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Comments for Children groomed for trans lifestyle by gender ideology in schools

How about teaching the basics in schools?

According to that Canadian university study, trans loons are more prone to radicalization and violence than the average person. From a tiny part of the overall population they represent, they have alrady produced three mass shooter terrorists. Many of them have other mental health conditions on top of gender dysphoia, and ought to be in institutions.
Commented: Tuesday, April 4th, 2023 @ 7:12 am By: Conservative Voter
Trans people experience far more violence than the average person. So yes your retoric will indeed encourage more violence. Racism knows no Party Cg, The Democratic Party has come a long way and improved. Seems like the Republicans are moving in the opposite direction. I cant change the past. I try and do better. How about you?
Commented: Monday, April 3rd, 2023 @ 10:17 pm By: Big Bob
Trans people experience far more violence than the average person. So yes your retoric will indeed encourage more violence. Racism knows no Party Cg, The Democratic Party has come a long way and improved. Seems like the Republicans are moving in the opposite direction. I cant change the past. I try and do better. How about you?
Commented: Monday, April 3rd, 2023 @ 10:18 pm By: Big Bob
Interesting only one person on here is talking about lynching like the democrat KKK. Guess only the KKK representative on here would know when the lynching will end. Look at the KKK history of stringing people up.
Commented: Monday, April 3rd, 2023 @ 9:10 pm By: Countrygirl1411
Yes, CG, I saw that too. It was inappropriate and I have no trouble seeing those responsible held accountable. That was way out of line. However, I'm still not joining your lynch mob. Are we going to lynch catholic priests, youth pastors and boy scout leaders too? Where does it end?
Commented: Monday, April 3rd, 2023 @ 6:28 pm By: Big Bob
Happened in a NC school. Looks like someone is doing something to this school student.
Commented: Monday, April 3rd, 2023 @ 5:16 pm By: Countrygirl1411
Innocent people? That would be like the three 9 year olds murdered in Nashville by that Trans-Terrorist. A study by a Canadaian university done regarding the impact of the Covid lockdown found that the "trans" were among the most prone to radicalization.
Commented: Monday, April 3rd, 2023 @ 5:12 pm By: Conservative Voter
I am not. I will not lynch innocent people. Just not going to do it.
Commented: Monday, April 3rd, 2023 @ 2:10 pm By: Big Bob
Bobbie, you are supporting the groomers who want to push confused children, 85% of whom would normally grow out of that confusion naturally, into permanently adopting a destructive and harmful lifestyle. People like you condone some of the sickest child abuse in our society, child abuse that is not tolerated in most of Europe. Go wear a dress if you want, but don't push that on children. And the child genital mutilation and chemical castration is even worse. You are a sick puppy, Bobbie.
Commented: Monday, April 3rd, 2023 @ 12:23 pm By: John Steed
Sorry JS but I’m not pushing anything on anyone. I just will not participate in a lynching you seemed determined to organize.
Commented: Monday, April 3rd, 2023 @ 9:28 am By: Big Bob
Bobbie, your obsession with pushing harmful lifestyles on confused children and pushing child mutilation is nothing but vicarious child abuse. We should encourage children to be normal, not freaks. So, the desire to protect children from loons like yourself is "disturbing" to you?

Here is another example of the sort of thing going on, a school district in Pennsylvania which has a policy to exclude parents from even being told of a child's "gender transition"
Commented: Sunday, April 2nd, 2023 @ 7:07 pm By: John Steed
Your obsession is, disturbing. But I’m not going to lynch people for existing.
Commented: Sunday, April 2nd, 2023 @ 11:14 am By: Big Bob
Bobbie, your far left ideological narrative is NOT fact, but far from it. There have been articles posted here on doctors and schools being sued over pushing children into trangenderism. And here is an article from yesterday's edition of the UK's largest newspaper, the Daily Mail of London on the subject of schools doing this:
Commented: Sunday, April 2nd, 2023 @ 7:47 am By: John Steed
Nobody is doing anything to anybody. You got a problem, talk to the kid’s parents. These rants are just BS.
Commented: Saturday, April 1st, 2023 @ 10:34 pm By: Big Bob
What the far left doing is just plain sick. They are taking children with a temporary gender confustion and lock them into a lifetime of suffering, even worse if they lead them to mutilate their bodies. Is the left that insistant of creating more divisions in our society, or do they just hate children? And the left even wants to lead them astray even if they are not confused, they want to make them confused. That is why they ply them with that nonsense about being able to choose whether to be a boy or a girl.
Commented: Saturday, April 1st, 2023 @ 4:04 pm By: John Steed
JS, hate is a destructive lifestyle. Trans people are, just, different. Personally I dont get it, but what the far-right is doing is just wrong.
Commented: Saturday, April 1st, 2023 @ 12:32 pm By: Big Bob
The left is trying to groom vulnerable gender confused children, most of whom would naturally grow out of it according to the medical experts, into following a destructive lifestyle. Shameful.
Commented: Thursday, March 30th, 2023 @ 7:50 pm By: John Steed
The left certainly does have an evil plot to encourage people to live their truth. Trans people are real people not statistics. And God made them just like He/She made everyone else.
Commented: Thursday, March 30th, 2023 @ 9:28 am By: Big Bob
The reality is that the left knows that 85% of gender confused children will naturally grow out of it, and live happier lives as a result. They want to convince them to stay gender confused and to mutilate their bodies so it will be hard to go back. What the left is trying to do to these children is just sick.

Many European countries have hit the brakes and shut down the gender mutilation surgeries and chemical castration that the American left wishes to foist on vulnerable children. The British National Health Service even directs their doctors not to even suggest new names or pronouns for gender confused children.
Commented: Wednesday, March 29th, 2023 @ 7:38 pm By: John Steed
And the reality is, religious conservatives are using a small number of people, (60,000) to gin up fear. Can't really use the blacks & browns anymore, though lord knows you try, gays, no longer such an easy target but trans. With trans we can own the libs. Oh yeah. And that's all it is in its blown out of proportion glory.
Commented: Wednesday, March 29th, 2023 @ 1:21 pm By: Big Bob
I sincerely understand the need for medical transformation for some gender reassignment in certain rare cases of gender assertion, where that is an endemic necessity to achieve a more accurate physical /biological assimilation of self; however, from a perspective of what is real, that need for such a profound change (though less radical in this sense than is now sold to the public) is demonstrably less in need than is argued by highly political individuals, overwhelmingly represented by those that "identify" as Democratic Socialists. This perspective is alien to me, and all normal people who practice life by embracing fundamental truths, balanced by a grand measure of humility.

What the Democratic Socialists are doing here on this, their "transgender" issue, not unlike what they did with: "Climate Change" /"Global Warming" movement; or Open Borders /One World Government movement; or Defunding Law Enforcement, or the limiting of constitutional rights for a certain class of noncompliant patriots, etc., the Democratic Socialists continue to practice a political "scorched earth" policy that reshapes these movements into severe political issues that make NO practical sense, and, therefore, they somehow feel forced to continually "Double-down on Crazy" just to inspire their base of radical voters, who most often cannot think "outside the box," while nearly always employing NO measure of common sense.
Commented: Wednesday, March 29th, 2023 @ 12:45 pm By: Stan Deatherage
The very start of the grooming process is trying to tell children that they can decide for themselves whether they want to be a girl or a boy. This is very damaging to children and should be strictly prohibited in schools. Any teacher that does that should be summarily fired. Unfortunately, Beaufort County Schools have no policy on that so teachers are allowed to do it. That is dangerous to children and needs to be corrected.
Commented: Wednesday, March 29th, 2023 @ 11:04 am By: Rino Hunter


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