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Comments for CNBC reporting that some Supreme Court justices have accepted many gifts, though not illegally

There ought to be a stop put to this abuse of office.

Biden, the Democrats, and the Democrat MSM media are all on a mission to bushwhack the Supreme Court. Biden attacked them in his State of the Union address and again this week at his fundraiser in Holywood, as well as lots of times in between. Conservatives do not need to repoat their garbage becsuee their objective is to neuter the Supreme Court due to its conservative lean. Every bit of this is about power politics.
Commented: Sunday, June 16th, 2024 @ 2:12 pm By: Rino Hunter
Trump says MAGA will choose suicide over JB:
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 2:36 pm By: Big Bob
The quality of the judiciary varies. Fortunately for us, it is pretty high quality in North Carolina, but that is not true in New York where the Rule of Law is fading fast. Hunter Biden was tried in the federal system where it is still pretty good, and the judge in his case was an honest and fair judge, not heavily biased like Merchan and Engoron. Hunter had a highly politial case tried before a jury pool that leaned politically in favor of his side based on election results, while Trump had a highly political case where based on election results, the jury pool leaned extremely against him by a 20 to 1 margin. Then, of course, there were the charges, which in Biden's case were straight statutory law, while in Trump's case they were a concocted mish-mash that had never been chared against anyone with a name other than Trump. While the "evidence" against Trump was almost laughable, it was clear, convincing, detailed, and extensive against Biden.

Overall, there were very different circumstanes surrounding the two cases.
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 1:40 pm By: Steven P. Rader
Yet HB and Trump are both convicted felons. Pretty sure that’s a fact.
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 12:59 pm By: Big Bob
Little Boobbie wouldn't recognize a fact if one jumped up and bit him on the ass. In his Orwellian tunnel vision, a "fact" is something that corresponds with the far left narrative. To him, if it does not correspond to that ideological worldview it is "misinformation". That is how most of the leftist lemmings like Bobbie think.
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 12:32 pm By: John Steed
More of an opinion.
Anywho, looks like HB got convicted. Looks like the judiciary works just fine. DJT and HB are both convicted felons.
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 12:05 pm By: Big Bob
Big Bob: Actually from the perspective of an intelligent sense of what is factual and real, the BO, along with BCN, are the two most factual publications in the history of Beaufort County, and that is a fact.
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 11:49 am By: Stan Deatherage
the BO is 90% opinion, 10 % factual. At best.
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 9:06 am By: Big Bob
Hilarious! B Bob accusing others of being a "fact free environment."
Commented: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 7:07 am By: Van Zant
I'm the only one telling you something you don't want to hear.
Commented: Monday, June 10th, 2024 @ 11:24 pm By: Big Bob
On a different note everyone be sure to support the artist paving the way of the second enlightenment, Hunter Biden.

His artwork is selling for millions and is in high demand.
Commented: Monday, June 10th, 2024 @ 8:05 pm By: Will Simmons
The only "fact free" aspect here are the moronic knee jerk posts of Bolshevik Bob.
Commented: Monday, June 10th, 2024 @ 10:00 am By: Conservative Voter
Like everyones else, I offer my opinions. The BO is a fairly fact free environment.
Commented: Monday, June 10th, 2024 @ 9:29 am By: Big Bob
Yep, Bobbie, that is what YOU routinely post here.
Commented: Sunday, June 9th, 2024 @ 10:57 pm By: John Steed
Words with no evidence, are just words.
Commented: Sunday, June 9th, 2024 @ 2:14 pm By: Big Bob
The only reason you can't grasp that you have been refuted is that you are blind as a bat - make that a dingbat, Bobbie.
Commented: Sunday, June 9th, 2024 @ 1:05 pm By: Conservative Voter
Didn't think you could come up with anything. I rest my case/
Commented: Sunday, June 9th, 2024 @ 11:01 am By: Big Bob
Careful, Bolshevik Bob. Your hero, Slow Joe Biden accepts similar vacations all the time, as did Obama.

The point is with speaking fees like the Clintons used for political payoffs involved unreasonably high fees as a way to launder money.

I am sure your far left talking point tell you to hammer this because it is part of the leftwing effort to intimidate the Surpeme Court with so many critical cases pending like the key First Amendment case of Missouri v. Biden. The justice that is scary on that one is radical Katanji Jackson-Brown who has stated that the "First Amendment should not hamstring the government".
Commented: Sunday, June 9th, 2024 @ 7:30 am By: Conservative Voter
Not on planet earth. On earth, wages earned for work get paid. If I offered you 100 grand to speak for an hour, you would take it. What work did CT perform for Harlan? Yeah…, his mom’s rent, private jets. What work did long dong do for all that?
Commented: Saturday, June 8th, 2024 @ 6:54 pm By: Big Bob
The original article is nothing but a smear job by the leftwing media to 1) try to cover Merchan's genuine conflicts of interest, and 2) to intimidate the Supreme Court on some key upcoming cases. I can understand why they published it to try to help the Democrats, but I fail to understand why it was republished here.
Commented: Saturday, June 8th, 2024 @ 6:18 pm By: Rino Hunter
Bolshevik Bob exhibits the blatant double standard of the far left. He gets his panties all in a twist over things that do not violate any rules for a conservative judge or justice but sees nothing wrong when a far left Democrat hack judge like Juan Merchan blatantly violates the written ethics rules on political contributions and financial advantage to family members.
Commented: Saturday, June 8th, 2024 @ 5:02 pm By: Conservative Voter
Being paid to give speeches was EXACTLY how the Clinton Crime Family grift worked. Liberal putlishers paying huge advances for books has been a gambit for grift for years, too, as has people buying huge quantities of such books so that the writer makes money.

Bigot Bob is just engaged in more of that high tech lynching of a black man he finds "uppity". One thing the far left has never been able to stand is a black man who thinks for himself and takes conservative positions. They want them all to stay on the Democrat plantation.
Commented: Saturday, June 8th, 2024 @ 4:48 pm By: John Steed
CT has been on the take for years.
Commented: Saturday, June 8th, 2024 @ 9:43 am By: Big Bob
CT has been on the take for years.
Commented: Saturday, June 8th, 2024 @ 9:44 am By: Big Bob
CG - being paid for a book or speaking engagement is not being on the take. The comparison is laughable and frankly racist.
Commented: Saturday, June 8th, 2024 @ 9:48 am By: Big Bob
Notice how they mentioned Bohemian Grove and tagged Justice Thomas (very interesting, btw) but if WE were to do that to the opposing side, we'd be accused of spreading "QAnon Conspiracy Theory" and slap a "disinformation" public label on us to shut everything down.
Commented: Saturday, June 8th, 2024 @ 11:45 am By: John Valley
Read the actual article CG. Being paid to write a book or make a speech is not the same as CTs grift. Harlan Crow pays the man’s big bills.
Commented: Saturday, June 8th, 2024 @ 2:50 pm By: Big Bob
Good catch, Country Girl. The Democrats and their MSM media mouthpieces, like liberal CNBC, are trying to intimidate our conservative majority on the Supreme Court as a number of critical issues come before them, and this smear campaign is a major effort at intimidation. The attacks on Justice Thomas are in the same vein as the silly flag attacks on Justice Allito. The group quoted by CNBC is a leftwing group trying to end a conservative majority on the SCOTUS.

As your article points out, far left Justice Katanji Jackson-Brown is actually the queen of receiving gifts but the leftwing media like CNBC want to sweep that under the rug. Jackson-Brown is the statist twit who is a key free speech case said from the bench that she did not want the First Amendment to "hamstring the government" Here is another one on Jackson-Brown:

There is a reason why polls consistently show that the American people regard the MSM as biased and do not trust it, and their participation in intimidation of our Supreme Court is just another part of that.
Commented: Saturday, June 8th, 2024 @ 9:53 am By: John Steed
Commented: Friday, June 7th, 2024 @ 5:58 pm By: Countrygirl1411


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