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Comments for Truckers work to punish NYC for its crooked, politicized courts

crooked courts is where democracy goes to die; Aleksi Navalny found that out the hard way

I rest my case.
Commented: Thursday, February 22nd, 2024 @ 6:39 am By: Big Bob
The trucker thing is over. They gave up
Commented: Thursday, February 22nd, 2024 @ 6:40 am By: Big Bob
Biden is the one following the fascist playbook, censorship, gun control, and the corporate state. That is where the threat of dictatorship originates. "MAGA" is a populist right ideology very similar to those now surging in Europe. It is the very opposite of fascism. The other huge threat of fascism today is globalism, who have adopted the corporate state ideology of last century's fascism. It is no coincidence that Klaus Schwab's father was a financial contributor to the German Nazi Party.
Commented: Wednesday, February 21st, 2024 @ 2:45 pm By: Conservative Voter
Charles: I know we are at that precipice. I am paid by the People to know these things, and then act accordingly.

While "all politics are local," all politics /governing are interlocked. I see North Carolina's 5 sanctuary counties possibly yearning to be more like the Non Patriot governments of the Blue States, and then it could trickle down if we are not vigilant.

It truly is "Normal vs Crazy."

And Charles, thanks for your analysis. It truly is a spot on version of what is real for real people.
Commented: Wednesday, February 21st, 2024 @ 11:20 am By: Stan Deatherage
Stan: I have an observation with two conflicting conclusions. First, debating a tunnel visioned idealogue is really not worth it. Second, debating as tunnel visioned idealogue serves to shine light on the ridiculous line of thought that is such a threat to any semblance of a free society. I go back and forth on what is the best course.

I suspect what is happening in New York now is just the beginning. Even before all this, New York was one of the more difficult places to do business just because of the strict regulatory culture there. Now with the courts being used as political weapons, they are likely to be shunned by anyone seriously wanting to do business in the Empire State. It's just too lawless to take the risk of exposure to such potential punitive shakedowns that are now being allowed in New York. I don't think I take much comfort in the promise that this is a one-time event just for Trump. That admission actually makes it worse, because on some level they even take some public delight in their thuggish deeds and can't contain the bravado. So much for the law.

If this stands, it will be a significant blow to our American Republic. Even if it does not eventually stand, the fact that it happened is an indicator of just how far we have fallen.
Commented: Wednesday, February 21st, 2024 @ 10:07 am By: Charles Hickman
Big Bob: This is NOT about me, and those like me, this is Normal vs Crazy! The Smart vs the Stupid; the Patriots vs the Non Patriots.

When you, and fools like yourself, accepted Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) as a way of life, you accepted all of these mantles and more, and that is the insanity of it, which we well recognize, that the rest of US are throwing off just to survive as a Constitutional Republic.

That is the real of what it means to be a patriot with a full measure of understanding of what it means to be a citizen under the guaranteed protection of this nation's Constitution.

By the way: There is NO "compromise" with the Crazy, the Stupid, and those that hate this Representative Republic. That is what elections are for.
Commented: Wednesday, February 21st, 2024 @ 7:52 am By: Stan Deatherage
Stan,...other people dont make you mad, you make your self mad. Each of us in in control of our emotions.

MAGA will be short lived because they eat their own. At some point the people can take it anymore. Liberal/conservative, we will find a way to coexist through compromise. However, MAGA refuses to compromise, so like the NAZI of yesteryear will be regulated to the dustbin of history.
Commented: Wednesday, February 21st, 2024 @ 6:42 am By: Big Bob
Yeah Big Bob: Non Patriot Leftists make patriots a little "insane"; yeah, and we are angry, and ready for a great big MAGA (Make America Great Again) return to Normal, and lose the crazy of your Non Patriot Left and your Idiot President, Big Bob.
Commented: Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 @ 11:53 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Slightly insane Stan..but knock yourself out
Commented: Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 @ 6:01 pm By: Big Bob
Bobbie, do you think the mayor of New York was so great when in 1861 he proposed the city secede from both New York state and from the federal union? Or when during the 1863 draft riots in New York City, that city saw the first mass lynching of free blacks in North America? New York City does not always get things right, now do they? But, of course, you approve of the judicial lynching of Donald Trump.
Commented: Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 @ 4:58 pm By: Conservative Voter
Big Bob: Color me arrogant because I despise the corruption and ignorance in the very politicians that you have proven to be so very fond of all you wish, but the real people I associate with know that there are tremendous tragedy occurring daily because of corrupt and ignorant Leftist and inept RINO politicians.
Commented: Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 @ 2:48 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Dude...Nothing wrong with what you do, but thinking you know better than those that run the biggest baddest city on earth is the height of arrogance. Typical for you, but still arrogant.
Commented: Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 @ 2:35 pm By: Big Bob
Big Bob: It is all just so many meaningless words; that is the measure of what you profess.
Commented: Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 @ 10:54 am By: Stan Deatherage
Actually I'm spot on, and you know it.
Commented: Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 @ 10:28 am By: Big Bob
Big Bob: You Leftists are clueless about damn near everything ... and, it truly shows.
Commented: Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 @ 10:09 am By: Stan Deatherage
Small town wanna bees usually think that. As FS sang, If I can make it here, I can make it anywhere...New York....
I love small towns but please, Stan, keep it in perspective.
Commented: Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 @ 9:17 am By: Big Bob
Far less stupid and corrupt people in power in New York, Big Bob.
Commented: Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 @ 7:51 am By: Stan Deatherage
What will it take?
Commented: Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 @ 7:08 am By: Big Bob
No ... Big Bob: This time it is already different.

You have NO idea what it will take to "un-mess" themselves this time. Look who these idiots vote for, and that's all one needs to know.
Commented: Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 @ 3:44 am By: Stan Deatherage
NYC - one of the worlds greatest cities. Think what you will, NY will be OK. little fish need not swim in the big pond.
Commented: Monday, February 19th, 2024 @ 8:45 pm By: Big Bob
That article by Constitutional Law Professor Turley shows a frightening abuse of power by far left Judge Engoron in the Trump case in New York. Yes, those truckers are highly justified if they shut down New York. That despicable scoundrel in black robes has rigged this to hurt Trump severely in the wallet to even appeal. That is not American justice, that is Soviet style "justice".

This political abuse of Trump reminds me of a saying I once heard: "If you want justice, go to a whorehouse; if you want to get screwed, go to court".
Commented: Monday, February 19th, 2024 @ 8:27 pm By: Conservative Voter
Agreeing with New York City governance, and the elected fools in Albany is a certain litmus test for the these Electorate Stupids declaring to the World exactly what the witnessing of full bore vapid reveals upon impact.
Commented: Monday, February 19th, 2024 @ 6:03 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Go for it, truckers. Make that corrupt hellhole New York City pay a big price for their election interference.
Commented: Monday, February 19th, 2024 @ 12:28 pm By: Bubba
Translation - the nut I support for president lost, yet again, in court.
Court - where you have to tell the truth and MAGA goes to die.
Commented: Sunday, February 18th, 2024 @ 6:43 pm By: Big Bob
Oh and Stan, Trump has a "go fund me" and is selling sneakers for $399.00. Can you please post links to both so the good readers of the BO can send the billionaire some money? it's the least you could do to help the big lug.
Commented: Sunday, February 18th, 2024 @ 6:48 pm By: Big Bob
Normally, I do not believe in boycotts, will not support boycotts, because, and this is my "better angels" speaking, that is what the Democratic Socialists do; they control center of powers and then they persecute ad nauseum.

They have long done it in the courts (but, especially the corrupt New York judicial and courts system, or any like their corrupt paradigm); they have long done it in their advocacy within their non journalistic corporate media; now they are using their resources in banking to influence corporations to do the same, to forever transition this Constitutional Republic to a Fascist state of Elites and Serfs.

When it was just the Democratic Socialists in charge of this totally corrupt behavior, it was nearly bearable, but now the radical wing of the Democratic Socialist party - the Non Patriot Left - have pushed these sleaze bums to a whole new level of exponential corruption, and I am ready to publicly declare: Enough is enough, and the time to act is NOW!

Yes, do whatever it takes to cut the most corrupt centers of this Republic from goods, possibly services as well (remembering that we in the middle actually know how to do stuff), especially if they emphatically believe that they, by their understood corruption, can control the rest of US, and functionally deter we, the patriots, from working within the functional fabric of the US Constitution in our ongoing efforts to save this faltering Republic from groups, like this Non Patriot Left, who endeavor to damage and destroy all that is real, as we now know it.
Commented: Sunday, February 18th, 2024 @ 12:11 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Hooray for the truckers. I hope they bring New York "to its knees" over this travestry in their courts. They richly deserve it. Just like the farmers in Europe are working to bring the EU to its knees over its totalitarian climate communism.
Commented: Sunday, February 18th, 2024 @ 10:13 am By: Conservative Voter


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