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Comments for The Register of Deeds--The rest of the story

The Board of Commissioners needs to wake up and address the issue of protecting recorded records, including the risk of a serious power grid failure

Carolyn, you just might need the whole bottle of ranch to get through this
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2023 @ 11:38 pm By: Big Bob
Carolyn:, the largest online publican /platform in the history of Beaufort County, capable as a Social Network, proved continually; Beaufort County's greatest and most prolific source for news and information is yes, an important institution; however, there is a major difference in our avocations: In my constant efforts, I am not charged with the preservation of the public's documents for posterity; you are.

Ergo, I have no liability should a contributed article be lost or destroyed; ergo, I am not a public institution funded by the taxpayers, ergo, I am a private sector purveyor of my First Amendment right to communicate en masse; you, on the other hand, are a public employee, charged with the public's registry of their precious and essential documents as prescribed by constitutional charter.

There is a pretty big difference, whereas my disclosure is boilerplate renouncing such liability. The Beaufort County Registry cannot renounce such liability when it comes to the perfect recordation of the public's documents, and therefore no Disclosure is necessary if, as I stated earlier, electronically created digital data is your primary collection point where public recordation occurs.
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2023 @ 5:25 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Stan, delow is one of your disclaimers:
Outgoing Links may contain links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our visitors to be aware that when they leave to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2023 @ 4:38 pm By: Carolyn L Garris
Case in point...go online to pay your Beaufort County water bill. Clink the link to pay your water bill online. Now, read the disclaimer that pops up.

You Are Now Leaving Our Website

Links to external, or third-party websites, are provided solely for visitors’ convenience. Following links to other sites is done so at your own risk and the owners of this website accept no liability for any linked sites or their content. If you do not agree, you will not be able to proceed to Any link from our site to an external website does not imply that we endorse or accept any responsibility for its use. It is important for users to take necessary precautions, especially to ensure appropriate safety from viruses, worms, trojans, and other potentially destructive items. Users should review the privacy policies of external websites and other terms of use to learn more about what, why, and how they collect and use any personally identifiable information.
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2023 @ 3:58 pm By: Carolyn L Garris
Carolyn: The difference is very simple, and I saw it in about 40 seconds:

If electronically stored documents, as digital data, are to be treated as the primary point of stored documents, then there can be no Disclosure Statement to Remove Liability.

As the primary point of recordation in a Race to Record State, there is inescapable liability that will never go away, regardless of any disclosure.

To make my point even finer, please tell me where I can find the published Disclosure Statement in the Deed Vault for the recorded hardcopies?
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2023 @ 4:02 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Countrygirl1411, this is a disclaimer that the user agrees to. You will find this disclaimer on many websites for government, making payments, business, and otherwise. I am sure you have clicked "accept" in order to do business online. There is nothing nefarious about this. It is typical language. I would think that Mr. Deatherage also protects himself in some way shape or form. There is no quiver... "The type and amount of disclaimers to include depends on your website and what you provide. Almost every website includes a Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability, but niche websites may need to have additional disclaimers because of their services."
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2023 @ 3:51 pm By: Carolyn L Garris
Countygirl1411: Thank-you for bringing this to my attention; just "one more arrow in my quiver."
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2023 @ 1:29 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Statement on the site for property look up when accessing deeds on line.
"The Register of Deeds Office, Beaufort County, North Carolina provides this web site as a public service. Information available on this web site is collected, maintained, and provided solely for the convenience of the public users. While every effort is made to assure that this information is accurate the Register of Deeds does not certify the authenticity of the information contained herein. The Register of Deeds shall under no circumstance be responsible for any error or omission which may occur in these records, nor liable for any actions taken as a result of reliance upon any information contained within this web site from whatever source, or any other consequence from such reliance. Images may be unavailable while system backups are in progress."
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2023 @ 12:28 pm By: Countrygirl1411
Carolyn Garris, as usual, is taking small parts of the truth and fitting it to help her bad behavior. At the end of the day we need hard copes for back up at the court house. There is room for at least 8 more years of hard copies at the rate we are making books now.

All those other back up methods require electricity to operate and are not generally available to the public on demand. The commissioners were never given proper notice of what was going on.

Not having proper back up for vital records is one of the ways government is moved further from the people. Moving government further form the people is a Democrat tactic
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2023 @ 6:37 am By: Hood Richardson
The difference, EM, is that Kidwell and Speciale were able to get the major bad stuff cut out of the budget, so they voted for it. Knowing both, I am sure they would have stuck to their guns if that stuff was not removed. Walter Jones and Hood Richardson were not successful in getting the bad stuff cut out, so they stuck to their guns and voted regularly against budgets that overspent the tazpayers money.

I have not watched Richardson at meetings, but I have read his materials here on the budget (more interesting than the tempest in a teacup over the Register of Deeds), and he has posted well thought out objections to Beaufrot County's overspending. The taxpayers need more Richardsons and Deatherages and fewer Waters, Booths, and Rebholtz'.
Commented: Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 @ 4:15 pm By: Concerned Taxpayer
Let's get the record straight. The previous register posted notices that real estate books would no longer be printed. You know this. All of our records are backed up on microfilm and our virtual server. All documents whether presented electronically or over the counter go through the same rigorous process for accuracy and recording. There is no room in the vault to continue to print books. Right now, all of our map cabinets and map index books are in the basement. They need to be upstairs. I never received a phone call or request to attend the commissioners' meeting.
You were in my department the day of the commissioners meeting and did not mention it. I personally asked you if I could help you with anything and you said "no". As you also know, my husband had a heart attack and I was right where I needed to be. You took the opportunity to attack me while I was not present to respond. If you need any further information, please let me know.
Commented: Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 @ 4:00 pm By: Carolyn Garris
Since you are so interested, let's get the record straight. My parents and family are natives of North Carolina (Beaufort, Pitt, and Craven Counties). My father went to Jersey for a job assignment and I was born in Jersey. They moved back to Beaufort County when I was an infant and I was raised in Beaufort and Pitt Counties. I also attended Kindergarten at Eastern Elementary School in Washington, GR Whitfield, and Chicod Elementary School in Pitt County. We eventually moved back to Jersey during my mid-teens. My father was murdered in Jersey and we returned to North Carolina for his memorial service held in Craven County. My mother stayed in Pitt County and I went back to Jersey to work for a law firm in Atlantic City. I returned to North Carolina and never looked back. Best regards, Carolyn
Commented: Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 @ 3:35 pm By: Carolyn Garris
The real reason that County Commissioner Hood Richardson votes against the budget every year is because taxes in Beaufort County are about 18% higher, in aggregate, than taxes would be if we had a real Republican majority in Beaufort County's government. Considering that fact: Why would Commissioner Richardson ever vote for a budget if his positions on budgeting, policy and oversight is never considered by the Nominal "Republicans," and their Democratic Socialist colleagues in the Center-Left Coalition.

The real reason that Commissioner Richardson is ever concerned about filming of the meetings is due to transparency. Hood Richardson, myself, Stan Deatherage, and a cadre of other core Republicans in Beaufort County (frequent contributor Steve Rader also participated) were adamant in the pursuit of perfect transparency in Beaufort County's government, when transparency was hit or miss, mostly miss. In 1996, we all pulled money out of our pockets to film meetings to provide the public better access to our public meetings. Eventually the quality was outstanding.

The Democrats despised this effort for transparency, ergo, we continued to pay. Without Hood Richardson, there would be less of a chance that these meetings would be filmed today.

A case in point was when Democrat-turned-"Republican"-turned-RINO Frankie Waters was elected in 2014 by deceiving a great many people, he began working to end that core Republican inspired act of complete transparency by making the meetings so poor in quality that people would stop watching the meetings altogether, and a great majority did stop watching. For that effort, RINO Frankie was imminently successful in achieving what the Democratic Socialists could not.

Another interesting, and very real fact, which is never mentioned, is that none of the members of the current Beaufort County GOP were involved in that initiative to film the Beaufort County Commissioners for this altruistic purpose of perfect transparency. It is also true that RINO Frankie continues to hide out in their midst as a core member of the Beaufort County GOP.
Commented: Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 @ 3:56 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Concerned Taxpayer, different tactics are utilized during the budget process. Rep Kidwell lets his objections be known and they all come to the table for negotiations. Kidwell is a champion of the people. Richardson just yells randomly to make the taxpayers think he is a champion for them. He is not. He always wants to know if the meeting is being live-streamed before he speaks. He left the budget meeting after making an absurd comment. Didn’t stay for the process because he had his conservative PAC meeting. As he said, “politics is a hobby” for him. We the people are not here for his entertainment.
Commented: Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 @ 1:45 pm By: Ethics Matter
Voting against budgets full of waste and fluff is what fiscal conservatives do. It is what Walter Jones did his whole Congressional career. It is what Keith Kidwell announced he would do if the Senate insisted on putting some improper things in the budget. It is what former State Repesentative Mike Speciale did if certain spending items were not taken out of the budget. I could go on. It is also what fiscal conservative Hood Richardson has done.

Our county commission has been under the control of a rotten coalition of Democrats and liberal Republicans for many years and they spend way too much money. Our taxes are higher than they ought to be. Personally, I will never vote for any of the damn spenders who do that to taxpayers.

And "Ethics Matter" has outted himself / herself as a taxer and spender, probably a Biden Democrat. He / she certainly thinks like a Biden Democrat.

I do not agree with Richardson on everything, but he has been a champion for the taxpayers on the county commission, much better than Democrat allies Waters and Rebholtz, or Randy Walker who can't seem to figure out if he is coming or going.
Commented: Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 @ 1:18 pm By: Concerned Taxpayer
You have been county commissioner for 27 years, yet you have never voted for a budget. You have deceived the Beaufort County citizens. Your dereliction of duty has failed the people in this county. You are an embarrassment to the people in this county across the state. You are being paid by the taxpayers yet you only work for your own agenda. You have cost the taxpayers money and deterred businesses from coming to Beaufort County. We need commissioners that build our community for our families, children, and grandchildren. You sir, have failed the people. Instead of spreading lies and misinformation, do your job. Instead of attacking others, uphold your own oath of office, which you have failed to do.
Commented: Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 @ 11:55 am By: Ethics Matter
Hood you know as well as I do that everything you just wrote are all lies. Let’s start with you losing your ex officio status. You resigned from the Executive Committee and according to the NCGOP you gave up your ExOfficio status. Secondly the election for ROD was fair and square. Quit being a poor loser. Thirdly the Executive Committee meetings are the second thursday of every month. Fourth money was given to the Sheriff and there was money spent on mailings for School Board members. Fifth we do not support Commissioners because of the antiquated limited voting method of Beaufort County. Six I believe from my research that the Commissions were informed of the lack of space several years ago. Maybe you should stay awake during meetings so you know what is going on.
Commented: Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 @ 10:04 am By: Prendiegirl
As a Beaufort County Commissioner of some years and some knowledge of what is real, I have only one issue regarding the recording of precious and essential documents here in Beaufort County, whose government is a body politic of a Race to Record State, which is this: Beaufort County government must record all documents in as many manners as is available, and stored in as many locations as is feasible.

Anything less than attaining this maxim of Commissioner Stan Deatherage is unwise, and unsuitable in these perilous times. Furthermore, what I am wisely advocating should become the policy of these county commissioners, and therefore the register of deeds.

All plaintiff declarations of not having enough current space, or that general statutes stating that electronic records must be kept, as an excuse for discontinuing any other manner of recordation is only political subterfuge, exhibiting alarming sophistry.

If realtors, lawyers and other political leaders wish to debate this issue, of which my maxim states the correct path forward, then by all means, please come do so before the Beaufort County Commissioners, in public, and in full transparency.

To not fully publicly consider this issue, in full deliberations before the public, will create a far greater political matter going forward for all parties that are called upon to be a this table charged with a great fiduciary to the public writ large.
Commented: Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 @ 7:56 am By: Stan Deatherage


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