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Comments for Muslim protesters in Michigan march chanting "Death to America, Death to Israel"

these thugs need to be deported

JS - then your just not that bright.
( btw -the triple post is the site, not me.)
Commented: Wednesday, April 10th, 2024 @ 10:02 am By: big Bob
Your posting the same thing three times does not make it true, Bobbie. Your posts on this site are all from a far left perspective - transgender ideology, cancel culture, climate alarmism, DEI, open borders, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Hamas apologist, anti-free speech, etc. If you indeed have ANY conservative opinions, you have not shown them in your posts.
Commented: Wednesday, April 10th, 2024 @ 9:57 am By: John Steed
People often have diverse opinions. I have a wide range of opinions from conservative to liberal. That’s why I consider myself middle of the road. I’m not beholden to what’s popular. I hate group think. I think for myself and can stand up to those who think I should sit down.
For those reasons I could never be in the MAGA cult. MAGA means tow the line or your out. Well I’m not in and this is my country too.
Commented: Wednesday, April 10th, 2024 @ 12:50 am By: Big Bob
People often have diverse opinions. I have a wide range of opinions from conservative to liberal. That’s why I consider myself middle of the road. I’m not beholden to what’s popular. I hate group think. I think for myself and can stand up to those who think I should sit down.
For those reasons I could never be in the MAGA cult. MAGA means tow the line or your out. Well I’m not in and this is my country too.
Commented: Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 @ 11:14 pm By: Big Bob
People often have diverse opinions. I have a wide range of opinions from conservative to liberal. That’s why I consider myself middle of the road. I’m not beholden to what’s popular. I hate group think. I think for myself and can stand up to those who think I should sit down.
For those reasons I could never be in the MAGA cult. MAGA means tow the line or your out. Well I’m not in and this is my country too.
Commented: Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 @ 8:56 pm By: Big Bob
Your "come for my rights" line only made sense if you were a naturalized citizen, as a citizen by birth does not have to answer questions about their involvement with subversive causes. So it turns out that your comment was just blather, beating your chest about something that did not even apply to you.

Your opinion on Hamas terrorism happens to be the opinion of the far left, not of the "middle of the road". I wonder what your opinion will be when the Muslim terrorists start striking here in the US?
Commented: Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 @ 4:45 pm By: borderhawk
It’s my opinion. No better or worse than your opinion.

Although none of your business, I was born in this country. 90 % of my male relatives are veterans. Army, Air Force and Navy. One died in combat in pacific during WWII.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
Commented: Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 @ 4:33 pm By: Big Bob
Again, Bob, you are pushing the stock positions of the Hamas apologists, and you have sidestepped the question about whether you are yourself a naturalized citizen. Your responses below seem to imply it.
Commented: Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 @ 3:00 pm By: borderhawk
Thank you. What happened in Gaza did not occur in a vacuum.

My comment that Israel practiced apartheid is my opinion and you don’t agree.
That’s fair.

See when we separate fact, from opinion the result is clarity.
Commented: Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 @ 1:45 pm By: Big Bob
Bob, you only seem to read what you want to. I clearly pointed out that naturalized citizens have to specifically answer questions about their alignment with radical causes, and if the chanting of "Death to America" shows they lied in their naturalization process, their citizenship should be open for revocation. You don't seem to agree with that.

Your comments on the Hamas terrorism against Israel used the two main left wing apologist excuses: 1) "it did not happen in a vacuum" (an argument that it was justified), and 2) that Israel is guilty of "apartheid" (which is utter nonsense). Saying that one should consider Hamas' side on their terrorism against Israel is no differnet from saying that one should consider the Nazis' positions on their attrocities against the Jews.
Commented: Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 @ 11:58 am By: borderhawk
BH - I quoted you. I have no idea what you meant. I only know what you said. I believe people when they say things.

I did comment on the Israeli Hama war. Quote- it didn't happen in a vacuum. I stand by that comment because it is factual in that there are 2 sides to every conflict.
Commented: Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 @ 9:59 am By: Big Bob
Now, I do recall your defending Hamas, Bob, but are you also a naturalized citizen as well? That is the only way you could rationally consider my comments a threat to you personally. If so, did you lie in your own naturalization process? Do you think those going through naturalization havve a "right" to lie?
Commented: Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 @ 7:59 am By: borderhawk
Quote: Those already US citizens would be more difficult, but every effort should be made to strip them of citizenship and deport them, too.

Your words. Come for my rights...see what happens.

MAGA - they dont care who you are - they will turn on everybody. Even US citizens.
Commented: Monday, April 8th, 2024 @ 8:56 pm By: Big Bob
If these Muslims shouting "Death to America" are actually US citizens, they are almost certainly naturalized citisens who would have lied about their jihadist sympathies in their citizenship process, where people are specifically asked about such things. Shouldn't they have their citizenship revoked if they lied under oath? And shouldn't they then be deported?
Commented: Monday, April 8th, 2024 @ 4:58 pm By: borderhawk
BH - I could agree with you until the last sentence. As a citizen I have free speech. I have the right to say such things. Although I'm not inclined to do so, you will take those rights over my dead body. I'm prepared. If you go down that road, make sure you are as well. You will need to be.

Generations have fought and died for our rights, not giving them up to MAGA punks.
Commented: Monday, April 8th, 2024 @ 3:55 pm By: Big Bob
All of those in that march who shouted "Death to America" who are illegal alien migrants should be immediately rounded up and deported as undesirables. Those with green cards should be identified and the process begun to stript them of their green cards and deport tham as undesirables. Those already US citizens would be more difficult, but every effort should be made to strip them of citizenship and deport them, too. These enemies of America should not be living in our country.
Commented: Monday, April 8th, 2024 @ 7:24 am By: borderhawk


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