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Comments for Sound of Freedom

Political cartoon

One can easily find idiots on both sides. SB14 will likely pass. Then there is Q. All idiots.
Commented: Sunday, July 16th, 2023 @ 10:25 am By: Big Bob
At least he wasn't showering with his young daughter like Biden did according to his daughter Ashley!! But I'm sure "Big Bob" probably thinks that was a crazy Q-anon conspiracy.
Commented: Saturday, July 15th, 2023 @ 5:30 pm By: Jann
Heck, California Democrats have even shot down a bill to make child trafficking a felony.
The Democrats are disgusting on this issue.
Commented: Thursday, July 13th, 2023 @ 8:28 am By: Conservative Voter
I remember trump speculating what a hot piece Ivunka is in an interview. That was pretty weird. Plus grabbing women but the you know what. Not to worry, they just let you do it. The point: The morality of JB can stand up to the morality of DT all day long.
Commented: Wednesday, July 12th, 2023 @ 4:28 pm By: Big Bob
But if you want to make it political, fine. Just remember, its a circular firing squad.
Commented: Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 @ 4:06 pm By: Big Bob
Good catch, JS. The thousands of missing "unaccompanied minors" from Biden border policies, many of whom are now probably child slaves, probably has a lot to do with why the extreme left is so aggitated by the Sound of Freedom movie. It is also why the Biden regime took the child sex slavery sections off of government websites in May. The stuck pig is who squeals.
Commented: Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 @ 1:44 pm By: borderhawk
HMMM! The Biden DOJ took down the main sections on child sex trafficking from the DOJ website back in May.
Commented: Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 @ 11:18 am By: John Steed
The grifters who are making a ton of money off of leftwing politics are the scam artists behind wind and solar electricity, and it will soon be costing us all out the wazoo in our electric bills.

The hero of this story, Tim Ballard, is under attack because he is exposing things that the far left and the globalists do not want exposed. The far left has their own attack on children ongoing, and a UN agency recently advocated that children should be allowed to give sexual consent at extremely young ages. They are all in a tizzy because this movie is hitting far too close to home for their own ideology.
Commented: Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 @ 10:44 am By: Concerned Taxpayer
Tim is a real person. He makes a ton of money off people like you, ready to believe any nut job thing that comes out of his mouth. In truth, sex trafficking isn't about politics, it's about the sick exploitation of children.
Commented: Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 @ 9:33 am By: Big Bob
Jann, Remember all the times Biden would sniff little girls hair? Remember his own daughter's diary where she wrote about having to take showers with Joe while she was a little girl growing up? Is there any wonder why Joe is NOT engaged on this subject?
Commented: Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 @ 8:01 am By: Conservative Voter
Well well well, I guess it wasn't Q-anon conspiracy or fake Pizzagate when CBS did a piece on Tim Ballard in 2014!!! So "Big Bob" why wasn't it called fake at that time and it looks like from the hidden cameras that the movie is 100 percent true!!!
See for yourself..
Commented: Monday, July 10th, 2023 @ 9:15 pm By: Jann
The radical left is probably against Tim Ballard and the movie "Sound of Freedom" because Tim Ballard worked very closely with Trump when he was president. Anyone that works with Trump seems to be targeted constantly even though you would think anything to do with child trafficking would be important.
Here's a interview Trump did at the White House with Tim Ballard.
Funny you don't see Biden doing anything like this!!!
Commented: Monday, July 10th, 2023 @ 8:36 pm By: Jann
Here is what has the far left's panties in a twist over Sound of Freedom. This movie causes questions to be raised about the left's radical gender policies and the Biden regime's border policies that open the door to child sex trafficking.
Commented: Monday, July 10th, 2023 @ 4:43 pm By: Rino Hunter
Yeah, I heard the speech given at the UK trans rally and Big Bob found it over the top and not reality based. But for sure one would never hear a responsible discussion on the topic in the BO. Extremism on either side is not helpful.
Commented: Monday, July 10th, 2023 @ 2:51 pm By: Big Bob
How pathetic to whine about make believe lynch mobs when Little Bobbie refuses to condemn the actual lynch mob of transgender thugs that attacked Riley gains. It seems that group still has the same aggressive menality with that speaker at a trans pride rally calling for trans thugs to punch feminists in the face. THAT is who is ginning up lynch mobs.
Commented: Monday, July 10th, 2023 @ 11:39 am By: John Steed
No, this is a political hit job and as fake as Pizzagate. It attempts to gin up a Lynch mob and demonize your political opponents.
Commented: Monday, July 10th, 2023 @ 10:06 am By: Big Bob
What is "beyond shady" are the lefty trolls who make excuses for sexualization of children. Does that remind you of anyone on this board?
Commented: Monday, July 10th, 2023 @ 7:22 am By: Rino Hunter
The Sound Of Freedom is a great eye opening movie to the evil that's been happening to children for years. It's higher than the drug trade and this movie was done a few years ago but the Hollywood Elite did not want it put out and did everything they could to put it on the back burner. Tim Ballard and his organization Operation Underground Railroad is real and this movie is based on his life. Glen Beck donated to the organization to get the movie up and running and Mel Gibson is another one that is helping.
This is a clip of Tim Ballard explaining his recent call with Mel Gibson.
Commented: Sunday, July 9th, 2023 @ 8:39 pm By: Jann
This group is beyond shady. Real groups that investigate trafficking have nothing to with the makers of this film. But if you want to send them money so they can continue their work, by all means do. Most of that money is unaccounted for so send more!
Commented: Sunday, July 9th, 2023 @ 7:08 pm By: Big Bob
How very typical of the far left, calling a movie based on a true story "a Q-Anon fantasy". Here is the real problem the far left has - they are all-in on the sexualization of children and this movie takes a swipe at child sex trafficking. It is only a small step from there to the left's own child sexualization agenda.
Commented: Sunday, July 9th, 2023 @ 1:30 pm By: John Steed
Big Bob, your Fake alias does not shield your existence here as little more than a Leftist cliche, thus exhibiting NO potential for original concept for what is real.

Human Trafficking of children is real; made far worse by the Left's atrocity of ignorance in setting policy, or enforcing existing laws.
Commented: Sunday, July 9th, 2023 @ 12:20 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Q-Anon fantasy.
Commented: Sunday, July 9th, 2023 @ 11:29 am By: Big Bob


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