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Comments for Alvin Bragg's office deleted phone call records of Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels' lawyer

Record tampering by DA office

Joe Biden's looting both the legislative branch AND the executive branch of classified documents and then storing them in boxes in his garage next to his corvette is the crime that should be prosecuted, but under our two tier politicized justice system was swept under the rug. Those crooked Democrat hack prosecutors can make up all the "crimes" they want on Trump, but they are destroying American democracy in the process. They are just like the Stalin Show Trials and KGB Chief Beria's comment to Stalin "Show me the man, and I will find you the crime."
Commented: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 @ 10:25 am By: John Steed
I will say this, I would much rather see him standing trial for looting the White House of classified documents. With trump just pick the crime, plenty to choose from.

It will be funny if this is the one that gets him.
Commented: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 @ 9:02 am By: Big Bob
Having spent quite a few years as a criminal defense attorney, I hate to see people charged and face trial due to someone's ulterior motives, and it does not matter what category the victim of such a malicious prosecution may fall into. It is clear beyond a reasonable doubt that the charges against Trump are entirely politically motivated. That should not happen in our system. The reputation of our judicial system is being severely tarnished by those who are using it for their political vendetta against Trump, and that is outrageous.
Commented: Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 @ 10:09 pm By: Steven P. Rader
Just don't feel sorry for a billionaire who finds himself in court.
Commented: Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 @ 4:43 pm By: Big Bob
You ignore the massive political factors in this VERY political prosecution, including a far left Soros prosecutor whose chief assistant in this case was sent in from Biden's DOJ, a judge who is a political contributor to Trump's political opponent and who has other family ties to Trump's opponent, and a jury pool from a place that voted overwhelmingly against Trump. No wonder the majority of Americans tell pollsters that they do not believe Trump can get a fair trial in Manhattan. There are remedies in our judicial system for those factors such as recusal of a judge or change of venue, but Trump was denied those.
Commented: Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 @ 1:04 pm By: Steven P. Rader
And that applies to everyone, all the time? Yes...then trump is no better nor worse off than anyone else.
Commented: Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 @ 10:45 am By: Big Bob
No, my position is that while perjury happens all too often in courtrooms, and indeed in Congressional hearings, it is very rarely charged. People know that, so the possibility of being charged with perjury is not a very effective deterrant to lying in the courtroom, or before Congress. Since a prosecutor is likely to be involved in any prosecution of perjury that does happen, lying by taking a position favorable to the prosecutor is extremely low risk to a witness.

One prominent figure who has clearly committee perjury before Congress is Fauci, but the odds of him being prosecutred for that are almost non-existant.
Commented: Monday, May 13th, 2024 @ 7:52 pm By: Steven P. Rader
Your position is that nobody has been charged with perjury?
Really? Might have to fact check that
Commented: Monday, May 13th, 2024 @ 3:25 pm By: Big Bob
In decades of practicing law, I have never seen anyone actually charged with perjury although there were a number of cases I witnessed where almost certainly there were lies told under oath. Even when officials lie to Congress, it never seems to be prosecuted. People are not afraid of the penalty for perjury because it is allmost never imposed.

In Bragg's case his star witness Michael Cohen has admitted to perjury in the past, so not one should assume he would tell the truth this time.

Prior inconsistent statements are a standard way that opposing counsel impeaches a witness, as it destroys their credibility when they are shown to have told different stories about the same event. If there were an objective jury, Stormy Daniels credibility would be shot full of holes.
Commented: Monday, May 13th, 2024 @ 2:25 pm By: Steven P. Rader
Neither does not being under oath. But one has a penalty for lying, the other does not.
Commented: Monday, May 13th, 2024 @ 12:28 pm By: Big Bob
Being under oath does not mean a person is telling the truth.
Commented: Monday, May 13th, 2024 @ 11:52 am By: Countrygirl1411
I so look forward to that Missouri AG invesigation leading to long terms in a Missouri prison for election interference for Alvin Bragg, Juan Merchan, Letitia James, Engeron, Jack Smith, Merrick Garland, and a host of others. Lock them up.

Good catch, Country Girl. Prior inconsistent statements can be used in court to destroy a witnesses credibility. I am sure the Trump attorneys caught that too, and will try to use it, but who knows if crooked Judge Marchan will let it in.
Commented: Monday, May 13th, 2024 @ 11:08 am By: Conservative Voter
No, it doesnt. People say lots of stuff. It's what you say under oath that matters.
Commented: Monday, May 13th, 2024 @ 10:18 am By: Big Bob
Comedian Bill Maher just used footage from a 2018 interview with Stormy Daniels to reveal that she completely contradicted her own testimony in the Trump 'hush-money' trial last week.
Commented: Monday, May 13th, 2024 @ 8:47 am By: Countrygirl1411


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