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Comments for U. S. House Speaker calls out the sham "trial" of Donald Trump in New York

About time

Dude’s a rat.
Commented: Saturday, May 18th, 2024 @ 8:10 pm By: Big Bob
Hannity is a reliable source of information. Far left internet troll Bolshevik Bob is NOT.
Commented: Saturday, May 18th, 2024 @ 3:39 pm By: John Steed
In other words no, you have none.
Sean Hannity - poster boy for a weasel.
Commented: Saturday, May 18th, 2024 @ 10:47 am By: Big Bob
Most recently, it was mentioned by Sean Hannity on his radio show today, but I recall it being mentioned also at the time it was announced he would be the judge, and a later time when it was contrasted that the Georgia judge was a random judge unlike Marchan. Of course that Georgia judge turned out to be a political contributor, alond with his wife of Fani Willis' campaign for DA, which gave him a massive conflict of interest in hearing the motion to remove her.
Commented: Friday, May 17th, 2024 @ 6:36 pm By: Rino Hunter
Please offer evidence that the judge was "picked".

And I doubt it was trump who said no to MC. During his first term, there were some adults in the room. Betting it was one of them.
Commented: Friday, May 17th, 2024 @ 2:27 pm By: Big Bob
What was really corrupt in New York procedure in this case was allowing the prosecutor to choose the judge, instead of having one assigned randomly. The prosecutor, Bragg, is a political hack, his office being purchased for him by far left globalist totalitarian George Soros, so he got a fellow political hack, Merchan, assigned as judge. This was a rigged game from the beginning.

Michael Cohen lobbied hard for appointment as either US Attorney General or White House Counsel, but Trump had the good sense not to bring him into government. He must have seen enough during the time he was Coben's sometime private client, even though Cohen had not yet been caught in his web of lies yet.
Commented: Friday, May 17th, 2024 @ 2:02 pm By: Rino Hunter
So trump had serial liar on his paid staff for how many years? Who does that? Why would trump need the services of a serial liar? Birds of a feather?
Commented: Friday, May 17th, 2024 @ 12:49 pm By: Big Bob
Here is George Washington University Law School Professor Jonathan Turley's take on the implosion of serial liar Michael Cohen and where it leaves the trial:
Commented: Friday, May 17th, 2024 @ 12:17 pm By: John Steed
This column in the UK's largest circulation newspaper, the Daily Mail of London on the Trump trial shows what a laughing stock the Biden Democrats and their political show trial are making of America's justice system:
Commented: Friday, May 17th, 2024 @ 9:20 am By: John Steed
If your daddy says so.
Commented: Thursday, May 16th, 2024 @ 11:12 am By: Big Bob
The conflicts of interest for crooked Judge Merchan just keep coming. The latest is that the judge's daughter is the political consultant for Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman, who has publicly stated he prepared Michael Cohen to testify. Cohen is Bragg's star witness, and a serial liar who has admitted to perjury in other matters.

This is a political show trial from start to finish, and is not what one expects in a democracy that respects the rule of law.
Commented: Thursday, May 16th, 2024 @ 10:40 am By: John Steed
Wrong, Bob. You clearly have no training or experience in the law. Jonathan Turley is a respected law professor who is often quoted in the media for his opinions on cases.

Conflict of interest is something that is judged on a case by case basis. Sometimes it is put directly in front of a judge by a motion to recuse. More often, in my experience in practicing law, a judge will recognize it on his own and inform the parties that he has a conflict, cannot hear the case, and must assign it to another judge. I have seen the latter scenario go down here in eastern North Carolina quite a few times.

I am flabbergasted that, given his multiple conflicts of interest, Judge Marchan would insist on presiding over the Trump case. Maybe he is determined to strike a political blow for his cause or maybe he just craves the media spotlight. He is very different from the judges I have dealt with here in eastern North Carolina.

Another flagrant conflict of interest was the judge in the Fani Willis case hearing the motion to remove her as counsel in that case. Since both the judge and his wife were political contributors to Fani Willis' campaign, and she was at that juncture currently involved in a primary challenge for her office, he had a massive conflict of interest in hearing that motion (and arguable the entire case).
Commented: Thursday, May 16th, 2024 @ 10:00 am By: Steven P. Rader
The time to question a judges ability is at the time of election or appointment, not when your daddy is on trial.
Commented: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 @ 9:57 pm By: Big Bob
That Turley column says it all. I share the concern about getting a fair ruling out of Judge Merchan given his background. When I had a case in eastern North Carolina where the prosecution's case was as weak as this one, I would often use a strategy of offering no evidence in the case. That did two things. One, it gave the defense instead of the prosecution, the last argument to the jury which is very beneficial. The second is that the pattern jury instructions that the judge must read to the jury in such cases set out that a defendant does not have to offer evidence but can rely on the weakness of the state's case. Jurors can often take those instructions as a sign that the judge himself thinks that particular case is weak. While I would use such a strategy with a Beaufort County jury or a Hyde County jury or a Washington County jury, it might not come accross as well with a jury in Trump-hating Manhattan. Failure to get a change of venue to a more neutral jurisdiction (like more mainstram Statten Island) or a special venire (jurors brought in from a more neutral venue) has also signalled to me that the deck was stacked against Trump in this courtroom.

I would also note that I have seen judges recuse themselves on their own motion, without being asked, for conflicts much less than the conflicts of interest that the judge in the Trump case has. That speaks volumes about what to expect from this judge.
Commented: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 @ 7:36 pm By: Steven P. Rader
The column by renowned and highly respected law professor Jonathan Turley on where this case sits is interested. Truley says Bragg has not come close to proving any case against Trump and an honest and unbiased judge would grant a defense motion for a directed verdict, which would end the case in Trump's favor at the close of state's evidence.

Of course this trial does NOT have an honest and ungaised judge. It has a judge who is a political contributor to Joe Biden who has a daughter who is a Democrat political consultant who works for Kamala Harris among others. What would it do to his daughtter's business if he ruled like an honest judge should rule?
Commented: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 @ 4:57 pm By: John Steed
MJ is a funny little guy. Weirdly evangelical but, at least what I can tell, is willing to do his job, which is to govern. Stood up to MAGA and survived.

And I will give him credit: he is the only republican to shut crazy Marge up. That woman is a freak show.
Commented: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 @ 2:37 pm By: Big Bob
What really needs prosecution in the next administration is the RICO conspiracy among the Biden apparatus to thwart our immigration laws. Biden and all of those involved with that scheme need to be charged and prosecuted, and that should happen in a place with a very conservative jury pool and conservative judges.
Commented: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 @ 12:23 pm By: borderhawk
Given his sleazy deals on legislation where he prostitutes himself to Democrats, I would rather suspect Johnson's "buddy" for such purposes would probably be Biden or Schumer. And we all know what "a johnson" is slang for, and Speaker Johnson has sure turned out to be one of those. He is just trying to cozy up to Trump to try to pull the wool over our eyes for his betraying us on major legislation.
Commented: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 @ 11:40 am By: Rino Hunter
Hmmm Jann, I cant anything to support your statement. I can say sD was not branded as the other women were. Absolutely no sign of a brand. Researched it throughly and I just don't see it.
Commented: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 @ 8:59 am By: Big Bob
This from a guy whose masturbation accountability buddy is his own son. That’s not creepy.

At least he keeps the government open and aid flowing to Israel and Ukraine
Commented: Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 @ 7:58 pm By: Big Bob
Let's not forget that Ms. Stormy Daniels was in the Kieth Raniere NXIVM sex cult with the Seagram's family. Those girls were programmed and used to take down powerful people like Epstein's girls. If you dig deep George Soros also is a piece of the puzzle. If they proceed with this case and women paid hush money, I wonder what kinda hush money they would find with Bill Clinton??? Hmmm..
Commented: Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 @ 9:28 pm By: Jann
One of the most significant things Speaker Johnson said is that Congress is going to investigate Alvin Bragg and his cast of characters for election interference. While Congress cannot prosecute, they can make criminal referals to US Attorneys who will then likely be Trump appointees. That will be fun to warch, especially with at least one state Attoney General also going against them for election interference. They need to nail the corrupt judges, too. Lock them up. We need to drive a stake through the heart of these crooked Stalinist political show trials once and for all.
Commented: Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 @ 9:15 pm By: John Steed
What is even more interesting is that the White House has finally said the quiet part out loud. When asked about the Speakers appearance at the trial, White House press secretary said she could not comment on the trial "because it is related to the 2024 election". We have always known it was a political ambush, but now the White House confirms it.
Commented: Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 @ 5:18 pm By: Conservative Voter


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