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Comments for The Anarchy in Baltimore is Endemic of Liberal Policies

Baltimore is run by Liberals, and has been for many decades. The barbaric anarchy in the streets of Baltimore. this April 27, 2015, is a true embarrassment even for Baltimore, a city, not unlike Detroit, Michigan, that has long been in a state of perpetual decline.

I have been to Baltimore / seen the slums / know how Atlanta is in places / the problem is we build big bridges over the slums so we don't have to even see them!

I read a book while at Emory concerning the divisions of class and color which divide America in the 60's --- and still do today . . .
Commented: Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 @ 10:17 am By: Gene Scarborough
Poverty of mind, poverty of spirit, poverty of intelligence in their elected officials, Baltimore has it all.

Maryland is a divided state between regular folks and the profoundly stupid, and for quite a while, the stupid have been winning.

Good one Ted on the redistribution of poverty angle. Maryland has the corner on it.

Believe it or not< once Maryland was considered a Southern state. There are many residents on the eastern shore and in their small spit of mountains wish they could be southerners. They detest their stupid elected leaders.

Maryland is a great example of when the electorate gets stupid, they elect the stupid.
Commented: Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 @ 8:57 am By: Stan Deatherage
I assume all have now gotten the news over the State's Attorney in Baltimore making formal charges against several Officers involved in the death. They range from murder to manslaughter. She is black and has many relatives, including her father and mother, who were Police Officers!

The announcement showed much honest enforcement of law in a quick time---which is not happening in the other wrongful death charges between white officers and black citizens coming--in buckets--to the light of exposure.

I gather that she has nothing to do with Al Sharpton (whom I disrespect as much as Jesse Jackson--both getting rich off hate of their own). 2 sources of information emerged in the investigation. We now know what a "rough ride" can do to a prisoner arrested without "due cause." The autopsy showed a locking bolt size depression in the back of his skull and 4 stops where he was complaining of not being able to breath, BUT no medical help was given.

Now let's quit the speculation and watch justice take its course . . .
Commented: Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 @ 8:42 am By: Gene Scarborough
Redistribution of Poverty. I came up with this brilliant idea after the 2nd cup of coffee.
This plan is working in Baltimore and can work in other major cities.
Commented: Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 @ 7:35 am By: Ted McDonald
Afro Canadians may have solved their problems. I Googled and could find no information on Afro Canadians. The search for Black Canadians suggests that 2% of Canadians consider themselves Black while 17% are obviously Black. What are they teaching in history class up there?
Commented: Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 @ 6:35 am By: Ted McDonald
The Welfare Mayor of Baltimore, Ms. Rawlings-Blake, has now hired the Racist Al Sharpton to handle her media affairs.

Ms. Rawlings-Blake may continue to get the stupid vote, but how far can that take you in politics? Obviously, pretty far in Maryland.
Commented: Friday, May 1st, 2015 @ 2:04 am By: Stan Deatherage
It does appear in retrospect that Baltimore's Mayor Rawlings-Blake was, and still is way out of her element in dealing with her felonious and violent constituents.

Now the welfare Mayor is taking umbrage with the scum of her city being called "thugs".
Commented: Thursday, April 30th, 2015 @ 10:54 am By: Stan Deatherage
The War on Poverty and Vietnam War both began to bankrupt America. Any common sense should have told us you can't fight and pay forever with nothing but dependency as the result.

The problem with Social Security now is that a Trust Fund designed to go up and down with inflation and calculated carefully to be a Supplemental Security Income (SSI) was sucked into the General Budget to cover the cost of War! Now the Budget gave only a 1.5% increase in a 5% inflation scenario this year. All of us who paid the tax through our working life are more than pissed at this!!!

Here is the ticket on war that Bush started:

If we count a generation as 10 years, we now have FIVE generations of dependent Americans who should have worked their way up in the first 10 years or been cut off. Our Agencies to handle the program are in larger and larger buildings and growing in employees as well.

When Santee-Wateree did the first funding of programs, one was to provide a housekeeper to qualifying people who would go around each week and clean their houses for them. As the Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Bishopville, SC, we lived in the nicest parsonage in SC---BUT we did the housework. The custodian cut the grass, but I gladly kept the bushes and cut a tree down. I consulted with the County Agent and got directions to correct the fungus problems killing all the shrubs.

Some of my best thinking time for good sermons was when doing yard work. It made me fit and anyone who want to get out of poverty can think their way out as a first step---while doing work with a swing blade and mower!!!

2 wars, one killing and maiming my friend and the other making people into porch bunnies was STUPID!!!
Commented: Thursday, April 30th, 2015 @ 6:04 am By: Gene Scarborough
You now have generations of pathetic humans who do not know how to work, what is expected of work ... the truly pathetic, yet they can still buy almost anything they need.

This will change ... over 17 trillion federal debt ... this will change.

Either by taking away their right to vote, and the rest of us well arming ourselves, this will change.
Commented: Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 @ 7:09 pm By: Stan Deatherage
I am going to sound harsh here on Welfare:

I think we have the perfect solution for WIC card obesity and unemployment~~~instead of hiring all the tractors and prisoners being used to keep roadsides---let each recipient do the same 40 hours a week of public work BEFORE the card is charged! They can fix potholes alongside DOT workers as well.

This is just the start of ending a 5-generation sucking of the tit on Title XX. Had I had my way, it would have terminated in year 10. If you can't get out of your hole in 10 years---TOO DAMN BAD!
Commented: Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 @ 7:03 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Welfare is the great poliitial evil of the Democrat and the RINO.
Commented: Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 @ 7:00 pm By: Stan Deatherage
I am TOTALLY in agreement with Ted on Welfare. It has now been 5 generations since I served on the Title XX (LBJ War on Poverty) funds going to the Santee-Wateree 5-county district of SC. I stated in the meeting--and still contend--any program which makes a person want to stay on government subsidies for a month longer than necessary---IS NOT DOING ANYONE A FAVOR!

Stan should kiss me on the cheek over that totally Conservative view---"I shall shave close," as General Patton said in his formal apology for hitting a soldier.

On the Baltimore Mess is say --- the whole thing looks like Brown Shirt thugs rounding up the Jews into their new Ghetto. If Siren gas gets used on the crowds, we will soon know if the Conservative Propaganda line is just a cover for Police Terrorism . . .
Commented: Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 @ 5:57 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Welfare buys votes. Liberal politicians spin the lies. Their electorate loves the lies. Liberals re-elected.

The cycle is complete. Baltimore burns.
Commented: Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 @ 11:27 pm By: Stan Deatherage
No peace no Snap Card. It is time to review all welfare programs.
Commented: Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 @ 1:45 pm By: Ted McDonald


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