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Comments for Tammany Hall comes to Washington on election day, political machine in full control

hold onto your wallets

Well then be alarmed Big Bob, because the news we decide to present is real, not FAKE NEWS like Leftists prefer, and furthermore, I will always appreciate the BO for sounding the alarms long before the inane becomes sadly real.
Commented: Monday, November 13th, 2023 @ 7:41 am By: Stan Deatherage
Stan, you mean real opinion. No original journalism is practiced at the BO. Not intended as an insult, just a fact. You worry about the electorate, not knowing the difference between journalism and cut and paste, is indeed cause for alarm.
Commented: Monday, November 13th, 2023 @ 12:42 am By: Big Bob
Big Bob: I am not affiliated with the "BO." I kindly provide the publication space on my Eastern NC NOW platform simply because I appreciate them providing news and information to our readership ... so in the absence of all else that might be news not presented, I consider almost everything on the Eastern NC NOW platform as journalism in a relative and comparative sense with what little else is provided in this region.

I know a lot, and I still learn much from the "BO" contributions, so I consider them a valuable asset to our joint readership.
Commented: Sunday, November 12th, 2023 @ 11:24 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Stan, you mean real opinion. No original journalism is practiced at the BO. Not intended as an insult, just a fact. You worry about the electorate, not knowing the difference between journalism and cut and paste, is indeed cause for alarm.
Commented: Sunday, November 12th, 2023 @ 9:33 pm By: Big Bob
Washingtonian: Did not see it, but sounds like Bernie Marcus, outspoken capitalist and philanthropist, a true patriot.

Bernie may be correct, and I would hope we have more time because we will need it to get the public far smarter than they are right now.

As a Representative Republic, we deserve this Idiot President. We have to change that.

Oh, I have an idea how to make a small difference in getting the public smarter: Advise them to leave the intellectual cesspool of standard Social Media, and spend more time here at Eastern NC NOW; Real News for Real People.
Commented: Saturday, November 11th, 2023 @ 10:14 am By: Stan Deatherage
Bubba wrote: "Washington's citizens are well and truly screwed by the results of this election."

The co-founder of Home Depot said in an interview on Fox Business:
"If we don't change our government in 2024...America is dead."
Commented: Saturday, November 11th, 2023 @ 9:52 am By: Washingtonian
You’re just can’t admit you were wrong. It’s right in front of you on this thread. Why should anyone believe anything you post?
Commented: Friday, November 10th, 2023 @ 2:06 pm By: Big Bob
Washington's citizens are well and truly screwed by the results of this election.
Commented: Friday, November 10th, 2023 @ 12:08 pm By: Bubba
Your tunnel vision clearly does not discern much, Little Bobbie. There is a clear distinction here between Washington's previous black mayors and council majorities on one hand and the Sadler clique on the other, also between two other currnet black politicians who ran this year and those of the Sadler clique. Far from saying all black politicians are anything, the point is that the Sadler clique is different from most of the black politicians Washington has seen over the years. You should apologize for being a brainless twit, but trolls like you never do.
Commented: Friday, November 10th, 2023 @ 11:28 am By: John Steed
U fully understand that saying all Asian people are smart, is racist, right? My little brain sees what everyone sees. And you brought it up. Apologize
Commented: Friday, November 10th, 2023 @ 9:27 am By: Big Bob
My point, Bobbie, if your little brain cannot grasp it, is that we have had black mayors and black council majorities before and they did fine, not bringing race into governamce. There is nothing per se wrong with having a black mayor or a black council majority or both This time there is a racial angst among the Sadler faction that could pose a problem. If you had been present at the Board of Elections election evening, you might understand that. Our only hope is that maybe Horton or Tyre will evolve to be more like Pitt, but I am not holding my breath. Brooks is a hopeless case who has less understanding of what is going on than Joe Biden.

The problem goes beyond just taxes and spending. There is a negative attitude toward out downtown business district and our historic district, and there seems to be a racial angle to that. We have had plenty of black political leaders in the past who have been supportive of both, but the Sadler crew does not seem to be.
Commented: Thursday, November 9th, 2023 @ 9:31 pm By: John Steed
But JS did bring race into it. Not me. Apologize, if you’re man enough. If not, I understand.
Commented: Thursday, November 9th, 2023 @ 5:42 pm By: Big Bob
If you paid taxes in Washington, Bob, you would understand why the election of Sadler with three of his flunkies on the council is EXTREMELY bad news for our taxapayers. Elected officials with common sense like William Pitt understand that but leftie loons like Sadler never will.
Commented: Thursday, November 9th, 2023 @ 4:19 pm By: Concerned Taxpayer
JS - please read the post by JS in this thread. I await your apology.

RH -How Sadler structured his core team differently this time than last indicates a more racially focused governance.

RH - In 2021, his core team and political slate he pushed on election day were Richard Brooks, a barely literate black man who was easy to lead and would do as he was told, Mike Renn, a white white with drinking problems who owed his council seat to Sadler and would do as he was told, and William Pitt, a knowledgeable and experienced black incumbent with a record of making up his own mind and of representing all of the city, not just one segment.

Commented: Thursday, November 9th, 2023 @ 2:48 pm By: Big Bob
There goes Bigot Bob trying to make everything about race, when it is not. Political machines are bad news whether they be white, black, mixed, or other. That is what we have right now in Washington. In the outgoing council, Sadler's two yes-men, Renn and Brooks were bad jokes even if one is white and one black. Three yes-men controlling the council and a power obsessed mayor is a bad recipe for city governmeny, regardless of race.

Washington has had a black mayor before and a black city council majority before, but none of them were on the power trip that Sadler is on, and all of those in the past worked for the good of the entire city.

IN this election we had two very solid black candidates running, William Pitt and Leesa Jones but only one of them got elected, and he will not be in Sadler's inner circle, but more likely excluded from everything Sadler can exclude him from.
Commented: Thursday, November 9th, 2023 @ 2:41 pm By: John Steed
The good- the BO kept race out of the election.
The bad- BO supporters lost that election
The Ugly- Now the racial stuff starts to creep in.

Question- when whites run everything, why isn’t that racial? Why is it that it only becomes so when BiPOC people win?
Commented: Thursday, November 9th, 2023 @ 1:23 pm By: Big Bob
How Sadler structured his core team differntly this time than last indicates a more racially focused governance. His 2023 team is much less diverse than his 2021 team, both as to the absence of a token white and to the absence of any blacks who have a mind of their own.

In 2021, his core team and political slate he pushed on election day were Richard Brooks, a barely literate black man who was easy to lead and would do as he was told, Mike Renn, a white white with drinking problems who owed his council seat to Sadler and would do as he was told, and William Pitt, a knowledgable and experienced black incumbent with a record of making up his own mind and of representing all of the city, not just one segment.

Sadler broke with Pitt because it quickly became clear that Pitt would do what he thought best, not what Sadler told him to do. Renn's drinking problams got to the point that he was probably not electable, so he did not run again this year.

The 2021 team incluced an experienced black leader who represented the whole community and a white guy. Sadler's 2023 team excludes both of those groups.

Two well qualifired black candidates who had minds of their own, filed for the council tis year, Leesa Jones and William Pitt, but Sadler had no use for either of them on his slate.

Three more liberal whites also filed, but Sadler did not back any of them either, incumbnet Lou Hodges, and newcomers Ellen Brabo and Mary Beedle. Hodges sometimes displayed a mind of her own, and that was likely enough for Sadler not to put her on his slate. Brabo's first allegiance was to the Chamber of Commerce, and Sadler seems adverse to divided loyalties. While Beedle would probably have jumped on the opportunity to play the Renn role, Sadler apparently never asked her.

It is never good for any elected executive to have a rubber stamp legsilative body like the city council, but that is exactly what Washington has now. Sadler has a reputation of being very secretive about his plans, so it remains to be seen what he will use this power for and just how bad it will be.
Commented: Thursday, November 9th, 2023 @ 12:54 pm By: Rino Hunter
I did learn one thing from this campaign, and that is that I will put my future campaign signs, weeks before the election, on city property when I run for re-election to the county commission.

What is good for the goose is good for this long time city-tax-paying county commissioner.

Also noticed is that city politicians put their signs, undisturbed, on county property as well, so I will treat my future candidacy much like all others, and will expect the same courtesy extended.

In 7 general elections and 7 primaries, I have never engaged in this practice; however, I am not too old to learn the new tricks of this current policy of the city and county governments.
Commented: Thursday, November 9th, 2023 @ 11:37 am By: Stan Deatherage
ANother outrage in Washington City government is the abuse of city resources to advance the campaign of Donald Sadler. This is just corrupt. After Bobby Roberson sent out a postcard on Sadler's big tax increase of last year, the city website put up a dishonest response on its webpage to defend Sadler, saying there was no tax increase THIS YEAR. That was misleading, dishonest, and electioneering with government resources.

This year, Sadler did back off his original plan for a second year of tax increases with a new 8% increase piled on last year's 12%, but he shifted to a huge increase in "stormwater fees" instead. But that is not the issue Roberson raised. His mailing was specifically directed at last year's massive tax increase. By concentrating on this year's taxes, they set up a straw man in order to knock it down.

Someone needs to investigate this misuse of city resources for political purposes and heads need to roll. To what extent was the city manager involved in this, for example?

We have a very, very corrupt city and we are now stuck with it for another two years.
Commented: Thursday, November 9th, 2023 @ 9:55 am By: Conservative Voter
I can't speak for Bobby, but I strongly suspect he will be staying engaged. His knowledge of how the city works will be invaluable in keeping tabs on the Sadlerites.
Commented: Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 @ 7:12 pm By: Concerned Taxpayer
Well let me ask you this concerned taxpayer.
Is Bobby going to just go quietly off into the sunset, or is he going to be the hero that his supporters thought he was? There is a choice there.

By the way, it is the City manager that makes city corruption possible. I dare say that council members couldnt find their butt with both hands.

About the FOIA request... can we do a class action lawsuit? Or a petition to authorities at the state level. Maybe Bobby could lead that.
Commented: Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 @ 4:57 pm By: Washingtonian
Pitt and Hodges have been on the council with Sadler and seen that he does not handle someone questioning or disagreeing with his policy very well. Sadler would all too often just refuse to call on Bobby Roberson at all and at one meeting loudly threatened to have the police remove Bobby from the meeting (which would have been illegal if Sadler had followed through on it). Do either of them have the backbone to stand up to a power obsessed mayor who behaves like Idi Amin? I have my doubts.

You're right, Washingtonian. It is going to be up to taxpayers to keep an eye on our city government, and we must remember that the Sddler bunch just refuses to respond to FOIA requests if he wants to cover something up. That is the opposite of transparency.
Commented: Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 @ 1:23 pm By: Concerned Taxpayer
Corruption doesnt have to continue. We the local people can all be watchdogs over the City Council and City manager activities. We dont have to go back to sleep regarding city issues.

Even just a week before the election most conversation here was about National and Global issues. Our hair should have been on fire about local issues...but it wasnt.

In addition: I would like to see an analysis of the voter turnout. For example how many registered voters of each party sat it out.
Commented: Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 @ 12:30 pm By: Washingtonian
What a travesty. Even moderate liberals capable of thinking for themselves like Brabo and Beedle lost. I would be happey with a council majority not in the mayor's hip pocket, even if they were liberals. Now we have two more Richard Brooks, and Brooks never knew whether he was coming or going and had to be told how to vote. Taxpayers should have turned out to vote in greater numbers.
Commented: Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 @ 11:48 am By: Rino Hunter
Good lord take a break. I get it. It was a rough night for the far right. My advice, reflection. Being the opposition party is easy. Governing is difficult. The people have spoken.
Commented: Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 @ 9:22 am By: Big Bob
Well, I guess we can expect more corrupt insider deals like the city buying Brooks' two substandard lots, but who be there to catch it with Bobby Roberson gone? I don't see either Hodges or Pitt having the backbone to do that. They may not vote with Sadler on the more egregious things, but is either likely to have the sorts of confrontations with him that Bobby did over improprieties Sadler was up to? The people do not even have a real watchdog any more. Yes, this is going to be a bad two years.
Commented: Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 @ 9:43 am By: Concerned Taxpayer


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