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Comments for tranny flashes 4 girls, 14 y.o., in school locker room; girls lawyer up

good example of why bathroom / privacy room laws are important

If not, they're living rent free in your head.
Commented: Wednesday, April 26th, 2023 @ 6:19 pm By: Big Bob
Bib Bob is one sick puppy. He refuses to answer the question about the assault on Riley Gaines but makes sick allegations about others.
Commented: Wednesday, April 26th, 2023 @ 3:02 pm By: Rino Hunter
Are the Trannies in the room with you now?
Commented: Wednesday, April 26th, 2023 @ 1:02 pm By: Big Bob
I do not apologize when accused of obsessing about protecting children or about stopping violence. And, you still refuse to condemn the violent lynch mob attack on Riley Gaines. Little Bobbie, you condone the only recnet lynch mob. The only reason you did not join it, is probabely that you weren't there in San Francisco to do so.
Commented: Wednesday, April 26th, 2023 @ 11:19 am By: Conservative Voter
Still obsessing. And no I won't join the lynch mob
Commented: Wednesday, April 26th, 2023 @ 9:30 am By: Big Bob
There are NO examples of violence against the self-styled "transgenders" but lots of examples of violence BY transgenders against others who do not knuckle under to their demands. There is the lunch mob that attacked Riley Gaines, that you refuse to condemn. There is the transgender terrorist who attacked the Christian school in Nashville, and the one in Colorado who was arrested before carrying out an attack on a Middle School. There were the tranny thugs who vandalized the home of a Utah state senator. The violence we should be concerned about is that FROM the transgenders, NOT toward them, because the latter is simply not happening while the former IS.

You still refuse to specifically condemn the REAL lynch mob that attacked Riley Gaines while you misuse the term against those you have an ideological disagreement with.
Commented: Wednesday, April 26th, 2023 @ 8:44 am By: Conservative Voter
I have said many times violence is not the answer.
A lynch mob doesn't begin with a hanging, it ends with one. Your posts incite and promote violence against the LBTQ community. I will not join in.
Commented: Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 @ 3:39 pm By: Big Bob
Dude, can you go get your trans thing on somewhere else? I've said my piece. Will not join your violent lynch mob.
Commented: Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 @ 6:38 pm By: Big Bob
Little Bobbie, you repeatedly refuse to condemn the very REAL lynch mob that attacked Riley Gaines. Will you condemn it now???? If not, you are continuing to dondone the only real lynch mob that has been addressed on these boards.

What you consistently stand against is freedom and democracy and western civilization.
Commented: Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 @ 10:23 am By: Conservative Voter
Um no, I don't. I consistently stand against you and yours. Try again.
Commented: Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 @ 9:19 am By: Big Bob
The only one here who supports REAL lynch mobs on these boards, is YOU, Little Bobbie, like the one that attacked Riley Gaines. The fantasy way you use the term "lynch mob" is downright Orwellian.

The Catholic Church is already a big target of the left, from ANTIFA and abortion extremists to the political hacks of the FBI.
Commented: Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 @ 7:27 am By: Conservative Voter
Then get a lynch mob going for catholic priests.
Commented: Monday, April 24th, 2023 @ 4:26 pm By: Big Bob
You have your far left ideological straight jacket on, Little Bobbie. This is about bad behavior - flashing girls, sexualizing children, voyeurism, etc. If they want to behave appropriately they can dress as women, as clowns, as space aliens or whateever they want. This is about stopping BEHAVIOR that adversely impacts normal people. Most blacks I know are more offended by this type of behavior than anyone. And they get offended that these mentally disturbed trannies try to compare themselves to the civil rights movement. The civil rights movement was not engaged in obscene behavior.
Commented: Monday, April 24th, 2023 @ 9:38 am By: Rino Hunter
In the 50s and 60s the same was said about blacks and jews. 70s-80s-90s...the gays. Now it's trans. People like you oozing hate painting this group or that group with the same small minded broad brush. Dude, at some point its not all of us. It's you. You have the right to your opinion but I will not join your Lynch mob.
Commented: Sunday, April 23rd, 2023 @ 1:19 pm By: Big Bob
Hate is never the answer.
Commented: Sunday, April 23rd, 2023 @ 12:56 pm By: Big Bob
The real problem is a despicable act of members of one biological sex invading the space of the other biological sex, and those arrogant jackasses who feel they are entitled to do it. If Little Bobbie were a Christian, he or she would understand the concept of hate the sin, love the sinner.

And BTW, the science of gender is biology, not pshchiatry. It is time to dollow the seience.
Commented: Sunday, April 23rd, 2023 @ 10:27 am By: Rino Hunter
The real problem is hating people you don’t know.
Commented: Saturday, April 22nd, 2023 @ 7:06 pm By: Big Bob
This dude identified himself as a "transgender", but the real problem here is when nothing is done to stop biological males from going into womens and girls restrooms and locker rooms.
Commented: Saturday, April 22nd, 2023 @ 6:28 pm By: Rino Hunter
Or we could say someone exposed themselves to minors and hopefully got in trouble for doing so. When a white guy shoots up a school, do we write articles disparaging all white men? When someone commits a crime, we punish them. Not everybody.
Commented: Saturday, April 22nd, 2023 @ 10:07 am By: Big Bob
John Steed, you are right on target. Charging a few school officials as parties to the crime would do a lot of good. There is very little protection in the law for aiding criminal acts.
Commented: Saturday, April 22nd, 2023 @ 6:44 am By: Hood Richardson
It is good that the parents are working to take some firm action. This type of perversion needs to be stopped. School personnel who allowed a boy to go into the firls locker room should be fired. This is such an outrage that many parents would have taken the law into their own hands, but getting a lawyer is the proper way to go.
Commented: Saturday, April 22nd, 2023 @ 8:07 am By: Bubba


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