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Comments for School construction. The public deserves better from the School Board and Commissioners

This is a trainwreck baring down on us

One of the most skilled calligraphers
Commented: Thursday, June 6th, 2024 @ 9:05 am By: Blenderrpg
I agree that this would be a strange position for someone actually from Bath. All of the money is being spent in a different school attendance district, not Bath, as has been pointed out. But there is also another reason. This is a school consolidation, and the parents in the old Bath High School district were up in arms when their high school was consolidated with Belhaven and Pantego some years ago. I know people who graduated from the old Bath High School and who think the education their children or grandchildren receive or received at consolidated notheastern high school is much inferior to what they received as studants at Bath High School. For multiple reasons, this poster takes very unusual positions for someone who actually was from Bath.

While there are some arguments in consolidating high schools such as being able to offer more subjects, those do not hold true for consolidating elementary schools into a mega-school. At that level, it is just nuts.
Commented: Thursday, June 6th, 2024 @ 7:29 am By: John Steed
Yes, Bp might be a central office staffer. One of my associates think it is more likely one of those Repub exec. committee officers with severe HDS. Whatever, it is pathetic excuse for rational argument.

While I think JM made a good point, Hood's complaint about how decisions are made in this county is valid also. His point is valid enough that I consider it to be a county wide problem that does not need to be swept under the rug under the guise of hateful Hood bashing. We should appreciate public servants that have the backbone to do their job. Bottom line: More effort was put into getting lottery money to spend then making a plan for BCSs.
Commented: Thursday, June 6th, 2024 @ 6:32 am By: Van Zant
"Bath parent" you have posted the identical comment three times in this thread. That is getting ridicolous. You sound to me more like a Cheeseman central office staffer, anyway.
Commented: Wednesday, June 5th, 2024 @ 4:22 pm By: John Steed
Hood there has been a bunch of people watching your lies and have had enough. Yes you are caught in another and you are not a Bible scholar. Watch what you say as things are video tapped so you can hear the truth. #hoodlies #needhimoutofoffice
Commented: Wednesday, June 5th, 2024 @ 2:34 pm By: Bath parent
Bath Parent. Are you capable of attacking issues and not personalities. Every person has a personality. Not everyone is capable of addressing an issue intelligently.
Commented: Sunday, June 2nd, 2024 @ 9:17 am By: Hood Richardson
Hood there has been a bunch of people watching your lies and have had enough. Yes you are caught in another and you are not a Bible scholar. Watch what you say as things are video tapped so you can hear the truth. #hoodlies #needhimoutofoffice
Commented: Sunday, June 2nd, 2024 @ 6:53 am By: Bath parent
HR - dont even attack someone's religion. Based on your writings, I have zero idea what faith you practice. I will say, Christian wouldn't be my first guess. Just sayin.
Commented: Saturday, June 1st, 2024 @ 2:10 pm By: Big Bob
The big problem here is total lack of transparency in planning, which has long been a problem with our school board, even pre-dating Cheeseman. Like the last round of school building, this one was concocted in the backroom without public input or outside expert input. For example, did the Washington attendance area have the biggest need, and if it did was this the best location within that attendance area for a school? If memory serves, it seems there have been statements in the past that Washington's growth was projected to be mostly to the west, so would that be the most efficient place to put a new school?

The school board never held any public hearings either to determine needs or to get public input after the plan was conceived. Cheeseman and T.W. Allen clearly want to keep the public in the dark and reserve all power to themselves. That is not the way that government agencies should be run.

Once the school board achieves a majority that is not under Cheeseman's thumb, one of the things they need to do is put together a long range facilities plan, based on input from experts on things like population projections and on public input from the citizens of the county. Government should be conducted in the sunshine and not in secretive smoke-filled rooms.
Commented: Saturday, June 1st, 2024 @ 9:10 pm By: John Steed
Just to be clear, the county is not spending $50 million in county tax money. BCS received a grant for $42 million from the NC Department of Public Instruction and then the county committed $10 million. DPI has specific requirements to receive the grant, just repairing schools would not have met those requirements. I do agree there needs to be oversight in the project, but I feel getting a brand new school for $10 million dollars is a deal for the county tax payers.
Commented: Saturday, June 1st, 2024 @ 8:15 pm By: Jack Maggio
Commissioner Richardson: Liars always project their dishonest natures upon others.

The alias, Bath Parent, is an empty suit devoid of original thought. Have fun with this foil of sophistry, but do not take it seriously; there is nothing there of value within this alias entity.
Commented: Saturday, June 1st, 2024 @ 10:28 am By: Stan Deatherage
Bath Parent. Keep writing. Your anti Christian side is showing. As for lying, I ask each person to look at the record with some intlect and humility.
Commented: Saturday, June 1st, 2024 @ 7:45 am By: Hood Richardson
Why would someone in the Bath attendance area be so hepped up on spending ALL of the construction money for a mega-school boondoggle in the Washington attendance area? Something just does not add up about that. Chocowinity's longstanding needs are being passed over once again, but I would think that Bath maybe also has some needs of its own that are being ignored. Perhaps "Bath parent" actually works in Cheeseman's school system central office? His/her positions sound a lot more like that than of someone concerned about education in the Bath attendance area.
Commented: Saturday, June 1st, 2024 @ 8:00 am By: Rino Hunter
HDS is strong on that Repub exec. committee.
Commented: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 10:56 pm By: Van Zant
Hood there has been a bunch of people watching your lies and have had enough. Yes you are caught in another and you are not a Bible scholar. Watch what you say as things are video tapped so you can hear the truth. #hoodlies #needhimoutofoffice
Commented: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 5:01 pm By: Bath parent
You live in a perfect world. Look at the time lines and how the School Board told one thing today and others at other times. You must be a great Bible scholar, I bet you can get the Bible to say anything you want whenever you want.

I did not lie about anything.
Commented: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 1:55 pm By: Hood Richardson
Hood so you admit you lied in your article again talking to hear your mouth talk.
Commented: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 11:36 am By: Bath parent
County Voter. I was told Eastern elementary would be torn down. I was also told John Cotton Tayloe would be torn down. "Told" is the operative word, none of this is in a written budget approved by anyone other than Fake Frankie, Cheeseman and T. W. Allen. How good is their word. They have no authority to do anything. The School Board and the Board of County commissioners are what counts. Drinking Cool Aid!
Commented: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 10:07 am By: Hood Richardson
Decisions like spending $50 million on school construction need to be made with both substantial expert input and substantial public input. A secretive smoke filled room process does not cut it. There is more to the problem here than just "informing" someone after a secretive cabal has made a deal.
Commented: Thursday, May 30th, 2024 @ 3:34 pm By: John Steed
Hood can you say you have not been informed of Eastern being torn down?
Commented: Thursday, May 30th, 2024 @ 1:10 pm By: County voter
Hood, you are wrong about three people crafting the plan. It was one person, control freak Matthew Cheeseman.

T.W. Allen is little more than Cheeseman's sock puppet. At school board meetings, he patheticly has Cheeseman sitting at his elbow to tell him what to do. You will periodically see Cheeseman lean over and whisper instructions to Allen. When Cheeseman says jump, Allen asks "how high?". Allen is one of the most pathetic excuses for an elected official I have ever seen.

And Frankie Waters? He allows himself to be steered way too much by his own county manager, although not as bad as Allen. At least he does not have to have his string puller sitting beside him at county commission meetings. Still, when it comes to school matters, he will always go with the flow instead of having any independent opinion.

This was a "sneaky pete" operation orchestrated by Matthew Cheeseman. And Yes, the main objective was what would look good on Cheeseman's resume. Our elected officials have totally failed us on this one. Of course, the conservatives on both the school board and county commission found themselves in the minority and without power to do anything. Citizens need a big change on both boards.
Commented: Thursday, May 30th, 2024 @ 1:16 pm By: Rino Hunter
Why is so much governing done n th dark, behind closed doors n LittleWashington & BeaufortCounty? Well, because the elites here long ago decided that WE pple cannot b trusted w "decision making." Rep JerryNadler told Congress that we cant trust th voters to do the right thing n an election.(summary)
We cud chewers here n th south have allowed ourselves 2b ruled by elites so long that they simply expect it. Dont get out of line!

I witnessed this 1st hand abt 30 yrs ago at an organizational meeting 4 school parents to do volunteer wk 4 high school.
We each chose our favorite subject & then regrouped to talk it over. Lo and "elite" shows up and announces that she is our Chairman. I say WAIT... dont we pick our own chairman? She said, I dont know... I was told to come 2 this table 2b th Chairman.
So as I sd: The local elites & Governing Bodies dont trust WeThePpl, 2 do th right thing. We cant b trusted 2 do THEIR AGENDA. It really is time to stop being a farm grazer
Commented: Thursday, May 30th, 2024 @ 11:33 am By: Washingtonian
Bath Parent. The progress report is a progress report on the boondogle plan crafted by Fake Frankie Waters, Matthew Cheeseman and T. W. Allen. The Bath Parent should wake up, get educated, and stop believing what Waters, Cheeseman and Allen are telling them. Drinking the Cool Aid.
Commented: Thursday, May 30th, 2024 @ 10:25 am By: Hood Richardson
I wonder why someone in Bath would be pushing spending all the money in a different attendance district? Something does not add up there.

What was needed was a countywide needs assessment and school population projection, not Cheeseman's half-assed resume-driven boondoggle. What was also needed was more public input in the process at a much earlier stage. The public should have been consulted early on before a specific plan was developed. They may hold meetings now to tell you what they are going to do, but transparency and public input were totally lacking in putting that plan together. That is NOT how things should work in a democratic system.

Anyone familiar with the schools has heard about needs in Chocowinity for years. They were left out of the last round of school construction. Why did none of this money go to Chocowinity? Did Cheeseman not think that would help his resume as much?

WE need a school board majority who are more than just front men for a power obsessed superintendant.
Commented: Thursday, May 30th, 2024 @ 6:04 am By: Concerned Taxpayer
Bath parent: Only a dishonest person projects their lies upon an honest natured man of purpose just to obfuscate the truth, and all the while, you did write words saying nothing, making no point, whatsoever, other than that of someone who regards themselves as simply "Bath parent," who furthermore exhibits the temerity to slander their betters by projecting a bitter nature of their poisonous deceit.
Commented: Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 @ 11:20 pm By: Stan Deatherage
There go Hood and Stan not telling the truth. No progress report. I saw where there is monthly meetings on the progress! It has been published multiple times that Eastern is getting torn down. Wow I guess your old ears hear like your hips do not at all! Stop the lies and tell the truth for once in your old life
Commented: Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 @ 6:56 pm By: Bath parent
Again, I echo what Commissioner Deatherage said. Why do we need a 52 million dollar dinosaur if the student population is shrinking? Why not use the 52 million to renovate already existing antiquated buildings?
Commented: Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 @ 5:53 pm By: John Valley
What taxpayers needed to see was serious planning for future school needs. In the past, superintendants have pushed plans that left us with excess capacity in some places and unfullfilled needs in others. Here we go again, with a superintendant crafted plan with no expert analysis. There are people who do population projections, but our own school admin office lacks that capacity, and no experts were called in. Such projects are essential to competently project school needs. We have a superintendant who simply wants to create a resume item for when he applies for a better paying job at a bigger system and he wants it quickly, so never mind doing the legwork that should be done. WE have no comprehensive facilities plan, and that is what is needed before going off half cocked and spending milliions of taxpayer dollars.
Commented: Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 @ 3:51 pm By: Concerned Taxpayer
Again, I echo what Commissioner Deatherage said. Why do we need a 52 million dollar dinosaur if the student population is shrinking? Why not use the 52 million to renovate already existing antiquated buildings?
Commented: Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 @ 2:51 pm By: John Valley
Transparency and open government are two things that do not exist with our current school board majority and their puppetmaster superintendant. This $50 million scheme was concocted in the backroom with no public input or even knowledge and then rubberstamped, again with no real public input by the sockpuppet majority on the school board. Where were the public hearings on school needs preceding the planning or indeed in any stage of the planning? Where were the outside expert analysis reports and recommendations? Some of these idiots may nominally be "Republicans" but they spend money like Biden and Pelosi.
Commented: Tuesday, May 28th, 2024 @ 3:36 pm By: Concerned Taxpayer


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