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Comments for Hunter found guilty of three felonies in illegal gun charges

Question is: Will Father Joe pardon him?

Bad news DV perps can lose their gun rights. Come on guys, how is this right? If she comes at you with a frying pan and you cant shoot her in the face, what is this world coming too.
Commented: Friday, June 21st, 2024 @ 4:37 pm By: Big Bob
From Judicial Watch:
The public would do well remember that the Justice Department was dragged kicking and screaming into this prosecution of Hunter. Judicial Watch’s successful Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation, exposing federal special protection and the cover-up of Hunter Biden’s gun scandal, shows how this case could have been brought years ago.
Commented: Thursday, June 13th, 2024 @ 6:58 am By: Countrygirl1411
time will tell
Commented: Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 @ 9:20 pm By: Big Bob
Respected law professor Jonathan Turley points out that the federal sentencing guidelines for a first offender convicted of the charges Hunter was call for a 15 to 20 month active sentence, and 90% of first offenders convicted of these charges receive active prison sentences. He also points out that by trying the case instead of pleading it, Hunter blew his biggest chance of probation by being able to argue he accepted he had done wrong, which would justify a deviation from the guidellins.

Unlike the Trump charges which were fabricated solely to go after Trump politically and no one else has ever been charged that way, leaving nothing for comparison, the charges against Biden are regularly tried in court and there is a record his sentence can be compared against to see if his sentence is more lenient than others.

Turley, also thinks Biden tried it to the jury assuming that in Delaware, he would get a politically friendly jury which would let him off regardless of the facts, but it did not work out that way.
Commented: Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 @ 2:02 pm By: Rino Hunter
Cult? You, Bobbie, are in the biggest doomsday cult in history, the climate alarmist cult, as well as being a supporter of another cult that is a threat to freedom, globalism. I am a Reagan / Helms conservative who originally supported Ted Cruz for president, but Trump did a fine job as president and Biden is downright awful. Trump is a sovereigntist, as I am, while Biden is a full blown globalist. Policies matter, NOT personalities.
Commented: Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 @ 1:27 pm By: John Steed
Guys, you're in a suicide cult. Abort.

Trump is not gonna win.
Commented: Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 @ 12:33 pm By: Big Bob
If Trump had the same professional and fair judge, the same professional rather than highly political prosecutor, and a similar less politically stacked jury pool that Hunter Biden had in Delaware, there is no doubt in my mind he would have been found not guilty. Politics ruled the day in Manhattan and people around the world know it. That puts a big black mark on our entire legal system, although few states in reality have as corrupt a legal system as New York
Commented: Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 @ 12:09 pm By: Steven P. Rader
There you go again, Little Bobbie, regurgitating those far left talking points again and again. Do you think like Goebbels that if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth?

There is no equivalency between a proper federal court with an honest judge in Delaware, with a jury pool only somewhat stacked in favor ot the defendant, and a rogue kangaroo court in New York which flounts the rule of law with a highly biased judge politically, a jury pool stacked politically 95 to 5 against the defendant, and a prosecutor who makes up charges out of thin air to weaponize against a political enenmy and who campaigned for office on a pledge to "get" that political enemy. What happened in Manhattan was un-American in the extreme. Pre-trial polling showed that the majoriy of Americans comprehended that Trump could not get a fair trial in Manhattan.
Commented: Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 @ 10:33 am By: Conservative Voter
VZ - you understand dump says this stuff. Right. FOX no longer carries the speech es and when it does edits out the really dumb stuff. They know you guys wont watch anything else so who's to know. Trump said MAGA members would rather commit suicide then see JB win.

It's fun, for me, to know what trump really thinks of the folks that follow him.
Commented: Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 @ 9:27 am By: Big Bob
If you only support the American system when you win, you're loser.

One family took it like grown ups, one family took it like a spoiled 2 year old.
Commented: Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 @ 9:15 am By: Big Bob
The Biden case has an honest judge, so Hunter will get what he gets.

The Trump case, on the other hand, is totally political with a political apparatchik, Juan Merchan, as judge. Biden's handlers are probably still discussing what sentence Trump will get, which will then be forwarded to Merchan and he will do as instructed.
Commented: Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 @ 9:09 am By: Conservative Voter
Niether trump or HB will go to jail. Both are convicted felons and will have to live with it.
Commented: Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 @ 8:54 am By: Big Bob
The judge handling Hunter Biden's case has handled one other case of someone lying on an application to purchase a gun. In that case, the defendant lied about the state he lived in, and she gave him a one year active sentence. We will see if she does any different for Hunter.
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 10:11 pm By: John Steed
Here is a question about the Biden crime family. They always try to monetize their actions in office. The Mexican human trafficking / drug smuggling crime cartels are making a killing off of Biden's open borders. Is there any chance at all that the Biden family is not somehow on the take from that activity?
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 5:04 pm By: borderhawk
Hunter Biden always had a get out of jail free card with the Biden DOJ. They were not going to prosecute him for anything until the IRS whistleblowers came forward and exposed the corruption in Bidenworld relative to Hunter. Then they refused to move on the most serious cases, the tax evasion during the years of the Burisma deal, which could have also implicated Joe, and the failure to register as a foreign agent, until the statute of limitations ran and he was home free on those charges. Then they tried a sweetheart deal, that an ordinary citizen not named Biden would have never gotten. A conscientious judge, to her credit, cried foul on that, and they were then forced to try him on the gun charges and the least serious of the tax charges, the only one the statute of limitations was not allowed to run out on. So the Biden DOJ manipulation has saved Hunter from the most serious charges that he should have been charged with. How often does the government just let it slide when someone does not file or pay taxes on millions of dollars in income?

And, Van Zant, yahoonews has indeed become a cult. I sometimes wonder if it is being edited in Red China or North Korea it is so bad. I quit using yahoomail when yahoonews dropped way off the left end of the spectrum.
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 4:52 pm By: John Steed
Speaking of a cult: yahoo!news
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 4:33 pm By: Van Zant
Trump never had any more chance in a court in Manhattan than a black man charged with rape of a white woman in rural Georgia in the 1950s. In both situations, the judge and jury were in bed with the prosecution from the beginning. Polling showed that the American people understood that about the courts in Manhattan even before the trial started, and the more one saw from out of control Juan Merchan, the worse it got.

Courts in other states should no longer give full faith and credit to anything that comes out of a New York court.
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 3:52 pm By: Conservative Voter
I have no problem with the HB verdict. I accept the outcome. On plant earth, that's what we do.

So if DT says off yourself if he loses, you gonna do it?
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 3:08 pm By: Big Bob
This gun charge was the one that DaddyJoe's corrupt DOJ tried to do a sweetheart deal on for Hunter but an honest federal judge refused to let them do it. That is the other side of the coin of the crooked Manhattan prosecutor cooking up charges on Trump that had never been charged against anyone else.

What Daddy Joe's crooked DOJ also did for Hunter was sit on the most serious of his tax charges, and ones that could have implicated Daddy Joe himself until the statute of limitations ran out. They did the same thing with the charge of failing to register as a foreign agent for Hunter, sitting on that until the statute of limitations ran out. Funny thing how they nail Paul Manafort on that in a much weaker case, but let Hunter Biden slide.

The current DOJ and FBI are total cesspools of political corruption that need to be taken apart and rebuilt with honest people in the next administration.
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 2:57 pm By: Rino Hunter
A gun Charge. Remember that.
BTW - Trump says MAGA will choose suicide over JB.
If you didn't think you were in a there is no denying it.
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 2:35 pm By: Big Bob
What is important is the Influence Peddling Biden Crime Family schemes in conjunction with many of our foreign adversaries, all without foreign agent status.
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 2:15 pm By: Stan Deatherage


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