunday, July 14th, 2024 @ 7:14 pm By: Big Bob
The question you should be asking is how does a kid like this get an AR-15? I understand it's legal but as we learn about him, we need to make a choice. Do we allow this or not? If so, nobody is safe.
Commented: Sunday, July 14th, 2024 @ 7:25 pm By: Big Bob
The shooter was a BIDEN DONOR. There is no question whose side he was on, He was also a donor to the Progressive Turnout Project in 2022, so he a a far leftist, too.

Even since the assassination attempt, a lot of lefties are melting down that the shooter missed.
Commented: Sunday, July 14th, 2024 @ 10:27 pm By: Rino Hunter
Your comment is full of bull, like most of them are, Bobbie.

Your side's BLM/ANTIFA riots did an enormous amount of damage and kiled a lot of people. THe January 6 riot, did NOT. The victims were among the riots, in one case deliberately executed by a rogue police officer.
Commented: Sunday, July 14th, 2024 @ 6:22 pm By: Conservative Voter
You know my post is factually correct. Ignore my advice and watch the death toll rise. We all have guns.

I’ve never threatened anyone in any post I have ever made. My side did not storm the capitol.
Commented: Sunday, July 14th, 2024 @ 5:18 pm By: Big Bob
Speak for yourself, Little Bobbie. The Democrats, the left, and the media have been the ones radcializing their base by demonizing the opposition. You, yourself have done it right here. Your side is the ones who have said the extreme things that need to be toned down. Republicans have never said the things about Biden that your side has regularly said about Trump.

That the shooter registered in a way to vote against Trump in the primary is not at all significant about who he is politically. His political contribution history tells the real story and it is a DEMOCRAT story. What will tell the tale is what information is found in his vehicle and his residence, and if that is not what Biden wants us to see, the FBI will undoubedly sit on it until at least after election day.
Commented: Sunday, July 14th, 2024 @ 5:09 pm By: Rino Hunter
....but a registered republican.

my advice, we need two tone it down. We live in a country where its is acceptable to carry guns at all times. just about anyone and everyone. We choose this. It is our birthright. The result? People are going to get shot. Lots of people. That's just reality.

Itt could happen to JB, DT or any of us. We choose to live this way.
That said, I'm very sorry it happened. I dont like dt, I still dont like DT. I am happy to beat him at the ballot box. Not happy about him being shot.

We all need to tone it down.
Starting right here.
Both parties, republican and democrat, have a right to exist. Nobody needs a killin.
Commented: Sunday, July 14th, 2024 @ 1:40 pm By: Big Bob
....but a registered republican.

my advice, we need two tone it down. We live in a country where its is acceptable to carry guns at all times. just about anyone and everyone. We choose this. It is our birthright. The result? People are going to get shot. Lots of people. That's just reality.

Itt could happen to JB, DT or any of us. We choose to live this way.
That said, I'm very sorry it happened. I dont like dt, I still dont like DT. I am happy to beat him at the ballot box. Not happy about him being shot.

We all need to tone it down.
Starting right here.
Both parties, republican and democrat, have a right to exist. Nobody needs a killin.
Commented: Sunday, July 14th, 2024 @ 1:42 pm By: Big Bob
A little is becoming known about the shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks, is a 20 year old Delaware man who lived at home with his parents, who are both school counselors. He is a Democrat political contributor, making his first contribution of $15 at the age of 17 on the day of Biden's inauguration. His contributions have been through the Democrat contribution processing firm Act Blue, so there is no way to determine, absent their opening their records, the specific Democrat candidates or organizations his contributions went to. He was however, registered as a Republican, likely to be able to vote against Trump in the GOP primary. Pennsylvania is a closed primary state where only registered Republicans could vote in the Republican primary.

A curious thing is that Crook was in a TV ad for major financial firm Blackrock last year. Blackrock is headed by major globalist Larry Fink, who is a key operative of the globalist World Economic Forum. A number of Blackrock employees also moved over to work in the Biden administration.
Does that mean anything?
Commented: Sunday, July 14th, 2024 @ 12:57 pm By: John Steed
I wonder if we will ever see any manifesto or other documents of the shooter or if the FBI will cover them up? The FBI is so politicized that it will depend on whether or not such documents are harmful to Biden.

The FBI and their allies are still covering up the manifesto of the "transgender" shooter in that Tennessee school shooting, which has been years. The excuses given have been absurd. The FBI is trying, on behalf of Biden, to protect the "transgender" ideology. That coverup is purely political. When part of those documents were leaked to the "Tennessee Star" and they published them, the editor was cited into court for contempt even though there was no existing court order the editor violated. That was a sinister attempt to misuse the courts to enforce the coverup.
Commented: Sunday, July 14th, 2024 @ 11:17 am By: Concerned Taxpayer
As always, thoughts and prayers
Commented: Sunday, July 14th, 2024 @ 12:42 am By: Big Bob


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