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Comments for Support parents’ bill of rights? Gov. Cooper says you are a ‘bigoted, anti-LGBTQ+ extremist’

Cooper believes schools should have total control

Democratic lawmakers in Maryland are attempting to pass a bill to prevent criminals under 25 from being convicted of felony murder.
Cruchfield’s reasoning behind the new bill is that a person’s frontal lobes are not fully developed until the age of 25.
And yet these same people will tell you that a child 4 years old is developed enough to know for sure if they want to change their sex, especially when schools are telling them they are in the wrong body.
Commented: Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 @ 5:42 pm By: Countrygirl1411
The tizzy is to "own the libs" Neve mind reality. It really is the Salem witch trials all over again. One would think we would learn.
Commented: Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 @ 4:59 pm By: Big Bob
Take those ideological blinders off, Bobby, and think. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together would comprehend that if one group "already knew" the other group would not be in such a tizzy to hide the information. I can see that you do not want to be confused by facts because your little mind is already made up.

Here is yet another example of how schools hide these things from parents:
These examples seem to crop up almost daily.
Commented: Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 @ 1:32 pm By: John Steed
The parents already know. The only twisted panties are , yours.
Commented: Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 @ 11:12 am By: Big Bob
The left has its panties in a twist over schools being required to tell parents, with Comrade Roy Cooper being a prime example. The only reason they would be so shrill about keeping it hidden is that they want to blindside parents. Your crazy dogma, Bobby, doesn't even match Comrade Cooper's crazy dogma. Your ideological tunnel vision also does not track with the many reports around the country of schools being caught with policies to blindside parents, and even laysuits filed by parents who were blindsided.
Commented: Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 @ 7:16 am By: John Steed
The parents know. They may not like or understand, but they know.
Commented: Monday, March 6th, 2023 @ 11:02 pm By: Big Bob
Schools all over the country have been caught with policies of hiding what they are doing to push gender ideology to kids from parents. They would not be doing that if they thought parents knew. A low grade moron ought to be able to figure that out, but then if you believe in Jewish space lasers, maybe not.
Commented: Monday, March 6th, 2023 @ 7:40 pm By: John Steed
And back to the Jewish Space Lasers. The parents know.
Commented: Monday, March 6th, 2023 @ 12:21 pm By: Big Bob
There are nultiple articles in this thread about how schools hide gender confusion issues from parents. Even worse, schools are promoting this nonsense, pushing more children into gender confusion, and many children undoubtedly are convinced to hide it. Since 85% of these children normally grow out of gender confusion, that is what everyone from parents to the schools should be helping them with, not pushing them deeper into something that will wreck their lives. If the "parents of these kids know" then schools would not be out there hiding it from parents, which they are.
Commented: Monday, March 6th, 2023 @ 12:11 pm By: Conservative Voter
Again, if your child is struggling with gender identity, and you as a parent dont know, then you are not paying attention. The parents of these kids know. :But that doesn't fit your narrative.
Commented: Monday, March 6th, 2023 @ 11:25 am By: Big Bob
When schools allow teachers to tell young children such nutty things as "you can choose yourself whether to be a girl of a boy" or "there are more than two genders" they are promoting gender confusion and grooming children for this destructive lifestyle. This should be thoroughly prohibited and teachers who do that should be summarily fired. Even worse is using one of the SAVVAS curriculums that teach such nonsense, as became controversial in Arizona. Parents are being blindsided by schools, including here in Beaufort County and that needs to be stopped.
Commented: Monday, March 6th, 2023 @ 9:10 am By: John Steed
See that was a low blow and exactly the tactic a nut like you would come up with. I used to wonder how the Salem witch trials ever happened, but no more. Clearly, this is the path we are currently on.
Commented: Monday, March 6th, 2023 @ 8:54 am By: Big Bob
Children are really good at hiding things from their parents. Schools that hide things from parents are NOT to be trusted.

Since you keep saying you know so much about what goes on in the schools, I have to wonder what school you work at and how many children you have groomed and hidden the information from their PARENTS. How many of the children you have groomed have ended up with extreme mental health issues or become suicidal because of that grooming?

Past time that schools get back to teaching the basics, reading, writing, math, science and teaching children how to think and not what to think. Maybe then we could have children that are working at their grade level without having to drop the standards for grade levels yet again.

If I had children, I would do every thing I could to keep them out of the indoctrination centers that are called public schools.

IF you really think parents not seeing what children are hiding from them is worse than a parent that murders their unborn or born child, that is just sick.
Commented: Monday, March 6th, 2023 @ 7:07 am By: Countrygirl1411
Jack Maggio: Not anywhere near the vision I have of school choice.

In my vision of school choice, the "money follows the student," in some relative measure, whether it be private school, charter school, or home school ... any type of structured education that is proven to work.

This way, there is no need for granting the public's money, which is already theirs in the first place.

This exercise in dismantling the education monopoly would make the process of education more efficient by making it far more competitive.

I envision that School Choice would prove to be the only true process available to save the public education system, while, more importantly, saving the Republic ... and at no extra cost long term.
Commented: Sunday, March 5th, 2023 @ 11:18 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Focus CG. Look, my point is, it’s not the school. Your kid lives at home with you. If they seek to transition and you can’t see it , you are the worst parent in the world. Very few kids seek to transition and trust me, those that do, their parents know. They all know.
Commented: Sunday, March 5th, 2023 @ 6:34 pm By: Big Bob
Stan Deatherage, we are new to the area, but isn't School Choice already available to the parents of Beaufort County? There is the charter school available and we talked with other parents who receive the grant from North Carolina that pays their children's tuition at Pungo. We ultimately chose our local school since we have the K-8 in one building available and have been pleased, versus having to go to the schools within Washington. I was not sure if there was more to school choice?
Commented: Sunday, March 5th, 2023 @ 6:01 pm By: Jack Maggio
The worst parents in the world are those that murder their children before they are born. They might say its just an abortion but they are the parent of a murdered child.
Commented: Sunday, March 5th, 2023 @ 2:44 pm By: Countrygirl1411
How can any thinking person blame parents when it is the schools which are often hiding the child's problem from parents? That is the very reason the Parent's Bill of Rights is badly needed. Since the experts say that 85% of gender confused children grow out of gender confusion, parents need to know the problem exists so that they can help their child try to grow out of it.
Commented: Sunday, March 5th, 2023 @ 1:27 pm By: John Steed
Again, for the worst parents in the world.
Commented: Sunday, March 5th, 2023 @ 10:28 am By: Big Bob
The reports of schools promoting gender transition and helping transition without telling parents just keep coming. Here is the latest from a Colorado elementary school as reported in a major British newspaper:

The emails also refer to this as "state policy" to hide this from parents. NC needs a state policy of TELLING parents.
Commented: Sunday, March 5th, 2023 @ 8:06 am By: Conservative Voter
The reason this is so badly needed is that there are constantly reports from around the country of schools participating and encouraging this transition mess but hiding it from parents. Here is the latest such account:
Commented: Saturday, March 4th, 2023 @ 9:07 pm By: Conservative Voter
John: This monday night, at the Beaufort County Commissioners' general meeting for March, I will begin a discussion for the consideration of School Choice, which is the best, most clear avenue toward straightening out our failing Education Industry, which one day needs to become a true seamless platform for the instruction of unlimited education.

In America, the Education Industry is a failing "industrial complex," administered by too many bureaucrats, who are desperately trying to please all the wrong people, and are forgetting their prime directive while wasting far too much of the public's money.

Trust me on this one, I speak from a level of some knowledge, born from decades of real experience.
Commented: Saturday, March 4th, 2023 @ 2:56 pm By: Stan Deatherage
The biggest obstacle to the Parents Bill of Rights is our progressive "Republican" House Speaker Tim Moore, due to the influence of his radical homosexual activist Deputy Chief of Staff Dan Gurley. Moore blocked consideration of it last session in the House after it overwhelmingly passed the Senate. Gurley has served as a leader of the radical homosexuals activist ("Gaystapo") Equality NC. If you want to see how radical these "Equality" Gaystapo groups are, here is what the one in California has done:

Too often the policies of school districts are to hide the gender dysphoria of students from their parents and that is happening right here in Beaufort County. There is a student on the south side of the river who goes to school every morning properly dressed as a boy, and then the school lets him change into girls clothes for the school day and then dress back as a boy to go home, so his parents are blindsided. This should NOT be allowed to happen.
Commented: Saturday, March 4th, 2023 @ 1:13 pm By: John Steed
If your child is living in your home and transitioning from one gender to another, and you don't know it's happening, you just might be the worst parent is the world.This whole thing is just Jesse Helms politics to keep people scared and inline.
Commented: Saturday, March 4th, 2023 @ 12:05 pm By: Big Bob


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