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Comments for CNN debate "moderator"s husband involved in Hunter laptop coverup letter

why is someone like this a "moderator"

The problem with biased liberal debate moderators predates Trump by decades, and has been a concern of conservatives long before Trump. The idea is a FAIR debate, and having two moderators, one chosen by each side would accomplish that no matter who is running. With your TDS, your tunnel vision focuses just on Trump, but this has been a much larger and older problem. The important thing is to fix it so debates are fair to both candidates.
Commented: Friday, June 28th, 2024 @ 7:38 pm By: John Steed
Actually the MAGA cry seems to be: everyone hates me, and it isn't fair. At some point it just gets old.
Commented: Friday, June 28th, 2024 @ 5:46 pm By: Big Bob
Bobbie, many conservatives want to improve the fairness and objectivity of presidential debates, which has been badly needed for a long time. That is why the RNC cut its involvment with the Presidential Debate Commission last year, before even knowing who the nominee would be. Left wing "journalists" should not have a monopoly on control of presidential debates. Yeah, Trump kicked Biden's ass, but the issue going forward is lets establish a level playing field for future presidential debates. Tapper and Bash could have been more blatant in skewing questions than they were, and the back that their bias and the network's bias was made so public probably stopped them from doing more than they did.

What is really needed for future debates is to let each candidate choose one moderator. Among other things, if a moderator got out of hand with such an arrangement, it would be clear to voters which candidate was to blame for them.
Commented: Friday, June 28th, 2024 @ 9:40 am By: John Steed
MAGA - always an excuse. Even when. Most think Trump wion, they can’t stop complaining.
MAGA - it won’t end well
Commented: Friday, June 28th, 2024 @ 9:05 am By: Big Bob
As expected the leftie CNN moderators tried to spin their questions to the left. It would have been better to have left out the editorial comment aspects of their questions and asked them in a more neutral way. It was also appalling that there was no opening statements allowed. Biden was clearly out of it the whole debate.
Commented: Friday, June 28th, 2024 @ 8:17 am By: Concerned Taxpayer
My take on the debate:
I didn't learn anything new.

I knew JB was old, and man is he old.
JB fumbled around with his words and often didn't track.
JB is right, America is a great county and the economy is pretty good.
JB will accept the results of the election.
I'm mad at the democrats for not getting a replacement 3 years ago. DT is very beatable.

I knew DT was a narcissistic pin head, and boy is he ever.
DT wouldn't answer the questions and just repeated lies.
DT is right, the boarder is a mess, but offered no solutuons.
DT will accept the results of the election if he wins, but not if he loses.
I'm mad at republicans for lining up behind this grifter. JB is very beatable.

I expected CNN to do a good job, and they did.
Commented: Friday, June 28th, 2024 @ 12:02 am By: Big Bob
That muted mics rule may allow a moderator dirty trick that Dana Bash tried to pull off at the GOP primary debate that RNC foolishly allowd CNN to host. She asked the candidates to raise their hand if they agreed with her climate alarmist statement. Fortunately, the mics were not muted and Governor deSantis immediately challenged her on her postion, followed by Vivek Ramaswammy. With muted mics, they could not have done that, and a "raise your hand" format is an absurdity.
Commented: Thursday, June 27th, 2024 @ 1:34 pm By: Concerned Taxpayer
Every American should be logging strong complaints to CNN who shamelessly chose two of the most bias and dishonest reporters (refuse to call them journalists) to”moderate” the only thing they will moderate will be Biden’s repeated prolonged lapses, gafts and outright lies. The rest of the time the will desperately attempt to disparage and condemn Donald Trump. Their hatred of Donald Trump is pathological CNN is America’s Soviet Pravda. They lie when the truth would do better.
Commented: Thursday, June 27th, 2024 @ 12:20 pm By: bjcoot
Grow a brain. Trump can handle the 3 against 1 format he is dealing with tonight, but we really need to end the practice of presidential debates being run by leftist moderators, which has been going on for some time. We need a level playing field for presidential candidates and that means neutral moderators or one chosen by each side. The fact that CNN cheats on behalf of their favored candidates was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt when they were caught giving Hillary Clinton the debate questions ahead of time, something they are likely to have also done for Biden. Con artists like CNN should never be allowed to chose moderators or questions when they have that history. What happens in 2024 is already set, but the bigger concern is putting a stop to the bias for 2028 and beyond.
Commented: Thursday, June 27th, 2024 @ 11:57 am By: Conservative Voter
Grow a spine. Trump will do fine. Those that like him, will still like him. The rest of us know he is a lunatic. He really has nothing to lose.
Commented: Thursday, June 27th, 2024 @ 9:29 am By: Big Bob
Now, it turns out that Jeremy Bash, who was the husband of CNN debate moderator Dana Bash, was on the payroll as a CIA contractor at the time he signed that letter trying to cover up the Hunter Biden laptop. I hope it is possible to prosecute and jail some of these scoundrels.
Commented: Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 @ 8:29 pm By: Conservative Voter
Republicans must remember the bungling on this set of debates that let the Democrats set the rules, and bad ones at that. Republicans need to come out early with their expected standards. One needs to deal with moderators, and probably the fairest thing is to have two and let each side name one of them. The other has to do with questions, and the Lincoln-Douglas standard of having the campaigns come up with them or at least some of them is a good one. It is too late for this election cycle, but we simply have to get this right in 2028.
Commented: Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 @ 2:06 pm By: Steven P. Rader
When the far left is filing lawsuits over comments on the 2020 election, conservative media have to take defensive measures like this one, Bolshevik Bob. It is really a shame that our country's freedom or speech and freedom of the press is being eroded where media have to take such defensive precautions. But when far left lawyers are suing Gateway Pundit over its comments on the lack of legitimacy of the 2020 election, I understand other conservative media taking these precautions.
Commented: Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 @ 12:33 pm By: Rino Hunter
Even NEWSMAX cant avoid the truth. Did you catch it?
Commented: Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 @ 11:58 am By: Big Bob
Nobody is "nervous, Bob. Trump has more brain power than all three of those aligned against him put together. He can handle being triple teamed. I would like to see an objective and neutral venue for a presidential debate for a change. I have spent too many election cycles watching biased leftwing "moderators" trying to skew the debate to their side. The set up on this one is worse than most. Why should we have one of the moderators who has compared one of the candidates to Hitler? Why should we have the second one being the wife of someone who lied in a disgusting dirty trick that threw the last presidential election? There are plenty of qualified and objective people who could moderate a presidential debate. Why should the American voters be stuck with a pair like that controlling the debate by controlling the questions asked?
Commented: Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 @ 10:48 am By: Steven P. Rader
Every excuse. I'm impressed.
Commented: Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 @ 10:32 am By: Big Bob
The person whose watch this incompetence happened on at RNC was Michael Whatley. On the presidential debates, Ronna McDaniel grabbed the ball and took it into RNC's court, but Whatley wasn't looking and let it go out of bounds and be turned over to the other team. Whatley was asleep at the wheel and drove into the ditch. He should resign for his incompetence.
Commented: Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 @ 9:21 am By: Rino Hunter
Trump didn't have to agree to the debate, but I get why your nervous. I would be too.
Commented: Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 @ 7:02 pm By: Big Bob
Putting this debate in the hands of a far left news outlet like CNN without any oversight is worse than the slanted arrangements of the Presidential Debate Commission. When RNC voted to negotiate debates directly with the Democrats instead of using that commission, it should have been followed up on but wasn't. Somebody at RNC and at the Trump committee dropped the ball on just letting this sit and giving Biden the opportunity to make a "take it or leave it demand". Trump himself was distracted by the Stalin Show Trial in Manhattan during the critical period, but there were people on his campaign staff and at RNC who should have been on top of this but clearly were not.

Liberal moderators are nothing new to presidential debates, and have run them for decades, but the way this debate was crammed down, they have fewer constraints than they did under the commission. CNN, in particular, should never again be trusted with debate questions after they leaked them to Hillary before a previous debate.

I hope whoever was asleep at the switch at RNC and in Trump's campaign get their walking papers over this screwup. The idea of kicking out the debate commission was to get fairer moderators but we have gotten worse. A proper and timely move to raise the debate issue could have prevented that.
Commented: Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 @ 4:32 pm By: Steven P. Rader
Trump is taking the best availible option which is to take all three on, the tag team of Biden, Bash, and Tapper. I hope he calls out Bash and Tapper for what they are, and I hope he challenges Biden to a drug test during the debate.
Commented: Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 @ 1:02 pm By: John Steed
Trump should just chicken out of the debate. The cult could accept it. They accept anything. Might be his best option.
Commented: Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 @ 12:39 pm By: Big Bob


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