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Comments for Leaked document: Dems expect Tillis & Rouzer to stand by Biden climate agenda

lists Republicans they expect to stand up for Biden's green energy boondoggle

John Steed: Authoritarian Cooper serves very little useful purpose, as is the case for all Democratic Socialist politicians.
Commented: Sunday, February 25th, 2024 @ 9:29 am By: Stan Deatherage
While the voters of North Carolina may tilt conservative. we have a leftwing activist governor who staffs his administration including the DEQ with people who are very much NOT conservative. Cooper wears his climate alarmism on his sleeve and staffs his administration with people who adhere to that political ideology.

I doubt you have even looked at that British TV documentary. If you did you would hear numerous top scientists around the world demolishing the theory of manmade global warming with scientific fact. The reason that the climate alarmists will not debate their theory is that they lose on the facts.

Oh, and what about Gore's "documentary" entitled "An Inconvenient Truth"? The British courts did not find that one so truthful. The British High Court ruled that Gore's movie is a "propaganda film" that contained multiple "misstatements of fact", and ordered that it not be shown to school children without disclaimers of those things.

There are many legimate issues of air quality, but CO2, a necessary nutrient for plant growth, is NOT one of them.
Commented: Sunday, February 25th, 2024 @ 9:16 am By: John Steed
And yet each and every state in the union pays for, and has air quality science, that contradicts your "online research". Even in conservative NC the problem is understood. Sadly the response tends be political but at least its no longer ignored.

And yes JS- your tax money pays for it. So thanks for that.
Commented: Sunday, February 25th, 2024 @ 8:49 am By: Big Bob
By resting you case on a politicized commentary, you admit that the whole global warming scam, or as the European farmers call it "climate communism" is political hocus pocus. For many years, the climate alarmists have been terrified to debate the issue with climate realists, and the reason is obvious. Their little CO2 scam just would just not hold up in a debate based on real facts.
Commented: Sunday, February 25th, 2024 @ 8:39 am By: John Steed
Again, I rest my case.
Commented: Saturday, February 24th, 2024 @ 9:04 pm By: Big Bob
You don't get "better" information from the administration of a climate alarmist governor, you get his administration's political spin, Little Bobbie.
Commented: Saturday, February 24th, 2024 @ 5:42 pm By: John Steed
For those who want better information on the topic, I suggest the link below.
Commented: Saturday, February 24th, 2024 @ 4:43 pm By: Big Bob
I rest my case.
Commented: Saturday, February 24th, 2024 @ 1:32 pm By: Big Bob
Bolshevik Bob, you are nothing but a tool of the globalists, pumping out their absurd propaganda blaming CO2 for what are actually natural climate cycles. Maybe you know that you are deliberately spewing propaganda but maybe you are just an ignorant lemming too dense to understand it. I doubt you have the brainpower to understand the real science on this issue, presented in a British TV documentary broadcast nationally on the UK's Channel 4, entitled "The Great Global Warming Swindle":
Commented: Saturday, February 24th, 2024 @ 11:48 am By: Concerned Taxpayer
Ignoring fossil fuel emissions make each and every post you make on the topic ignorant. Or maybe you are an Exxon tool hired by them to pacify any objection to burning down the planet? You sure sound like one.
Commented: Saturday, February 24th, 2024 @ 10:42 am By: Big Bob
So Bobbie has finally figured out that it is natural cycles that control weather, not the globalist fantasy propaganda of "climate change". Yes, Bobbie there is an annual climate cycle wheter it is hot in summer and cold in winter. It has always been that way. There is another natural climate cycle that will impact this summer, and that changes every two or three years between El Nino patterns and La Nina patterns. The El Nino pattern that has been in effect is now clearly shifting to a La Nine pattern, but I am sure the globalist propagandists will claim its impacts are really from their fantasy "climate change".

You lefties are just so so gullible. The European farmers who are in mass revolt agaisnt the globalist climate agenda have a very apt term for it - "climate communism".

The real takeaway here is that this is just another policy area where Tillis is out of touch with the Republican base and off marching to a leftist drummer. He badly needs to be priimaried out of office. We certainly do not need to be electing any Tillis (or Berger) endorsed candidates to ANY office. Berger is just as bad for supporting radical climate alarmism.
Commented: Friday, February 23rd, 2024 @ 7:37 am By: Concerned Taxpayer
Summer is coming boys. Gonna be a hot one.
Commented: Friday, February 23rd, 2024 @ 6:43 am By: Big Bob


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