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Comments for Will scared Dems dump BIden after train wreck debate performance?

Jill BIden and Obama may be the key

The confession on the TV ...wait what?
Commented: Sunday, June 30th, 2024 @ 8:47 am By: Big Bob
The only one of the two that is really known for a fact to be a "junk grabber" is Biden. Ask Tara Reade, Biden's former Senate employee. Biden did more than grab. He inserted his finger in her, what is known as digital rape, against her will.

As to the rigged Stalin Show Trial in Manhattan, that proves nothing except that the New York court system is thoroughly corrupt.

Anyone who watched the debate can see that Biden is well past being able to run the country. So who is? Some say Obama. Some say the deep state. Sokme say others. But Biden is clearly no capable of it.
Commented: Sunday, June 30th, 2024 @ 7:50 am By: John Steed
As Stan points out - extremists on both sides are willing to push the country over that cliff. The middle better take up.
Commented: Saturday, June 29th, 2024 @ 12:14 pm By: Big Bob
Oh andd here is the differences tan - in my previous post, 2 of my comments are verifiable facts, junk grabber and felon, and 1 is my opinion. lunatic

Your comments about JB - all option.
Commented: Saturday, June 29th, 2024 @ 12:19 pm By: Big Bob
Considering that Idiot President Biden is a corrupt Non Patriot Leftist, who has been ignorant his whole life as a US senator from a three county state, I thought he performed above my expectations.
Commented: Saturday, June 29th, 2024 @ 11:06 am By: Stan Deatherage
My opinions are my own.
On the issue of replacement I am undecided. I've always thought that the democrats were taking an awful gamble on JB's age. If he stays upright, JB will likely win...but at 80, it's a real crap shoot. Not a bet I would have taken.

Another point worth considering. Both camps are driven by ideology. Most democrats will hold their nose and vote for old and most republicans will do the same and vote for the convicted felon, junk grabbing lunatic.

Honestly if we cant find some common ground it will only get worse. The American experiment is standing on the edge of a cliff.
Commented: Saturday, June 29th, 2024 @ 10:00 am By: Big Bob
The issue in this post is replacing Biden as nominee, and you have not commented on that, Little Bobbie. Not got your talking points on that yet?
Commented: Saturday, June 29th, 2024 @ 6:51 am By: John Steed
Commented on it 10 minutes after it was over.
MAGA lies
Commented: Friday, June 28th, 2024 @ 8:06 pm By: Big Bob
Was this all a set up by Biden's puppet masters like Obama? Biden was given a debate demand to make to Trump that very oddly included this very early debate. Never in the modern history of presidential debates has one been held before the national party conventions. That is odd - very, very odd. Was the whole idea to get Biden to crash and burn before the convention so he could be replaced? This is the latest chapter this year of the "Democrat" Party acting VERY undemocraticly. It all started with the party hierarchy refusing to let rival Democrats like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and others run on many primary ballots, including North Carolina and changing the first primary from New Hampshire to South Carolina to rig it for Biden. This is an attack on democracy by the misnamed Democrat Party.
Commented: Friday, June 28th, 2024 @ 8:21 pm By: Conservative Voter
I guess Bolshevik Bob hasn't received his talking points yet on which side he is supposed to take on this issue.
Commented: Friday, June 28th, 2024 @ 4:11 pm By: John Steed
I guess she can run now since she is now proud of America.
Commented: Friday, June 28th, 2024 @ 12:52 pm By: Buzz Cayton
A bait and switch by the Democrats would be a real assault on democracy. I wouldn't put it past them, but I do not think it will go over with voters.
Commented: Friday, June 28th, 2024 @ 1:43 pm By: Rino Hunter


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