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Comments for Eastern Elementary Construction, Disgusting

Stop! making bad decisions on a new school and get it right

A little off topic: Why does the Personal Derangement Syndrome person and BB the lefty troll person think it is a good idea to post the exact same comment repetitiously? Just wondering.
Commented: Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 @ 7:02 pm By: Van Zant
Cheeseman says he is building this school for 1,000 students. The enrollment of the two elementary schools he is consolidating is 800, and the system has declining enrollment. Where are the other 200 students going to come from? The two closest elementary schools are Bath and Chocowinity. If I were a parent of a prospective elementary student in Bath or Chocowinity, THAT is what would worry me about this scheme.
Commented: Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 @ 5:26 pm By: Rino Hunter
The issue here is proper and transparent financial planning for school construction, something we have had little of here in Beaufort County, something that goes back beyond those individuals involved in the current controversy. The last big bond issue saw very poor planning resulting in schools that are still half empty in some cases. This mega school shows the signs of the same jury-rigged process instead of proper planning. The fact that they are suddenly trying to move the actual location of the school on the property shows how totally inept the planning process was.

This issue is much bigger than Richardson or Cheeseman, "Bath Parent". Richardson is a politician and all politicians have their hits and their misses. Cheeseman is a career bureaucrat and career bureaucrats have their ways of looking at things that are often very different than the perspective of the taxpayers who pay the freight for government.

I would not say Richardson is always right or Cheeseman always wrong, but the questions Richardson is asking on this issue are spot on, and are questions any competent person in management ought to be asking on such a project. What shocks me is so many of our elected school board members and county commissioners just sitting there like deer in the headlights on this $50 million plus project. Do they plan to blame it on someone else when it becomes a boondoggle?

Clearly, "Bath Parent" you have a personal dislike of one person and project that onto any issue he takes a stand on. Most of us focus on the issue.
Commented: Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 @ 12:00 pm By: Concerned Taxpayer
Bath Parent. Keep writing.
Commented: Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 @ 10:28 am By: Hood Richardson
Well concerned taxpayer seems you would walk behind Hood straight to the fire if he less you there. Just go look at the tape on the schools website Hood is about 6% accurate in his statement. If you are so concerned as you call yourself do your own research not what Hood tells you. Be a man and think for yourself like Trump would do. Just remember Hood is no where near Trump to put them in the same sentence crazy. Just ask Hood how many times he was a registered Democrat, how many times in 26 years as he touts he has been Chairman? When in 26 years you can’t get elected Chairman you have not accomplished anything. He calls out bullying all the time and that is how he governs. His puppets like you do and listen to what he says you may want to do some investigating on your own.
Commented: Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 @ 6:01 am By: Bath parent
Well concerned taxpayer seems you would walk behind Hood straight to the fire if he less you there. Just go look at the tape on the schools website Hood is about 6% accurate in his statement. If you are so concerned as you call yourself do your own research not what Hood tells you. Be a man and think for yourself like Trump would do. Just remember Hood is no where near Trump to put them in the same sentence crazy. Just ask Hood how many times he was a registered Democrat, how many times in 26 years as he touts he has been Chairman? When in 26 years you can’t get elected Chairman you have not accomplished anything. He calls out bullying all the time and that is how he governs. His puppets like you do and listen to what he says you may want to do some investigating on your own.
Commented: Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 @ 9:34 pm By: Bath parent
To Bath Parent. You are obviously a cool aid drinker. The buildings to be torn down have to re replaced at some place in school system. My estimate is the cost will be 5 million.
A good Democrat like you does no thinking. You are waiting for a designated dictitorial Democrat to give you the answer because you cannot figure it out for yourself. This is the Democrat way.
Commented: Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 @ 7:56 am By: Hood Richardson
The lack of transparency, expert advice, and public input in the school facility planning is appalling. The secretive way that Cheeseman and his flunkies operate is nowhere near government in the sunshine. It is like we have Tammany Hall recreated right here in Beaufort County. It is very similar to the lack of transparency, and the secretiveness, and coverup of the recent vandalism at Washington High School.

I doubt the person who posts as "Bath parent" is actually from Bath since they have never commented about anything involving the Bath schools, and there have been some real issues there like the move to cancel the band classes in Bath. Why would someone from Bath care nothing about major issues with their own school but obsess about a planned school in another district? It appears that this is just a person with a severe case of Hood Derangement Syndrome, which is very similar to Trump Derangement Syndrome, which Little Bobbie suffers from.
Commented: Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 @ 9:13 am By: Concerned Taxpayer
Another reason, and I imagine the overriding reason, the state superintendent awarded the grant was the political timing. Remember this primary season watching state Superintendent Truitt traveling the state handing out the big photo op checks and preening with local politicians before the local press. I think she really thought that strategy would work for a primary win. I'm hearing that she is more than a bit bitter that it didn't.

I'm getting a lot of mixed reviews from the public about the wisdom of consolidating an urban school. My discussions reveal much more agreement about not favoring consolidation of schools in general. At least one school board member and at least one commissioner have expressed concerns about planning more for obtaining lottery grant money than developing a coherent building plan.

Welcome to the days of scrambling for the gambling cut money, backslapping and aping for the cameras, and letting the chips fall where they may. If I planned my business this way, I'd go bankrupt.
Commented: Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 @ 9:10 am By: Van Zant
My opinion is that neighborhood schools will require less staffing than consolidated schools. Transportation cost and staff will be less. Placing the student closer to parents, and teachers means less counseling and social staff overhead.
Commented: Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 @ 8:57 am By: Hood Richardson
I have watched the video Cheesman stated the school shifted and would be brought back to the board in July. No where in there does he say 5 million. Come on Hood still in the planning stages get your head out of the sand. There needs to be change and it starts with you. You are a waste to the pay the taxpayers pay you to sit on the board. You scream Christian at what church have you darken the doors lately? I personally have asked and there is no record of an attendance from you. I love how you have to use your website to print nonsense because a real media outlet would confirm the facts before your lies. You need prayer because your lies are getting old so maybe the good Lord will have mercy on your soul
Commented: Monday, June 24th, 2024 @ 6:13 pm By: Bath parent
School consolidation is a part of the liberal school establishment's agenda, which is opposed by conservatives who favor neighborhood schools. Conservatives believe that especially in lower grades, neighborhood schools provide an atmosphere much more conducive to family involement and that it is easy for students to feel lost in mega schools.

As for changing schools so often, this is actually worse with a K-3 elementary school instead of having elementary school extend up to the 6th grade as used to be the norm. Building a series, perhaps three, neighborhood K-6 schools would be much more positive for education that a mega K-3 school. Existing schools could be repurposed for that with renovations and perhaps some new construction as needed.

If DPI is misusing the lottery money to push the liberal agenda of school consolidation, the legislature needs to step in and put a stop to that. Local control of local schools means that local elected school boards should decide what is best for their district's needs, not liberal educrats in Raleigh.
Commented: Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 @ 8:50 am By: John Steed
The reason the state superintendent awarded the grant was the consolidation of the schools due to the research that changing schools so often was not suitable for the students and families to build relationships with the educators in the school. The area you are talking about on the west side of town, isn't the line for Pactolus right there? While there are problems with the building, I am not sure turning down $42 million in grants is good for the community. Isn't there a way to resolve this and still get the community a new school?
I remember prior to Covid when the NC State team came in and presented on the schools' future. No one was happy then because they recommended consolidating the high schools to have only two at most. Since the county is already limited in how much can be spent on schools, I am not sure how Beaufort County could afford to build multiple schools or have the staff needed for the proposed community schools Hood is discussing.
Commented: Monday, June 24th, 2024 @ 9:52 pm By: Jack Maggio


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