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Comments for NGOs abuse billions in federal tax $ to help illegal aliens invade America

Florida grand jury issues report

I said we didn't like it, but we didn't offer to hang anyone. MAGA and trump went too far. It was surprising. Nobody is going to be surprised again.
Commented: Friday, December 1st, 2023 @ 4:20 pm By: Big Bob
Wrong, Little Bobbie, Al Gore and Stacey Abrams are two cases in point where Democrats and their supporters whined for years afterward that they were cheated. Hillary Clinton also did some of the same. In Trump's case, the courts refused to allow a full investigation. There is now a civil case in Georgia that has been ordered to be heard (by an Obama judge, no less) that should expose some of the frauds there. However it is too late to plut the genie back in the bottle for this presidential term.
Commented: Friday, December 1st, 2023 @ 10:27 am By: Rino Hunter
The difference is, when the court ruled, democrats accepted it. Didn't like it, but accepted it. When Trump won in 2016, democrats didn't attack the capitol.

The courts ruled in 2020.
3 year after Trump lost and MAGA cant shut up about it.
Cry me a river.
Commented: Thursday, November 30th, 2023 @ 11:26 pm By: Big Bob
Steve: Was Al Gore and "the Gore people" "Election Deniers?"

All that hustle and bustle before the days of 45 million absentee ballots floating about, under the Democratic Socialist cover of Covid, were tame compared to the extent of what the Left will endeavor to achieve now to put a controllable dupe in office.
Commented: Wednesday, November 29th, 2023 @ 8:55 pm By: Stan Deatherage
The new administratin really should prosecute all the leaders of these NGOs for aiding and abetting human smuggling. They are betraying America.
Commented: Wednesday, November 29th, 2023 @ 8:40 pm By: Rino Hunter
I was a member of the Electoral College from North Carolina in that election, and the Gore people got our email addresses and flooded our email accounts with emails demanding we violate state law and vote for Gore instead of Bush. The Trump people never stooped that low. In Florida, the Gore people kept trying to steal enough votes in the recount to steal the state for their candidate. The Gore people tried a lot of shady things, but it did not pay off for them.

Who wins or loses has nothing to do with whether an election is fraudulent. What makes an election fraudulent is that someone cheats and cheats enough to change the outcome.
Commented: Wednesday, November 29th, 2023 @ 6:50 pm By: Steven P. Rader
So you’re saying Al Gore probably won, or is it only fraudulent when your guy loses? Say what you want about democrats we have way more class than MAGA. Man I hope Nikky beats Trump.
Commented: Wednesday, November 29th, 2023 @ 3:58 pm By: Big Bob
Normally the courts are who would investigate election results. In some countries in Europe, it is automatic that a top court such as the Constitutional Court reviews and approves the election results before they become official. In Grazil, it is the military high command. In others, the courts only become involved if there is a challenge, as has happened in recent elections in London and Berlin. In London, only one district had evidence of irregulatities, so the election was re-run only in that district by court order. In Berlin, the Constitutional Court ordered the entire election re-run. American courts have regretably been overly gunshy about getting involved in election challenges. Those things should be investigated and the challenge proven either right or wrong, not left to fester with no investigation.
Commented: Wednesday, November 29th, 2023 @ 2:43 pm By: Steven P. Rader
By who, Starfleet?
Commented: Wednesday, November 29th, 2023 @ 8:47 am By: Big Bob
From Bob's superficial comments, it is clear that he has never been an official election observer. Personally, I have been certified by foreign election authorities as an International Election Observer in seven foreign elections, both short term (election day) and long term (entire campaign period). Just from media accounts, in the 2020 US election, there were a huge number of red flags indicative of electoin malpractice, and these began with manipulation of election procedures by Democrat attorneys, often in direct collusion with Democrat state election officials, to make election cheating easier. There were a whole lot of red flags on election day and even more so with the vote count, as well. Almost none of these were properly investigated. At best the 2020 election process was highly suspicious. If I were preparing an election observation report on it, I would note the red flags and conclude that further investigation of those red flags was necessary to determine if it was free and fair or not.
Commented: Wednesday, November 29th, 2023 @ 6:51 am By: Steven P. Rader
It wasn’t. Neither was 2024. You don’t hear me crying about it. Happy to provide a Kleenex to wipe your tears.
Commented: Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 @ 9:42 pm By: Big Bob
Big Bob: I'll bite: Please explain how the 2016 election was fraudulent?

And try to use the truth if possible.
Commented: Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 @ 12:13 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Unless republican's are willing to declare their own election fraudulent, the exact same one one trump lost, then you're just a baby who didn't get his way. Cant have it both ways.
Commented: Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 @ 12:09 pm By: Big Bob
Buzz: I had some major concerns early on, but NOW, I am thoroughly of the mind that the 2020 general election was a total fraudulent exercise in the democratic method of our representation in this Republic.

How do I know this: Watching the rampant corruption constantly unveiled by the Non Patriot Left is all I need to know.
Commented: Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 @ 10:56 am By: Stan Deatherage
My concern is a fair and honest election. We did not have one last time. Yes, the election was stolen.
Commented: Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 @ 10:47 am By: Buzz Cayton
Early on, I did not see an easy open road for Mr. Trump; but NOW, I see a 2016 type election all over again, but a slightly bigger blowout.

Also this time, there will be NO Paul Ryan type Speaker, and Mr. Trump will surely be diligent in hiring a tough, honest AG, and the house cleaning will begin to rid this Republic of the worst corruption in modern times. Also, the incompetent Christopher Wray will be thankfully sacked.

Americans may be opening their eyes, finally, to the systemic corruption of the Democratic Socialists and their Non Patriot Leftist base - a breeding ground for fervent corruption.

There a smattering of good, honest NGOs, but ultimately, the concept of NGOs invites the coopted corruption that dishonest politicians eagerly favor.
Commented: Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 @ 10:27 am By: Stan Deatherage
Read the polls, nitwit, not your asinine leftwing talking points. Trump is cruising and the Democrats are scared. And it is Biden's open border treason that will be a big factor in helping him win. Did you see what just happened in the Netherlands, Bobbie?
Commented: Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 @ 10:19 am By: Conservative Voter
trump is as toxic as Hillary. Neither will ever be elected again.
Commented: Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 @ 10:12 am By: Big Bob
There needs to be a special federal grand jury empanelled after Trump regains the presidency to investigate and criminally indict all of those who have been engaged in the criminal conspiracy to thwart our immigration laws. Federal officials from Biden and Mayorkas on down need to be investigated and charged and so do all of those running these crooked NGOs. The grand jury and the trials need to be in a district in rural Texas to enhance convictions.
Commented: Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 @ 9:43 am By: borderhawk


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