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Comments for DEI threatens air travel safety as FAA uses DEI to hire air traffic controllers

leftwing ideology can kill

No, you are exaggerating to justify your own beliefs.
JB could cure cancer and you would find fault.
Commented: Sunday, May 5th, 2024 @ 9:23 pm By: Big Bob
Then Biden and Buttigieg are clearly idiots because they are pushing the hiring of blind people as air traffic controllers. That is one of the DEI categories right on their list.
Commented: Sunday, May 5th, 2024 @ 3:51 pm By: Rino Hunter
Because only an idiot would hire a blind man to judge a beauty contest. Unbunch your panties.
Commented: Sunday, May 5th, 2024 @ 12:38 pm By: Big Bob
Because only an idiot would hire a blind man to judge a beauty contest. Unbunch your panties.
Commented: Sunday, May 5th, 2024 @ 12:41 pm By: Big Bob
The Biden regime is giving special DEI preferences to categories who cannot function effectively as air traffic controllers. Why would you think they aren't hiring based on those stated DEI preferences? When the "federal government" is the Biden regime, I would not put anything past them, and experience shows they usually do these political things that they say they are doing.
Commented: Saturday, May 4th, 2024 @ 1:37 pm By: Rino Hunter
No question. Just take a minute to find out instead of saying, that person is "trans" so we wont hire them. The federal government isn't filling positions with people who who cant do the job.
Your worry is exaggerated and an attempt to score political point.
Commented: Friday, May 3rd, 2024 @ 5:41 pm By: Big Bob
When a job like air traffic controller is critical for the safety of others, it is irresponsible to put people in that job who are not physically or mentally capable of doing it. That is exactly what the Biden FAA is doing with their DEI policies, and in all likelihood people will die from it. If they want to hire persons with these conditions, surely they can find other jobs for them where their conditions will not endanger public safety.
Commented: Friday, May 3rd, 2024 @ 1:10 pm By: Rino Hunter
I stand by my post. To automatically disqualify is wrong. That's happened for too long in this country.
Commented: Friday, May 3rd, 2024 @ 10:02 am By: Big Bob
DEI is, indeed, an "ism" as I will explain.

The issue here is DEI, not ADA. Nice attempt to deflect, but you are wrong. These are categories that the Buttigieg-led DOT, which is over the FAA has set out as hiring preferences under DEI. It is hard to imagine anyone in most of these categories having the physical or mental ability to properly function as an air traffic controller. Any ADA complaint would be quickly dismissed on that basis. The Biden FAA is trying to recruit people in these categories as air traffic controllers and give them a preference over well qualified applicants. Do you want someone with a severe intellectual disability or a psychiatric disability controlling the takeoff or landing of a plane YOU are on?

But then again, you previously said you thought people with criminal records should be hired in retail businesses.

DEI is an "ism". It is pure Marxism. The "E" in DEI stands for "equity", which in the Orwellian newspeak of today's far left is a term for equality of result. That concept comes straight from Karl Marx's "Communist Manifesto" and is completely contradictory to the democratic American concept of equality of opportunity. If you are for DEI, you are a Marxist.
Commented: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 @ 6:29 pm By: Rino Hunter
And I will add, automatically disqualifying a person from a job is an "ism". Giving a person a chance to show they can do it is the opposite.
Therefore DEI is the opposite of any "ism" you care to discuss.
Commented: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 @ 3:00 pm By: Big Bob
I think the point is an employer should not dismiss an application due to an ADA recognized disability. Upon further review an employer can still hire who they think is a best fit.
If you automatically disqualify people you might miss something and it isn't right. No person should be automatically disqualified from a job.
Commented: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 @ 2:57 pm By: Big Bob
Only to the extent that it would be rare to find one FAA air traffic controller applicant who checks all those boxes, but it would not be uncommon to check two or three or even four. How are some of these categories even going to function as an air traffic controller? A blind controller who can't see situations out the control tower windows or see the sweep of the radar screen? A deaf controller who cannot hear the radio communications with pilots? And how is someone with a severe intellectual disability or a psychiatric disorder going to appropriately comprehend what is going on? DEI categories like that endanger the flying public. There have already been some near misses, so how long until people die from these insane DEI policies at the Biden FAA?
Commented: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 @ 10:48 am By: Rino Hunter
RH- that is an exaggeration and isn't true.
Commented: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 @ 9:58 am By: Big Bob
Under DEI, the one who checks the most boxes gets the job. For an FAA air traffic controller under Biden that would be a blind one-armed paralyzed pyscho dwarf who is a lesbian and member of a minority group. Is that who you really want directing airplanes where to go at an airport? For me, I will take the most qualified person, not who checks the most DEI boxes.
Commented: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 @ 7:36 am By: Rino Hunter
Based on your posts, I respectfully disagree.
Commented: Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 @ 9:19 pm By: Big Bob
Well, NO, Jim Crow is on YOU. It was your party, the Democrats, who proposed it and all voted for it. My party, the Republicans voted AGAINST Jim Crow. That is the actual historical record that you want to sweep under the rug. Own it, Bobbie, Jim Crow is YOURS.

As far as air traffic controllers, you were the one who brought up the year 1776 in reference to them. Regardless of the year, air traffic controllers are FEDERAL jobs, dumbass, and state Jim Crow laws did not apply to federal jobs at any time.

And the issue of the present DEI problem with air traffic controllers never had anything to do with race in the first place. It has to do with Biden giving DEI preference to these categories:

Hearing (total deafness in both ears)
Vision (Blind)
Missing Extremities
Partial Paralysis
Complete Paralysis, Epilepsy
Severe intellectual disability
Psychiatric disability
Commented: Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 @ 9:53 am By: John Steed
How can you possibly forget that up until the 1950's the hiring preference in this country favored white men? Every idiot knows this to be true. I notice you often twist up the smallest of details to in an effort to justify your own ignorance while completely missing the point.

Unlike salvery - Jim Crow is on us.
Commented: Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 @ 9:42 am By: Big Bob
Here we go again with Bigot Bob's fractured history. We are talking about racial preference hiring at the FAA for air traffic controllers, and now Bob claims that only white men could get jobs as air traffic controllers IN 1776! What aircraft were flying then, Bob?

But then, that is just one of his dodges to claim the FAA issue is all about race. I listed the DEI categories Biden is trying to hire for FAA and NONE of them have anything to do with race. But Bigot Bob is never going to admit he was factually wrong in trying to inject race into this issue. With Bobbie's tunnel vision, everything is about race to him.
Commented: Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 @ 9:27 am By: John Steed
knock your self out. we may both learn new things
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 @ 8:43 pm By: Big Bob
No, it started in 1776 when only white men could get a paid job. Good lord. What a stuipis post.
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 @ 8:40 pm By: Big Bob
Racial preference hires at FAA started with Obama in 2013 and did not have the negative impact that the preferences introduced by Biden have had on air traffic controllers. The 8 new target DEI disabilities that the Biden regime targets for hiring air traffic controllers are ALL related to physical or mental disabilities. They are:

Hearing (total deafness in both ears)
Vision (Blind)
Missing Extremities
Partial Paralysis
Complete Paralysis, Epilepsy
Severe intellectual disability
Psychiatric disability

Maybe a dwarf would be okay in one of these positions, but all of the others have drawbacks on being able to function. In particular, who would want someone with severe intellectual disability or psychiatric disability directing flights they or their loved ones are flying on?

Little Bobbie claims this issue is all about race, but in fact none of these questionable catagories involve race in any way. The near misses and the concern from the travelling public did not come with the racial preferences in 2013 but with the disability DEI preferences in 2021.
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 @ 5:09 pm By: John Steed
"Bob" - I'm under no illusion that it makes any sense to attempt to debate someone living in a world of delusional thinking. You are a demonstrable chronic liar. Also, putting false dialog in someone else's mouth is disrespectful and just another way of telling an untruth. That is indicative of character, in your case lack of.

I will stick around to point out your more egregious falsehoods whenever I have time. It's just so easy.
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 @ 3:59 pm By: Van Zant
JS- your response only re-enforces my argument. When the source of information becomes more important than the information itself, something is wrong.
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 @ 2:21 pm By: Big Bob
I do not remember ever seeing Newsmax or Fakebook cited or linked on the BO, and I could probably count the tiny number of times I have seen Fox cited on one hand.

Bobbie's positions, on the other hand, could be easily found at Think Progress, the left's Talking Points Memo, or even the Daily Worker. He is way off the left side of the spectrum.
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 @ 2:08 pm By: John Steed
More like an alternative point of view. One you wont get on FOX, Newsmax or space book. I'm sure you think a lot of what I post is BS, but that's because of how entrenched society has become and generally speaking people only want to hear from those that agree with them.

News is no longer news. Network news is about building a brand at the expense of the truth to make money. The truth is complexly marginalized.

Van Zant, you can cling to the notion that some blacks were "free" pre civil war, but but that hardly absolves us from the crimes against humanity perpetuated during that era. By extension, Jim Crow for some, is still the name of the game.
We can't change the past, but if you cant even admit what happened, then you are good with a repeat. That's not OK.
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 @ 12:19 pm By: Big Bob
My BS meter starts beeping loudly when I encounter a post from Big Bob, but it rarely does for other frequent posters here. Bob is the king of BS on the BO. The best way to know something is true is for Bob to claim it is not.
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 @ 9:54 am By: Victoria
Really? How many free blacks in antebellum south again? That's just one example of many. You have no credibility, BB.
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 @ 10:02 am By: Van Zant
Absolutely not. Some posts on this site are absolute BS. I call them out. If Im not sure or there is some truth in the post I let it go.
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 @ 9:20 am By: Big Bob
Yep. Some folks do say some crazy stuff. The BB entity says a lot of stuff that is ridiculously untrue all the time.
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 @ 9:27 am By: Van Zant
Van Zant, in Bolshevik Bob's twisted little troll mind, anything that conforms to the far left narrative is "true" and anything that does not is not true" or "false". He uses those words in the sense of Orwellian newspeak and would not recognize a fact if onr jumped up and bit him on the ass. He has proven that time and time again on this board.
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 @ 9:00 am By: John Steed
hey, on the internet ,anyone can post anything. I just point out what I know to be false. Not everything in these pages is false but some folks say some crazy stuff!
Commented: Monday, April 29th, 2024 @ 11:42 pm By: Big Bob
Have you ever considered just how insane things are these days? We've got the resident far-left troll responding to a subject that is usually basic information with, "None of this is true [followed by something racial]," while much of what he says is absurdly untrue.

Think about some of our world leaders: Because of looks and math, there has been some speculation that Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau's real daddy. I don't know but it is interesting speculation. At any rate, whatever the blood test says, Joe Biden is surely Justin's real crazy uncle. Both Joe and Justin make their appointments by checking all the diversity boxes and using merit and qualifications as an afterthought.

Then there is this FFA diversity hiring story. Diversity hiring ahead of common sense while accident rates go up, instead of having the natural diversity coming about because of judging people, and hires, by the content of character and ability.

It all makes for a psychopathic, very dark comedy that is our time in history. It's funny but kind of sick, too. People two hundred years from now, reading about the 21st century, are going to think those folks were crazy as hell.
Commented: Monday, April 29th, 2024 @ 9:41 pm By: Van Zant
From my perspective, the progress made by Arkansas in the direction of online schooling is a remarkable jump towards transforming teaching approaches that extend beyond the usual brick-and-mortar classroom.

The digital schooling platform meets the diverse needs of various students, conserves valuable time by eliminating the obligation to commute, and is applicable for people who have responsibilities outside of school.

It's not solely about mere convenience, but about inclusivity, as it's a superb option for pupils with circumstances that make it hard to physically attend school.

Additionally, not only does it fosters scholastic intelligence but also nurtures computer literacy as well as technological skills in students.

Despite the fact that it does have its challenges, they can be surmounted by employing adequate discipline, efficient time utilization, along with commitment towards learning.

In a time when digital-tech is influencing nearly every
Commented: Monday, April 29th, 2024 @ 7:25 pm By: BiancaBeiva
Commented: Monday, April 29th, 2024 @ 5:02 pm By: Big Bob
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