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Comments for Beaufort County Commissioner Stan Deatherage Sponsors The First Amendment Right of Citizens to Petition Their Government

On Monday, May 6, 2024, at the Beaufort County Commissioners' general meeting, Commissioner Stan Deatherage sponsored the Constitutional right of a Beaufort County citizen "to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

I appreciate everyone's kind words and advice. I appeared before the commissioners again yesterday evening. Hopefully progress was made. My grandmother and another mother, who are both survivors of BCDSS, spoke as well. Stay tuned and thank you for caring about our children.
Commented: Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 @ 1:26 pm By: Jessica Jones
The letters "SS" seems to be pivotal in the way the DSS child protective services works, just like the old Nazi SS. It is not just North Carolina where these storm troopers are a threat to family and liberty. Take this case out of Georgia:

They don't get proper, fair, objective oversight in our judicial system now, and that is badly needed.
Commented: Sunday, May 19th, 2024 @ 9:02 am By: John Steed
Pretty sure it's wealth.
Commented: Monday, May 13th, 2024 @ 2:24 pm By: Big Bob
The two tier justice system these days is based on politics, not wealth, and that is a huge threat to democracy.

When DSS snatches three children on this piddling little excuse, they are a threat to our liberty and need to be chopped down to size.

It is my understanding that in these type cases, if parents do not have the money for an attorney, they can get a court appointed attorney. This young lady should try to get one if she cannot afford her own.
Commented: Monday, May 13th, 2024 @ 2:13 pm By: Conservative Voter
Ah - now that describes the 2 tiered judicial system to a tee. A billionaire and a poor BC woman. Thank you for admitting to what I have said all along. Trumps as every advantage in court. If he loses, its no him.
Commented: Monday, May 13th, 2024 @ 12:34 pm By: Big Bob
Van Zant: The truth of the matter is if one cannot afford an attorney, then one is a slave to the system, and "The System" has a great propensity to be corrupt.

I know that to be true. I see corruption often, with a first hand view at this local level here in Beaufort County, and until the citizens of Beaufort County can find the core values to elect enough wise, intelligent, honest and uncorruptible fellow local leaders, I will be powerless to lead that change to the political light of honest government from top to bottom.
Commented: Monday, May 13th, 2024 @ 11:58 am By: Stan Deatherage
DSS is an important safety net. As usual, MAGA attempts to destroy it too.

MAGA - unfit to govern
Commented: Monday, May 13th, 2024 @ 10:22 am By: Big Bob
This sad saga that this young woman faces reminds me of President Reagan's comment that the scariest words in the English language are "I am from the government and I am here to help you." Government's power to take our children should be very, very restricted, and this case seems like a major abuse by government of this family's rights. It appears the Beaufort County Schools colluded with DSS on this overreach.
Commented: Sunday, May 12th, 2024 @ 6:01 pm By: Conservative Voter
I agree this young lady needs an attorney.
Commented: Sunday, May 12th, 2024 @ 8:40 am By: Van Zant
Commented: Friday, May 10th, 2024 @ 11:49 pm By: Big Bob
Somebody who went through this nightmare resulting from malicious complaints from a neighbor who was feuding with them, commented to me that is was far more scary to have the DSS gestapo at the door than even having the IRS goons at your door.

This Jones case does not make sense and clearly shows government overrach. If children were being beaten or otherwise abused, it would make sense to get them out of the home temporarily so a quick hearing could be held to look into the facts. But nothing even close to that happened in this case. Two children had very good school attendance, so why were they taken out of the home at all? Since the problem, which was not that bad in itself, only applied to one child, why were not some approriate questions asked then before taking this drastic action which I am sure would be as stressful on the children as physical abuse, but here was inflicted by DSS on these children.

Our DSS and our school system BOTH have some 'splainin' to do.
Commented: Friday, May 10th, 2024 @ 10:45 am By: Rino Hunter
It sounds like Ms. Jones is having her rights trampled by DSS. Why did they not provide paperwork when they took the children? Why has there apparently not been a court hearing set? Why did the schools and DSS take this drastic action without apparently much investigation? Why did they take the two children who were not truant? Somebody needs to investigate Beaufort County DSS, and it sounds like they will throw up "confidentiality" to keep the commissioners from doing so. Can Ms. Jones, as the aggrieved party waive confidentiality? I wonder if state DSS could be called in? But then one social worker is probably going to whitewash things for another social worker. However it is done, it appears Beaufort County DSS needs a very thorough investigation as they pose a clear and present danger to the liberty of our citizens as long as they are allowed to run amok like this.

This is way too much power for DSS to have over our families, and there needs to be some neutral group which can investigate tham when they get out of hand like this. The sanctity of our familites is a cornerstone of American liberty.
Commented: Friday, May 10th, 2024 @ 6:48 am By: Concerned Taxpayer
Just passing along some good advice.
As the saying goes: fools rush in.....

Peace out
Commented: Thursday, May 9th, 2024 @ 6:17 pm By: Big Bob
What this woman needs is an attorney rather than talking to commisioners, the Social Services board or the school board.

That said, to give an idea of the sort of things I have seen with DSS Child Protective Services, the circumstances of the first such case I handled back in the late 1970a is a good example. The parents were relious folk and fairly strict with their two daughters. The older daughter started to rebel a little and her parents made the mistake of seeking counseling through DSS. The first counsellor was actually helpful and made some progress working through the issues, however she went out on maternity leave and her replacement started filling the child's head with things like her parents being backward and things shouldn't be done the way they wanted any more, and such. The result was the child ran away from home. DSS then took both daughters away from the family and put them in a foster home. The older daughter was put on birth control. While in DSS care, the older daughter was seen on several occaisions at Whichards Beach so drunk she could barely walk. In spite of the birth control, the older daughter got pregnant under DSS care. That is the point when their church hired me to get into the case. I filed a motion for a new hearing in court and DSS folded and gave the kids back, but meanwhile they had done a lot of damage to this family and to the two young girls.

I have seen too many more cases like it where the children were placed in a worse position because of DSS involvment. I found DSS workers to be a mixed bag, some pretty straightforward and some busybodies.
Commented: Thursday, May 9th, 2024 @ 4:27 pm By: Steven P. Rader
Big Bob: Jessica Jones is a United States citizen, residing in Beaufort County, and as long as I am a county commissioner, she, and others like her, will always have the guaranteed right to petition her local government, or those that try to restrain my constitutional charge to fully represent my constituents will have a fight on their hands.

It is that simple.
Commented: Thursday, May 9th, 2024 @ 4:16 pm By: Stan Deatherage
She has a right to explain herself. She is just talking in front of the wrong people.
These cases are complicated and her set of facts, and I stress, may not be all the facts.

Her time would be better spent in front of a judge.
Commented: Thursday, May 9th, 2024 @ 3:35 pm By: Big Bob
Big Bob: I could care less about politics or a judge.

As a rather knowledgeable county commissioner, and thoroughly honest to the point of being completely beyond reproach in these entire parts of Beaufort County, I will always use the US Constitution as my perfect guide to govern.

This is one of my strengths - to know what is real and who speak the truth of what is real.
Commented: Thursday, May 9th, 2024 @ 3:28 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Damn SP, is there anything you haven't done?

All 'm saying is get all the facts before you way in. These cases can make you a fool real quick.
Commented: Thursday, May 9th, 2024 @ 3:13 pm By: Big Bob
Oh man, Stan this case needs to be in front of a Judge.
You're playing politics. Don't do it.
Commented: Thursday, May 9th, 2024 @ 3:23 pm By: Big Bob
Steve Rader: You are very much right that Child Protective Services' track record is not all that spectacular here in Beaufort County, and as individuals - you and I, Steve - who have been put in the position to know more than most, we reserve that knowledge to make the better decisions

I have far too much knowledge to ever err exclusively on the side of Child Protective Services, and sadly, over the years, they have done that great disservice of mistrust, levied accurately against them, to themselves.
Commented: Thursday, May 9th, 2024 @ 3:25 pm By: Stan Deatherage
John Steed: This manager's superiors are the Center /Left Coalition - the caucusing Democratic Socialists (2), and the RINOs (3). The 3 RINOs, enjoying the full protection of the Beaufort County GOP for some years now, even though their actions or purposeful inactions puts the BC GOP well outside the rigors of the Republican Platform inherent within the plan of organization.

Also, I will do a short post regarding the inappropriate closed session agenda item that did not qualify for the closed session because of its content, and did not qualify because it was not readout as a closed session agenda item in open session.
Commented: Thursday, May 9th, 2024 @ 3:20 pm By: Stan Deatherage
That county manager was an arrogant prick of a bureaucrat in that video. Why does our county commission tolerate him addressing an elected commissioner that way? What he said in public was awful, but Stan's comment below shows that Alligood got even more out of line in private. If he treats his superiors this way, how can he ever be relied upon to treat the general public fairly. It looks like a major problem we have in county government is an out of control county manager who needs to get his walking papers.
Commented: Thursday, May 9th, 2024 @ 2:12 pm By: John Steed
Having handled DSS child protective services cases over several decades of practicing law, I have observed quite a few cases in local counties where DSS got involved that it probably should not have. I have also observed the reluctance of many judges to rule against DSS in these cases. The late Judge Hallett Ward explained it to me after he ruled for DSS on a very weak case, that if he ruled against DSS on one of those cases and something happened to the child, then he as judge would be blamed in the media. While I was waiting for one of my DSS cases, I also heard a DSS attorney cut off another defense attorney who was trying to negotiate one of these case, snaping "Just agree to what we want, you know that is what the judge will do anyway."

Under the current procedures on DSS child custody cases, the deck is stacked against the parents. That is why I would like to see parents in these cases get a right to trial by jury. That would make the whole process a lot fairer.
Commented: Thursday, May 9th, 2024 @ 1:47 pm By: Steven P. Rader
Careful on this one. You are correct, citizens have a right to be heard but not the right to grind government to a halt.

I would add, the state does not remove a child" from their parents easily. Get all the facts before you wade in. 99.9999 % of the time the child is/was in danger. Never put politics before the safety of a child. I'm not saying you have, just be careful. Armund Bundy is a cautionary tale.
Commented: Thursday, May 9th, 2024 @ 12:28 pm By: Big Bob
I have already been criticized by the administration publicly, but far more caustically privately in a closed session meeting - a closed session meeting where this was not the issue that we heard when we were read out of session.

Plus, there is no closed session allowance for dressing down a 7 term county commissioner by administrative staff; that needs to occur in open session where all can see.

That is where I feel most comfortable answering all allegations.
Commented: Thursday, May 9th, 2024 @ 10:42 am By: Stan Deatherage
Good for you Mr. Deatherage! In Pitt County, at our commissioner's meetings we are "allowed" to address the board for 3 minutes (timed) during our public comments session. Beyond that "allowance," I'm not sure how our protocol works. But to your point, we as citizens, should be able to redress grievances. Citizens are often held CAPTIVE to political protocols and their concerns are pushed aside. That of course happens in Pitt County as well.
Commented: Thursday, May 9th, 2024 @ 10:20 am By: JMan


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