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Comments for Biden border mafia welds open gates on Trump border wall in AZ

wanton assault on our immigration laws, all inovlved should be indicted

just dont vote for these people. can we agree on that?
Commented: Sunday, September 3rd, 2023 @ 2:33 pm By: Big Bob
Big Bob: My commentary about those people, like yourself, who have a limited capacity to understand what is real, may no longer be what you call "50%" as a representative figure of those that reflexively vote for the Non Patriot Left.

People are beginning to wake up ... slowly, but waking up nonetheless.
Commented: Sunday, September 3rd, 2023 @ 1:15 pm By: Stan Deatherage
and stop clutch your Perls. you make pejorative comments about 1/2 the population with most of your posts. On the bright side, you used 'pejorative' correctly in a sentence. good job!
Commented: Sunday, September 3rd, 2023 @ 12:33 pm By: Big Bob
Whatever dude.
Commented: Saturday, September 2nd, 2023 @ 5:14 pm By: Big Bob
Big Bob: Your pejorative commentary toward this publisher still does not negate the fact that you really have no clue of what is real, as though these baseless words of yours might lend cover for your Leftist masters, and how they manipulate you to think as they wish you to act.
Commented: Friday, September 1st, 2023 @ 6:35 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Well, it seems like Bolshevik Bob is an arrogant twit as well as a stupid twit. All narrative and emotion. He wouldn't recognize a fact if one jumped up and bit him. Y'all need to recognize that it is impossible to have a rational conversation with self-righteous morons like him.
Commented: Friday, September 1st, 2023 @ 3:34 pm By: Rino Hunter
Cry me a river.
Commented: Friday, September 1st, 2023 @ 2:11 pm By: Big Bob
After the 2000 election, a bi-partisan majority felt there were deficiencies in US elections, and a bi-partisan naitonal commission headed by former Democrat US President Jimmy Carter was set up to recommend measures to improve it. Since then, the Democrats have gone the opposite direction of Carter's recommendations and made things worse. They have used control of states where they were in the majority to do that and in other states have tried to use the courts to do so. As a result, the flawed 2020 election made 2000 look pristine.

For example, photo voter ID is an international gold standard for election integrity, used in every developed country in the world on a national basis EXCEPT the US. Democrats have fought that tooth and nail here in the courts. We are just now finally getting a watered down version of it in North Carolina after years of trying. Many lesser developed countries also use photo voter ID, and indeed it was used in all eight of the foreign elections where I served as an international election observer.

Then there are mail-in ballots which Jimmy Carter twenty years ago identified as being particularly prone to voter fraud. Instead of tightening them up as Jimmy Carter recommended, the Democrats have gone loosey-goosey with them, making voter fraud much easier. Indeed, a few Democrat controlled states have gone ALL mail-in ballots. None of the foreign elections where I served as an international election observer allowed any mail-in ballots at all.

There are other examples where the Democrats have gone the opposite direction from the Carter Commission's recommendations, and in doing so, they have made our elections less secure.

The biggest red flag in 2020 was kicking Republican election observers out of the ballot counting rooms in mulitiple key big urban counties in swing states. In none of the eight foreign elections where I was an international election observer was there ever even a hint of kicking out party election observers or civil society election observers. That is something that would be expected in a Third World police state.
Commented: Friday, September 1st, 2023 @ 11:56 am By: Steven P. Rader
I'm sorry Stan, but contrary to the voices in your head, you're not the smartest person in the room. The American election system is one of the best in the world. Perfect? No. in court, where the tolerance for BS is much lower than in the BO, and rightly so, MAGA is 0-91. It's about to get worse.
Any republican that truly thinks they were elected fraudulently should resign.
Commented: Friday, September 1st, 2023 @ 9:20 am By: Big Bob
Right you are RH on all points, especially about the hurricane metaphor, which is dead on.

This conflation of everything that is useful in the Leftist addled mind at some lower level of its painful work process, which also has purely destroyed the journalism industry within the Corrupt Corporate Media.
Commented: Friday, September 1st, 2023 @ 10:16 am By: Stan Deatherage
Bolshevik Bob really is a stupid twit, isn't he? It has been pointed out that election laws and procedures, as well as the manner that they are carried out vary considerably from one place to another in the US. When idiot Bob hears that a hurricane is about to hit Texas, he probably runs out and boards up his house in North Carolina.

Also, if memory serves, Stan was elected to his present four year term in 2022, NOT 2020. But to Bolshevik Bob, pertinent facts like that just don't matter. It is just whatever grenades he can throw to push his narrative, whether they are accurate or not. Bobbie never lets pesky little things like facts get in the way of his narrative.
Commented: Friday, September 1st, 2023 @ 6:54 am By: Rino Hunter
Big Bob: I more than you realize understand the limitations of the Leftist mind; however, you may have hit a new low. Go back and re-read what I wrote; you are conflating issues and have confused yourself ... again.
Commented: Friday, September 1st, 2023 @ 2:04 am By: Stan Deatherage
Stan, you won in the same election. If you think the election was so bad, step down. It’s the only honorable thing to do. I won’t hold my breath
Commented: Thursday, August 31st, 2023 @ 8:50 pm By: Big Bob
The Constitution provides for each state's general assembly to provide for elections, and in most states each county is a body politic of that state, and thus responsible for the local integrity of each election.

If a state is corrupt, as many are now, then counties have a far easier time plying their associative corruption.

That is why I cannot see how the Left cannot understand Election Integrity, and its importance.

As a Leftist Big Bob is good for providing his special political muse.
Commented: Thursday, August 31st, 2023 @ 6:42 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Say goodnight Gracie...
Commented: Thursday, August 31st, 2023 @ 4:25 pm By: Big Bob
He doesn't, Stan, because they aren't. Anyone familiar with the elections provisions of the US Constitution would know that. That is why Democrat election lawyer Marc Elias had to file lawsuits state by state to try to manipulate election laws in 2020.

A good example of differences in election administration from 2020 is how election observers, who are essential to maintaining election integrity were handled. In Beaufort County, we have NEVER had any problem with election observers being allowed to actually observe the counting of the ballots. Not in 2020, nnd not in any election since I have been voting in Beaufort County.

That was NOT the case in key counties in swing states elsewhere in 2020. In some, election observers were required to stay a long way back from where the votes were counted so there was no way to effectively do their job. In five key large urban counties in swing states, it was even worse. Election observers were either forced out or tricked out of the ballot counting rooms. In one, after they forced the observers out, they even covered the windows of the counting room so no one could see what they were doing. Does anyone's common sense tell them that election officials would do that if they were conducting an honest count? That was a huge red flag that something was badly wrong.

But Bob has hijacked a thread about illegal immigration to make it about elections, instead.
Commented: Thursday, August 31st, 2023 @ 3:46 pm By: Steven P. Rader
Big Bob: How do you know that "elections all over America are run like BC elections?"
Commented: Thursday, August 31st, 2023 @ 2:34 pm By: Stan Deatherage
It a battle of the wits, you are totally unarmed, Bob. All you can do is rehash generalities fed to you by your extreme left talking points, and many of those are bogus. You do not discuss specifics on anything, because those are way over your head. Do some research of your own and you might learn something to be able to discuss things intelligently for a change.

The United States Constitution gives states the authority to determine election rules and as a result there are wide variations among the states. For example, a few states are all mail-in while others have very limited mail-in provisions. Mail-in ballots are some of the most problematic on fraud, as none other than Jimmy Carter pointed out. Procedures to verify initial registrations and to remove ineligible voters also vary widely and can have major impact on the quality of elections. The corrupt practice of ballot harvesting is illegal some places, legal in others, and in a gray area in still others. The list could go on.

There is also the quality of administratioon of election laws, and that also varies widely, even within a state where the very same election laws are in place. When the corrupt Tammany Hall machine was rigging elections in New York City, that did not mean that elections were rigged everywhere else in the state, for example.
Commented: Thursday, August 31st, 2023 @ 11:31 am By: Steven P. Rader
I’m sorry, but you sound so childish. Elections all over the country are run just like BCs. Some times you win, sometimes you lose. Man up
The whole thing was a lie. Roodes just lost in court. My bet, many others will to. Stop lying
Commented: Thursday, August 31st, 2023 @ 9:55 am By: Big Bob
Can't you even read, Bob? Or do your extreme left talking points get in your way? Beaufort County runs a tight ship on elections. If every county ran as efficient and transaparent an operation, it would be good for the country. We do not have the regular lapses that call the system into question like Durham County, or the massive use of illegal ballot harvesting, mostly by Democrats that plagues a number of southeastern NC counties.

Also, you are trying to shift this thread from its original topic, illegal immigration, onto elections, and you don't seem to have much knowledge about either subject, Bob.
Commented: Wednesday, August 30th, 2023 @ 5:28 pm By: Steven P. Rader
I just find it sad you would treat your friends and neighbors who run BC elections so poorly. These are likely people you know or see around town. No wonder nobody want to volunteer anymore.
Commented: Wednesday, August 30th, 2023 @ 2:52 pm By: Big Bob
Bob, you clearly know nothing about elections except the talking points of the extreme left which you are a member of, and those are very often bogus. That is why you are quick to jump to the usual label of the extreme left for anything that does not fit their narrative, which is "conspricacy theory".

On the other hand, I have dealt with elections in many different roles, from serving as the chief lawyer for a statewide political party for five years, to serving as an international election observer in eight foreign elections, including being chief of the observation mission, training on NC election law, and being appointed by Molodova's Central Election Commission as a member of its Working Group on Campaign FInance Reform.

There were lots of red flags in the US 2020 election that should have been thoroughly investigated but were not. Without such an investigation, there is no way to tell if the election were honest or if it were fraudulent. Those who claim either are making political statements unsupported by fact.
Commented: Wednesday, August 30th, 2023 @ 12:09 pm By: Steven P. Rader
WELDING those flood gates open, as the New York Post reports is NOT a temporary measure, and it fits right in with the Biden border patrol opening gates, cutting wire barriers put up by Texas, suing to stop Texas' floating barriers, etc. When conditions require floodgates to be opened, they need to be closed back after those conditions pass, NOT welded open for all time, and they need to be closely guarded while open.
Commented: Wednesday, August 30th, 2023 @ 11:06 am By: borderhawk
Sorry to be the one to tell everyone the truth about this...but a very important part of this story was left out by some of the ones currently reporting on it! The floodgates are literally floodgates, and Border Patrol was also opening them during Arizona's monsoon season when Trump was in charge.

As environmentalists have warned since the former administration began its construction of the border wall, the force of flash floods caused by seasonal rain and the debris they carry would topple the border wall without open floodgates. This is a problem that has already been documented on multiple sections of the wall!

Watch this guy's video to see what I'm talking about:

Believe it or not, this is what I found out so please don't shoot the messenger...
Commented: Wednesday, August 30th, 2023 @ 9:51 am By: David Winstead
Once down the conspiracy rabbit hole, it sure is tough. Take care my friend. Hate that this nonsense is consuming you.
Commented: Wednesday, August 30th, 2023 @ 9:29 am By: Big Bob
You are badly mistaken on the actual facts, Bob. Election procedures vary widely in the United States because our Constitution gives control of elections to the states and not the national government. Within states, there are areas that are well run and honest and those that are not. At the height of Mayor Daley's corrupt Chicago political machine, elections in downstate Illinois rural counties were honest and aboveboard.

After the 2000 election, a national commission was set up, chaired by Democrat former President Jimmy Carter to make recommendations on election security and ballot integrity. One of the recommendations of Carter's commission was that mail-in ballots provided a lot more opportunity for fraud than casting ballots at the polls on election day. They suggested that to the extent that mail-in ballots were used, it should be minimized.

So what did the Democrats push hard for in 2020, led by partisan Democrat lawyer Marc Elias? More mail-in ballots, the very thing Jimmy Carter said were most prone to fraud.

Having election observers present is a key to honest elections. But what did the Democrats do in 2020? In key counties in multiple states they either kicked or tricked Republican elections observers out of the counting rooms, or in some cases seated them so far away that it was impossible for them to observe the count. That is simply not something that is done when one is running an honest and aboveboard election.
Commented: Tuesday, August 29th, 2023 @ 4:45 pm By: Steven P. Rader
So no. You are correct. Elections in BC are run like elections everywhere. Sure some places have larger populations and yes people of color are allowed to vote in them, but the process is essentially the same. Trump lost. Stop lying.
Commented: Tuesday, August 29th, 2023 @ 1:59 pm By: Big Bob
The Democrat scheme to manipulate the 2020 presidential election was based on urban counties in swing states. Beaufort County was NOT a target county due to not being a big urban county. Also, our local election staff, I am confidant, is above such corruption.

North Carolina did have some of its election integrity measures downgraded due to connivance between Democrat election lawyer Marc Elias and the Democrat controlled State Board of Elections, but some of that was reversed, and the Zuckerburg - Soros election mafia did not seem to run their ballot harvesting scheme here.
Commented: Tuesday, August 29th, 2023 @ 10:51 am By: Steven P. Rader
Was the 2020 BC election corrupt?
Commented: Monday, August 28th, 2023 @ 8:51 pm By: Big Bob
John Steed: Under the cover of Covid was the chief proponent for the corrupt Left to so monumentally cheat in the last election. If one considers how they did it, it was genius ... as well planning criminal geniuses often are, with the Democratic Socialists' sleazy lawyer class at its core of operations.

The use of a pliable corrupt and colluding corporate media and big tech will; however, leave them forever stained and disrespected by all patriots, and I aim to see them damaged and done.
Commented: Monday, August 28th, 2023 @ 7:44 am By: Stan Deatherage
"Inability to accept that he lost an election" is a "crime"??? In which banana repurlic? All of the election manipulations by the Democrats using Covid as an excuse, made 2020 one of the most questionable elections in our history.

But lets look at other examples. In 2000 Al Gore and the Democrats claimed the election was stolen, as did Hillary Clinton after the 2016 election. The Gore - Lieberman ticket was labelled "Sore - Loserman" by some Republicans. Since 2018, failed Georgia gubenatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, and many of her Democrat supporters claimed she really won that election. None of these people were ever charged for their claims.
Commented: Sunday, August 27th, 2023 @ 7:58 pm By: John Steed
...and back on planet earth, trump was busted for a variety of crimes including the inability to accept he lost an election. His actions after the loss were, and are disgraceful and illegal. Politics aside, the mans a pig.
Commented: Sunday, August 27th, 2023 @ 6:34 pm By: Big Bob
Big Bob: Do you spend all of your time trolling to project what is inaccurate?

'Trump was corruptly busted' because he is the Republican frontrunner for president, simply that. It was Evil Hillary that was investigated and moderately admonished for selling out America, while obstructing justice on multiple counts /mishandling classified documents as secretary of state and later when getting beat by Donald Trump in her bid for president.
Commented: Sunday, August 27th, 2023 @ 11:01 am By: Stan Deatherage
Stan, thats pretty much what trump got busted for.
Commented: Sunday, August 27th, 2023 @ 10:36 am By: Big Bob
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