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Comments for Sham trial finds Trump guilty on all counts

We predict: Will never hold up

I'm sure the death threats and promises of violence are pouring in.
Commented: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 5:11 pm By: Big Bob
This one non patriot injustice by the ignorant Left many be the last nail in the coffin for the corrupt Idiot President.
Commented: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 4:39 pm By: Stan Deatherage
"The justice system worked" in Manhattan the same way it does in North Korea, or Stalin's Russia, or Putin's Russia, or Red China or Iran, but NOT the way it is supposed to work in America with due process and a neutral unbiased judge and jury.

When one of the most prominent legal experts in the country, former Harvard Constitutional Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat who supported Biden in 2020 says this trial was the most "Sovietized" he has ever seen and a complete travesty, he has a lot more credibility as to the nature of this trial than a Marxist-loving Hamas apologist internet troll like Bolshevik Bob.

The dictatorship peoblem relates to those who pull Biden's strings. Biden himself is little more than the front man who barely knows if he is coming or going or what day it is or where he is, the perfect Manchurian candidate.

Non discloure agreements are common and not illegal. This was ginned up into a "crime" by a crooked Soros DA who commonly lets real felons go free. A heavily Democrat (and likely all Democrat) Manhatten jury is not a "jury of his peers" for a GOP presidential nominee. A fair jury could only have been obtained by a change of venue which the Biden-contributor judge denied. The "business record" involved was a computer menu drop down entry clearly made by someone much lower in the organization than Trump himself. This trial has added a whole new meaning to the term "trumped up charges".
Commented: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 4:10 pm By: John Steed
On planet earth it seems the justice system worked.
Those fearing a JB dictatorship ship seem to forget, the man is 80.

Trump, while not president, banged a porn star and tried to cover it up by falsifying business records. Apparently that is a crime. Who knew? Who said so? A jury of his peers. Our system. The one we fight and die to up hold.
The only person responsible for this mess is your Daddy Trump who says he can shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose a vote.
Honestly that says more about you, than him.
Commented: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 2:35 pm By: Big Bob
In an objective process, Juan Merchan would be likely to be removed from the bench for ethics violations and disbarred. Grant Stinchfield goes through the details supporting this in a good podcast.

But this is New York, and in New York the politics are such that will never happen. Merchan could have done anything and get away with it. That is why either federal authorities or authorities of other states need to get into this fiasco and take action against these bad actors including the crooked judge.
Commented: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 3:18 pm By: Conservative Voter
This morning, I probably feel a lot like a liberty-loving German in the waning days of the Weimar Republic. A wannabee dictator has come to power through electoral means and is now making his play for absolute power, seeking to sweep away opposition. What happened yesterday is like their Reichstag Fire. Biden is the budding dictator trying to extinguish our democracy and he and his movement simply must be stopped.

Using the courts with false and made-up charges to take down political opponents is what dictators and would-be dictators do. Biden is following the path of Stalin, Putin, Maduro, Hitler, and others.
Commented: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 11:21 am By: Concerned Taxpayer
The Biden Democrats are desperately trying to take attention away from their massive failings in office like the hordes of illegal aliens pouring in over Biden's open borders and Biden's rampant inflation. Abusing our judicial system for political prosecution of political opponents is not the way to do that in a democracy.
Commented: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 8:58 am By: borderhawk
America is now a full blown banana republic. Shameful.
Commented: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 7:42 am By: Bubba
Joe Stalin. . .err, Putin. . .err, Joe Biden got his political show trial, which is a huge threat to our Constitutional republic and to the Rule of Law. This abuse of the juditical system to go after political opponents on frivolous made up charges with corrupt judges should not be tolerated in a democratic country. To stop it there must be very sevvere punishment for the perpetrators.

One possibility is using the federal laws against election interference. The Biden dictatorship has already used them to put a comedian who did a satire of the Democrat voting shananigans in prison. These underhanded DA's and judges deserve it much, much more. Perhaps the new Trump administration will seek a special prosecutor on election interference to indict these politically corrupt individuals.

The other option is state laws on election interference. Since Trump is on the ballot in all states, every one of them can take a bite at this gang of thugs. It is good to see Missouri's Attorney General has already opened an investigation on election interference. From his subpoena's so far, he seems to be concentrating on the Jack Smith circus but he needs to expand this to Manhattan and Fulton County, too.

The best way to stamp this dictatorical behavior out in our republic and see that it never happens again is to send Alvin Bragg, Juan Merchan, Jack Smith, Letitia James, Judge Engeron, and Fani Willis, as well as their close associates to prison for the rest of their lives. Then no one will likely try to do it again.

This is the biggest threat to democracy and the rule of law in American history and firm action is needed to prevent it ever happening again. If they can twist the law like this on Trump for political purposes, all politically active citizens are in danger.
Commented: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 6:55 am By: Conservative Voter
...."that's a shame"....
Commented: Thursday, May 30th, 2024 @ 8:05 pm By: Big Bob
Maybe JB should pardon him?
Bhahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahha
Commented: Thursday, May 30th, 2024 @ 9:36 pm By: Big Bob
Alexsi Navalny would have known exactly how Trump feels. He was Putin's political opponent that Putin had convicted of false charges to get him out of politics. Donald Trump is America's Alexsi Navalny, and Biden is America's Putin or Stalin, take your pick.

The difference is that Trump is still in the game and American voters are going to the polls on November 5 to smash the Biden dictatorship.
Commented: Thursday, May 30th, 2024 @ 9:40 pm By: John Steed
According to the polls, the American people from the beginning knew that Trump could not get a fair trial in Manhattan, given the heavily Democrat jury pool and the Soros-tainted DA. Throw is a judge who is a Joe Biden political contributor who has a daughter who is a political consultant for Biden's running mate Kamala Harris, and all the incredients were there for the kangaroo court that developed.

In the decades where I practiced law as a criminal defense attorney, I encountered a few judges who were ex-prosecutors and were still mentally prosecutors. Defense attorneys considered we faced two prosecutors, one behind the prosecution table and the other on the bench holding a gavel. Those judges were fortunately rare but they did exist. But Judge Juan Merchan went way beyond that. Most such judges did their rulings for the prosecution within grey areas where they did not think they would get overturned on appeal. Judges with integrity were always concerned about being reversed on appeal, even if they took every opportunity they thought they could get away with to side with the prosecution. With Merchan, on the other hand, it was one blatantly reversible error after another. He did not seem to care if the case got tossed on appeal, as he was hell bent on getting a conviction on these bogus charges in the short term whatever that took.

There is an old saying that a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich if the DA asked it to, but in this case, the trial jury was one that would convict a ham sandwich, if its name was Donald Trump. That was clear to me from the time the jury was picked. If you look at their "sources of news" only one mentioned the center-right New York Post, the third largest circulation newspaper in the United States and with most of that circulation local to New York City, but almost all mentioned the ultra-liberal New York Times. One even said he listened to Michael Cohen's podcasts but he remained on the jury. A defense attorney has a limited number of preemptory challenges to jurors which allow removing a juror for any reason, and sometimes with an adverse jury pool, as this one was, decline to exercise challenges for fear of running out of them and being stuck with jurors that are even worse.

One thing stuck out immediately about the jury from the beginning, the fact that there were two lawyers on it. Most attorneys on either side of a case take lawyers off of juries because they tend to have an inordinant influence on their fellow jurors. I have never seen a case, civil or criminal, when I was actively practicing law where one lawyer was allowed to stay on a jury, much less two. The only exception would be if you know enough about the attorney that his attitudes on matters connected with the case would be favorable to your side. The fact that the DA, who had first crack at the jury, let them stay on the jury was a sign that they knew something about them, perhaps political. I was surprised that Trump's team did not challenge both of them.

This is a sad day for the rule of law and for democracy. Clearly, the rule of law does not exist in Manhatten any more than it does in North Korea. Democracy is being seriously challenged in the United States.
Commented: Thursday, May 30th, 2024 @ 8:29 pm By: Steven P. Rader


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