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Comments for Leftist mega-donor funding Nikki Haley as well as Biden

Haley wants big corporations to dictate immigration policy

Nikki Haley lost me when she had establishment Republican Paul Ryan, who is liberal on a number of issues, trying to get endorsements for her. If Paul Ryan is for someone, I am NOT!
Commented: Friday, December 8th, 2023 @ 9:29 pm By: Concerned Taxpayer
The nazis may back jB, (they don't), but bB doesn't back them. The same cant be said of Trump.
Commented: Thursday, December 7th, 2023 @ 8:58 pm By: Big Bob
Oh, it's ALL true, Little Bobbie. Denial is not a river in Egypt. I can only post one link in this response under the site rules, so the one I will give you is on Nazis supporting Biden for 2024:

Of course, your own posts on this site show you are an apologist for the Hamas terrorist attack on Israeli civilians, using the standard spologist talking point of the far left.

You can look up the Orwell quote yourself. It is a true quote from one of the leading voices the world has had against totalitarianism.
Commented: Thursday, December 7th, 2023 @ 4:32 pm By: Conservative Voter
None of that is true.
Commented: Thursday, December 7th, 2023 @ 3:24 pm By: Big Bob
Engaging in leftwing cancel culture like Haley did makes a candidate unacceptable. The attack on southern history is part of the left's Maoist "Cultural Revolution" in America. As George Orwell wrote: "The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history."

The most recent Nazi march that sided with a presidential candidate was one in Florida where the Nazis backed Biden. And, you, Bobbie, are just like a Nazi because you are an apologist for the Hamas terrorist attack on Jews in Israel.

The Capitol riot was a set up, achieved partly with provacateurs in the crowd and partly by deliberately weak security arranged by Pelosi. Why do you think the rigged J6 committee failed to investigate why security at the Capitol was so weak on January 6? They took advantage of something Benjamin Franklin observed: "Mobs have a thousand legs and arms but no head."
Commented: Thursday, December 7th, 2023 @ 9:46 am By: Conservative Voter
Commented: Thursday, December 7th, 2023 @ 8:47 am By: Big Bob
HR, you really think taking the confederate flag down from the state capitol makes one unfit for office, but you are willing to accept a p^ssy grabbing man wildly supported by the Nazi party? really?

RH - the problem with polls is that there is only one that counts. What are you going to do if you lose that one? Storming the capitol didn't work last time and I advise not to try again. The element of surprise is gone. fake electors aren't going to work either.
Commented: Thursday, December 7th, 2023 @ 8:47 am By: Big Bob
There is no limit to the dumb things RINOs and Democrats will do to muddy the waters.

Haley was the first governor to start taking down our memorials. Her record of liberalism is very clear for anyone with their eyes open.
Commented: Thursday, December 7th, 2023 @ 6:53 am By: Hood Richardson
You clearly have not been reading the polls, Little Bobbie. Trump will wipe the mat with Biden. Also, a big time left wing Democrat mega donor is not putting money into Haley because he thinks she can beat Biden, but just the opposite. Haley and Biden are too peas in a left wing pod.
Commented: Wednesday, December 6th, 2023 @ 7:28 pm By: Rino Hunter
The thing is, Trumps a loser. NH would beat JB pretty easy. Trumps will not, he is your HC. Bhahahaha
Commented: Wednesday, December 6th, 2023 @ 6:23 pm By: Big Bob
Should the government allow a 12-year-old to mutilate his/her private parts if a parent says so?

Nikki Haley says yes.

This alone should end her campaign.
Commented: Wednesday, December 6th, 2023 @ 5:15 pm By: Washingtonian
Nikki Haley is Joe Biden in a skirt. I would not vote for either of them. Trump, deSantis, or Ramaswammy I can get enthusiastic about, but Haley and Christie leave me cold.
Commented: Wednesday, December 6th, 2023 @ 4:19 pm By: Rino Hunter


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