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Comments for Beaufort County Republican Party steps in another Cow Pile

A house divided shall not stand. Abraham Linclon (R-Ill)

I'm really trying to understand why the local party thinks they can take away someone's ex officio membership. I've looked at some of the rules people keep referring to and still do not see it. So, I requested some help from someone with experience as a district chairman and service on several state Republican committees.

First off, he said that according to the state plan of organization, under Administrative procedure, "When an ex officio member of a Committee ceases to hold the office that ENTITLES him to such membership, his membership terminates automatically."

So, we then looked at the county plan of organization. It stated, "Elected officials SHALL be ex officio members of the Beaufort CEC [County Executive Committee], with rights to be recognized to speak or debate but not to vote."

I then asked him about the Forfeiture of Official Privileges section of the county plan of organization where it states, "Any current or former officer or Member of a Precinct Committee or County Executive Committee who, for any reason, is removed or resigned from said position shall forfeit all rights and privileges in any way connected with that position." I asked would that apply in any way in this particular situation? On that he said, an ex officio member SHALL be there because of his elected office. He has the right to exorcise that right or not. That's his or her choice.

Putting all this together with the actual minutes of the Beaufort County Executive Committee meeting, where the Commissioner only resigned his voting at large position anyway, makes it look bad for the local committee. They are clearly abusing their power and going to extreme lengths to drive conservatives out of the party.
Commented: Friday, January 19th, 2024 @ 1:51 pm By: Van Zant
To Firebrand: If ignorance were bliss, the Bird of Paradise would nest in your head.
Commented: Friday, January 19th, 2024 @ 6:55 am By: Hood Richardson
Van Zant, the letter was never lost. There never was a letter. Hood Richardson does not get to decide his privileges with the Executive Committee. NCGOP Plan Of Organization does. Either way he has no voting rights. He is irrelevant. Time for him to go away.
Commented: Thursday, January 18th, 2024 @ 7:09 pm By: Firebrand
In your, oh so humble opinion.
Commented: Thursday, January 18th, 2024 @ 4:57 pm By: Big Bob
Big Bob: It is a knowing thing, not a telling thing.
Commented: Thursday, January 18th, 2024 @ 1:14 pm By: Stan Deatherage
You can tell yourself that all you want.
Commented: Thursday, January 18th, 2024 @ 12:39 pm By: Big Bob
Again Big Bob, you wouldn't know.

Like most of your comments here, this is way over you comprehension level.
Commented: Thursday, January 18th, 2024 @ 11:26 am By: Stan Deatherage
Leftist, fascists' MAGA ---we are what we are.
Doesn't take a genius to see:
All 3 distinct entities.
Commented: Thursday, January 18th, 2024 @ 10:00 am By: Big Bob
Big Bob: You are Leftist, and have NO idea what constitutes a Real Republican.

You parrot the words of an Idiot President, and the sum of his Non Patriot Lying Sycophants, so why would anyone of substance care what you spew.

Concurrently, I would argue, however, that you do possess a glimmer of what constitutes a true RINO.
Commented: Thursday, January 18th, 2024 @ 8:05 am By: Stan Deatherage
I dont consider most of you republicans. Your a third party - MAGA
Commented: Thursday, January 18th, 2024 @ 7:53 am By: Big Bob
Firebrand: Read what Van Zant wrote on this site and lick your lying wounds.
Commented: Thursday, January 18th, 2024 @ 6:37 am By: Hood Richardson
Hood I would not call you a Conservative. You are the RINO here. You have just been pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes for years. Time for you to go on March 5. And all your hateful cronies too.
Commented: Wednesday, January 17th, 2024 @ 3:42 pm By: Firebrand
The Plan of Organizations makes every Republican elected official an ex officio member of an executive committee.

This is about RINOs driving conservative Republicans out of the Republican Party.

Commented: Wednesday, January 17th, 2024 @ 7:50 am By: Hood Richardson
If someone who holds two seats on a body and can resign one but keep the other depending on the wording, what difference does it make if it was verbal or in writing? If Firebrand is correct and Richardson clearly stated he was only resigning one of his two seats and keeping the other, what legitimate argument is there that he resigned both? This all seems very very petty.
Commented: Wednesday, January 17th, 2024 @ 7:58 am By: Concerned Taxpayer
The whole point here is Hood made an announcement about resigning and declared he was keeping his ex officio status. No letter was presented just a statement. Hood however does not decide whether he keeps his status or not. It is in the NCGOP Plan of Organization not the Plan according to Hood. Get over it Hood. You did it to yourself.
Commented: Wednesday, January 17th, 2024 @ 1:23 am By: Firebrand
Van Zant: Are you implying that the Register of Deeds lost the document?
Commented: Wednesday, January 17th, 2024 @ 12:22 am By: Stan Deatherage
Stan: I wonder why they can't remember, seeing it's in their own minutes. Hum. Agree. There has been a take-over. A very hostile take-over. Those people don't like people from around here.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 11:51 pm By: Van Zant
Yes you could say
we've always been,
Red, White, and Blue

Long live Donnie and Johnny. Remember Ronnie.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 11:20 pm By: Van Zant
Van Zant: That is exactly what I remember.

The problem is that for years now, there has been a take over of the local Beaufort County GOP by people that want to remake what in means to be a Republican, and Commissioner Hood Richardson stands in their way because in "The Hood Territory," Republicans are a far different breed.

I could never be Hood Richardson, we have experienced far different pasts, but unlike these interlopers, who have no clue how Republican politics are designed to work in the age of Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, and many more who will abide by common Republican precepts; working together to achieve a far different governing principal than what we continue to experience here in Beaufort County.

Is Hood's now famous resignation important? Not to me; maybe not especially important to even Commissioner Richardson, but it is to these Center - Left lackeys, and therefore they render unto it abundant life, and in their infamous reality, it is the unvarnished symbol of their undeserved hubris to the point of their well deserved sophistry.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 11:20 pm By: Stan Deatherage
My hair's turnin' white
My neck's always been red
My collar's still blue
We've always been here
Just tryna sing the truth to you
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 10:29 pm By: Will Simmons
I guess I'll reluctantly wade into the vitriol. Is the letter everyone is talking about in connection with the said resignation from the executive committee? If so, that was addressed in a previous comment containing a link to the event in executive committee minutes.

In the Beaufort County Republican Party Executive Committee Minutes on October 12, 2021, it is stated like this:
"Hood Richardson resigned from his position as a voting member of the Executive Committee but that he shall continue to exercise his Executive Committee members privileges as an elected Republican in BC and still desires to be notified of all Executive Committee meetings."

With all that then why is Commissioner Richardson not being extended his status as an ex-officio member?

It seems to me a lot of this argument is silly. In an instance like this, the only way to lose ex-officio status is to no longer be a public official or no longer be a precinct chairman.

Mr. Rader made a very valid point about the dire situation we are facing in our state and country. It is a real shame the Republican Party seems incapable and unwilling to rise to the challenges before us.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 9:50 pm By: Van Zant
Again it doesn’t matter if there was a letter. It was never given to the BCGOP at the time. Anything that was produced today would not be the original. Also you need to stop comparing yourselves to Reagan & Trump. That is a true insult to the two men. Hood has been lying to the voters for years. Time for him to go so he can take his naps on his own time instead of own taxpayers time.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 2:51 pm By: Firebrand
I could have the letter and may not. The issue would be whether I would take the time to look for it.

This excoriation of Hood by these interlopers, those who have done nothing to build the local Republican party before all these elected RINOs starting switching parties to get elected, truly is petty; however, I know what I saw, and I know Hood, and that is good enough for me.

My time has to be extremely well spent right now, and partly, in a tangible sense, because of all the local GOP supported RINOs.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 2:51 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Stan, if you have seen the letter, do you have a copy you could share on the site? Inquiting minds want to know.

Little Bobbie, MAGA's record in government 2016-2020 beats the heck out of what we have seen since from that senile fool Biden.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 2:10 pm By: Concerned Taxpayer
MAGA - completely unfit to govern.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 1:10 pm By: Big Bob
I saw the letter, and Hood does not lie ... In a historical sense, nobody in Beaufort County has seen, and, or knows better more lying politicians and bureaucrats than myself; that is the real of it.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 10:45 am By: Stan Deatherage
Firebrand lies.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 10:09 am By: Hood Richardson
Steve, There was no letter. If there was it would be on file. Producing one now would be worthless because it would not be from the time of resignation. Even so he has been given numerous times to speak at the meetings and used that time for his hateful rhetoric. Such I waste of time. He has however denied Keith Kidwell, an elected State Representative from his district to speak at his meetings.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 9:47 am By: Firebrand
I would not call someone "smarter" than anyone if they are supporting do-noting seat warmers on the school board who allow themselves to be rubberstamps for a leftwing school superintendant instead of doing the jobs they were elected to in setting policy for our schools. The useless school board members we have now seem to regard Cheeseman as their boss instead of their employee, which he actually is.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 9:49 am By: Conservative Voter
You say conservative, Christian, and Brave. Then you state above people are from out of the county running the GOP. Well as a lifelong Beaufort County resident your school board candidates there is only one that has been in Beaufort county and raised. One has many kids by different ladies while having affairs. One saw a sign and decided to run for school board. Beaufort County has woken up and sees the harm you have don for your worthless 27 years of service.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 9:15 am By: Smarter than Hood
In 2024, our country faces an election that is existential. If Biden or someone like him remains in power, we will not recognize the America we know and love in another four years. It will be gone forever. In that context, all conservatives and Republicans need to focus on preventing that from happening rather than rehashing what happened in the local party in an incident two years ago. That cannot be changed but the direction of our country still can be. We also have lots of other important races like getting decent governor for a change and getting a local school board with the backbone to stand up to woke policies.

That said, there is an easy way to put that dispute over what Hood Richardson did or did not resign from to bed for good, and that is for someone to produce his letter of resignation to see what it actually said.

When one holds two positions on one governing body, it is possible to resign both or to resign one and keep the other, and the specific wording of the resignation is what determines which has occured. I, myself had that situation. At the 1981 First Congressional District GOP convention, I was re-elected as a member at large of the NCGOP state executive committee for a two year term. A few months later, when Joe Beard resigned as Young Republican National Committeeman from NC to take a job in the Reagan administraion, he recommended me as his successor and I was elected by the state Young Republican Executive Committee. My new position also carried a voting seat on the NCGOP state executive committee, but I was not allowed to cast votes for both positions I now held. To give someone else from eastern North Carolina an opportunity to serve on the NCGOP state ExCom, I resigned my First District at-large seat, but retained my other seat by virtue of being YR National Committeeman.

The key is the wording of the letter of resignation. I have pointed that out to both sides since just after this dispute began, but so far I have not seen either side produce the actual letter. Please, somebody do that so we can put this issue to bed. There are so many more important things we need to be working on that have a whole lot more bearing on our future.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 9:20 am By: Steven P. Rader
You say conservative, Christian, and Brave. Then you state above people are from out of the county running the GOP. Well as a lifelong Beaufort County resident your school board candidates there is only one that has been in Beaufort county and raised. One has many kids by different ladies while having affairs. One saw a sign and decided to run for school board. Beaufort County has woken up and sees the harm you have don for your worthless 27 years of service.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 9:10 am By: Smarter than Hood
The "True Republican Party" (The Beaufort County GOP); their motto enforced: 'Real Conservatives need not apply.'
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 9:00 am By: Stan Deatherage
Hood seems like you are the one yelping. The public is noticing what a hateful human being ( and I don’t like associating you with the term human) you are. I have watched you now for several years and listened to your rhetoric get more Communistic every year. Your followers are so indoctrinated that I feel sorry for them. You and your PAC need to go away and allow the work of the True Republican Party to proceed.
Commented: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 @ 8:48 am By: Firebrand
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