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Comments for Beaufort County Republican Party steps in another Cow Pile

A house divided shall not stand. Abraham Linclon (R-Ill)

As usual, I will allow the public to decide who is lying and who is telling the truth.

However, I thoroughly disagree with the distortions to the truth presented below.

The scalded dog always yelps.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 6:32 am By: Hood Richardson
Hood, when you resigned from the BCGOP Executive Committee, according to Article 5.6.a, you forfeited all rights and privileges in any way connected with that position. I didn’t make the decision, the rules mandated it. Any elected official that will lie and mislead its citizens does not deserve a seat at the table. I know you don’t care how you hurt people, but they don’t deserve the harm and defamation you cause.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 12:32 am By: Carolyn Garris
Good meat on the bones there Gary, thumbs up.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 12:31 am By: Will Simmons
I'm a member of both parties if you would like to call it that although one is a PAC and one is the actual party. I ran as a very Conservative candidate for City Council in the last election in Washington and almost one a seat for the Republican Party.

In that time I realized a few things. There are very conservative members in both groups and very active citizens with good intentions, good values, and good people that want to reach communities that have not been reached by our party in quite some time. This is all been done with conservative values in mind of fiscal responsibility and compliance with the law. I have to take Umbridge with this entire article as it does not accurately portray those whom it attacks. My ideology is decidedly to the right possibly even of trump on many issues and yet this article seems to lump me into a RINO category simply because I participate in what is the official Republican party as well as the conservative PAC.

If Caroline Garris was so woke she would not have appointed me to become the volunteer coordinator for the Republican Party efforts in Beaufort County for 2024 before she had to step down as party chair. That simply would not happen if she was A RINO, which an official that was UNDER budget and returned 48,000 of appropriations of taxpayer funds cannot by definition be a RINO but rather a bona fide conservative. The attack on April Hollaway is frankly vulgar and an apology should be issued as it contains shabby viewed racial overtones and is false.

As someone that is strongly pro-life, opposed to all tax increases, believes in a Civic Society rather than a government run Society, in a Melting Pot instead of a multi-cultural society... I believe I belong established my conservative credentials.

Would I have observed for attending both groups is that there are certain members of each group that simply don't like each other. They tend to have the exact same views and issues but because of Personality clashes and egos we have division. I do not understand the continued attacks on Republicans. The Republican Party should be United in fighting the Democratic socialists and note I said the Democratic socialists not the conservative or moderate Democrats of which there is only a limited number left. Articles such as this do nothing to help us win in 2024. Just one man's opinion let the barrage of attacks begin.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 12:14 am By: Gary Ceres
As usual, you are a day late and a dollar short. You already know that I am not the Chair of the BCGOP. It was automatic resignation when a fellow Republican filed to run against me according to Article 6 Paragraph H in the BCGOP Plan of organization. You knew this since you used to be a member. Under Article 6.6, states, Any current or former officer or Member of a Precinct Committee or County Executive Committee who, for any reason, is removed or resigned from said position shall forfeit all rights and privileges in anyway connected with that position. When you attended a meeting you were given the floor to speak. Remember, you refused to let Representative Kidwell and myself to speak at your meeting. These are verifiable facts. You have reviewed the Plan of Organization for the past twenty some years. Please be truthful.
Commented: Monday, January 15th, 2024 @ 11:33 pm By: Carolyn Garris
I know you would rather be right, but you are wrong again. Under Artice 5.4.a. If a Member of a Committee is convicted of a felony AFTER the election to such Committee organized under this Plan, the member will be removed without the need for any further action immediately effective upon such conviction. I think this is a very low attack on a lady that advocates everyday for the people and kids in her community. Shame on you for potentially harming her future.
Commented: Monday, January 15th, 2024 @ 11:47 pm By: Carolyn Garris
The charges alleged by Hood against the current register of deeds, also a candidate for register of deeds is categorically false. There is a NC General Statute that provides for electronic recording of many important documents while others are being saved as "hard copies." There is limited space to store documents recorded daily at this office. The NC Law provides for redundant back up systems. Further, whenever a document is recorded, the owner of the document is provided with a hard copy. These hard copies should be stored in a fireproof safe at ones home. By his own admission, Hood likes to stir the stinky pot. He is rude and he can't be called a Gentleman. He falsely accused an officer of the Beaufort County Republican Party, of Assault. Hood lost this case in a court of law. That this man has served as a Beaufort County Commissioner for decades baffles me. His accusations against the Beaufort County Republican Party are lies. He has a genuine dislike for anyone who dare defy him.
Commented: Monday, January 15th, 2024 @ 9:50 pm By: David
You’re a miserable individual. You are a racist pig and a disgrace to the GOP. It’s people like you that are damaging the GOP with this BS crusade to be the “true conservative” Grow up, find Jesus and do some exercise.
Commented: Monday, January 15th, 2024 @ 10:31 pm By: NC Patriot
Hood, you are almost correct about your statement, "There is some good news in the political battle between conservative Republicans and RINOs. During the 2020 and 2022 elections more than half of the total votes cast were for conservative Republican candidates."

First, I thought your optimistic estimate was too low; then when I thought better of it, in retrospect, I realized that your estimate was too high in a sense of optimism due to the Democrat-turned-Republican-promising-Conservatism paradigm.

It is not panning out, and it never truly has. There is one note of optimism, this platform is reaching more people with the real truth, and so is your Beaufort County Conservative Republican PAC.
Commented: Monday, January 15th, 2024 @ 11:55 am By: Stan Deatherage
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