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Comments for Hillary B. Clinton is NOT Electable

Hillary B. Clinton is speaking now about her e-mails after admonishing congressional Republicans for their position against Iran getting a nuclear device, which was just after her discussion of female inequality in America.

YEP ---- are you smelling anything as you sip your morning coffee and breath???
Commented: Friday, July 31st, 2015 @ 8:53 am By: Gene Scarborough
Whooh ... the Liberals' challenge.
Commented: Friday, July 31st, 2015 @ 8:36 am By: Stan Deatherage
Let me tell you a story, Stan, about a man going to hell and being given some choices for eternity ~~~

The first door the devil opened had people spending eternity upside down in freezing polar water. Their feet were blue from cold and their frantic flailing trying to keep warm were obvious.

Room 2 was the same except it was boiling water bubbling from the abject heat. The agony was equally great!

Room 3 was full of dark smelly sewage as a great septic tank. However, the people there were standing up and sipping coffee with smiles on faces.

The new visitor now had to make a choice between each of the 3 places to spend eternity. He quickly choose area 3 saying to the Devil, "I, at least, can enjoy coffee, breathing, and smile . . .

He waded into the sewage and got his cup and saucer to begin sipping for Eternity. In another minute the Head Devil shoved the door wide open and yelled: "OK FOLKS, COFFEE BREAK IS OVER---BACK ON YOUR HEADS FOR THE REST OF THE MORNING!!!!"

Beware, Stan, when you wade into the sewage, you might get fooled, brother!!!
Commented: Friday, July 31st, 2015 @ 7:01 am By: Gene Scarborough
As per the Clinton legal machine to the Benghazi Select Committee, Hillary wiped her server clean to avoid any public oversight of her communications as Secretary of State.

If only Richard Nixon could have been so lucky during his Watergate years. What a double standard for this patently dishonest Democrat.

I pray Ms. Benghazi will be the Democrat nominee for president in 2016.
Commented: Sunday, March 29th, 2015 @ 6:45 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Well just "buzz along" little bumble bee ~~~~ until the logic of common sense is used to swat you into you honey pot of conservatism . . .
Commented: Saturday, March 14th, 2015 @ 7:20 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I don't have time for the Blaze Network right now; however, this may just be a proved case of 'great minds thinking alike'.

All my material is original, unlike you Libs.

Your retort was actually just your version of child's non sequitur "I know you are, but what am I."
Commented: Saturday, March 14th, 2015 @ 12:35 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Talk about "buzz words & phrases, Stan: 'Group Think', "buzz phrases", "buzz ideals", hackneyed "buzz words", complete antithesis archaic "buzz phrase", yesteryear: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country?"

I listened to the BLAZE Network commentaries yesterday and you are a copy cat, my brother . . .
Commented: Saturday, March 14th, 2015 @ 7:30 am By: Gene Scarborough
You liberal Democrats never cease to amaze me just how you aspire to rally around patently dishonest and robustly unsophisticated candidates and leaders, while always "blaming America first".

It is an incredible truth as to what your people and your party have devolved to.

It is even more ironic that your party of 'Group Think', explained by the "buzz phrases", and "buzz ideals", and even more hackneyed "buzz words" are now the complete antithesis of a rather archaic "buzz phrase" of yesteryear: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country?"

I still remember the guy who said that. Too bad you new age Liberals don't.
Commented: Saturday, March 14th, 2015 @ 3:26 am By: Stan Deatherage
Now you are being perfectly clear to us all ~~~ Conservative bias is OK. The fact you allow me and others to offer another view is commendable. Now, is you can allow my posts to stay a bit longer, I will know you are working harder to balance our bench . . .
Commented: Friday, March 13th, 2015 @ 10:26 am By: Gene Scarborough
I am biased. I do despise stupidity in any politician, especially one running for president.

I actually have a recorded 20 year history of such bias.
Commented: Friday, March 13th, 2015 @ 8:23 am By: Stan Deatherage
Stan--- your answer, like your "surveys" shows clearly your bias to, not just conservatism, but ultra-conservatism. Beware the line between good journalism and thinking and becoming a propagandist . . .

You are seeing some serious doubting cropping up as you pursue this race to your goal. If you really want a widening readership, I suggest you solicit and publish more of us who are, at least, middle-of-the-road. The very fact you first gave me that title and now keep slinging "liberal" at me, tells me how far to the right you have become.

A bench with too much cotton too far away from center, even lets something as light as cotton tip it and make if fall over . . .
Commented: Friday, March 13th, 2015 @ 7:54 am By: Gene Scarborough
I only have time to write about what is important to me, and I suggest you do the same.
Commented: Friday, March 13th, 2015 @ 7:06 am By: Stan Deatherage
Stan---you have been open to truth above partisan politics. I think Ms. Vasquez is making an important point that needs YOUR examination. Yesterday and the day before much has been said about the letter from Congress to the leader of Iraq.

The big news yesterday was his comment as to "how stupid could these Congressmen be . . ." All international negotiations are conducted between one country's leader and the other. President Obama is the Executive Branch which has been our official Branch for treaty negotiations.

NEVER in my lifetime am I aware of such arrogant stupidity as those signatories showed. Another story yesterday was of who provided the young Turk idiot freshman in Congress the actual letter text. Do you have the guts to do your own words on this round of Conservative political misstep???

If such happened on your watch with the Beaufort County Comissioners, you would be screaming for a recount, buddy. You screamed over your opponents and the jail issue. This needs some screams in my view. No side is perfect. Sometimes one does better than the other in proper political steps and respect.
Commented: Friday, March 13th, 2015 @ 6:41 am By: Gene Scarborough
Not familiar with the story.
Commented: Thursday, March 12th, 2015 @ 9:50 pm By: Stan Deatherage
So, am I to understand that you only care about hillary, the undeclared but likely democratic nominee, having her own server and only releasing self selected emails, but you don't care about jeb, the undeclared republican nominee having his own server and only releasing self selected emails?
Commented: Thursday, March 12th, 2015 @ 9:38 pm By: kathleen vasquez
Again, that would be your post to write since you have knowledge of it.

I only write about what I care about.
Commented: Thursday, March 12th, 2015 @ 9:21 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Well, we would love to have a full robust post from you, Kathy, on these congressional "citizens/traitors", who stated exactly what they will do when they are, or are not called to do it.
Commented: Thursday, March 12th, 2015 @ 9:19 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Guess you don't care that Jeb Bush also had his own private server, and only released "self-selected" emails. Little hypocrisy here? Why don't you man up and do some unbiased commentary?
Commented: Thursday, March 12th, 2015 @ 9:17 pm By: kathleen vasquez
Why not a single comment about the 47 treasonable republican signers of the letter to Iran? Clear illegal attempt to undermine executive. Citizens cannot negotiate with foreign leaders - even Iran agrees! Interesting that you want to get all over hillary, but totally ignore republican traitors. They should be tried for treason.
Commented: Thursday, March 12th, 2015 @ 8:36 pm By: kathleen vasquez
I view her as possible "fluffer" who prepares Conservatives for a porno run at the Presidency. If they do as expected, they will make monkeys of themselves and then she steps aside for a legitimate Democrat like Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sauders (who is an outspoken Independent) to join together and rid us of another Bush . . .

Never forget the words of Lincoln: "You can fool some of the people all of the time / some of the people all of the time / never all of the people all of the time." The politics of distraction may well be up over the next 2 years as Conservatives show their tails in their monkey tree of Senate majority . . .
Commented: Thursday, March 12th, 2015 @ 12:16 pm By: Gene Scarborough
So, you finally saw the press conference?
Commented: Thursday, March 12th, 2015 @ 10:44 am By: Stan Deatherage
I agree that she is so full of it that she is a smart version of George Bush!

Your assumption is a problem, Stan --- there is no such thing as a perfect Conservative anymore than a perfect anything else. For some reason you can't offer a political analysis without invective words.

For me she was the Nancy Reagan of behind-the-scenes wife manipulation of husband manipulation / scheming at every corner to get rich quick and solicit favor of the rich like LBJ. All the foibles and political mistakes await her, if she decides to keep running.

If I were in her shoes---all the stains on Monica's dress would be enough to leave this crazy and falsely perfect country political land. I am glad NOT to have much to do with Southern Baptists these days.

If you can't fix crazy, then stay far away from it as possible, in my view. We are of the same view, but mine is based on crazy politics over simple "liberal hate" you so enjoy . . .
Commented: Thursday, March 12th, 2015 @ 8:16 am By: Gene Scarborough
How stupid would one have to be to vote for Hillary B. Clinton when she vies to be the first woman president?

Or maybe the better question to ask might be: How patently dishonest would one have to be to vote for someone as patently dishonest as Hillary B.?

Our Republic is at stake right now on so many levels. Amateur Obama has taken the office of the presidency to a new low, and would have been fully impeached about one year ago, if America had a fair and knowledgeable press.

Electing the sophistic Hillary will just be a continuation of the Obama debacle of doctrine.
Commented: Thursday, March 12th, 2015 @ 5:35 am By: Stan Deatherage
"Know" = be conversant with all sides.

"Liberal" = a flame word to make a true "conservative" who knows how to conserve those things of value AND discard those things which are false.

The snowballs have melted, my brother. Before I embarrass you more, let's discuss it face-to-face. Old SC Senator says he has never texted or emailed = again, I call "Bull S**t" on him even though he grew up 20 miles from where I was born in SC!
Commented: Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 @ 10:56 am By: Gene Scarborough
Just because you are a Liberal, it doesn't mean that you know stuff that you don't know, I don't care where you went to school or where you preached, you still don't know some things.
Commented: Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 @ 10:30 am By: Stan Deatherage
Stan---you persist on public argument to me over religion and conservatism so I shall embarrass you a bit, if I must.

I am a Baptist minister who watched a precious rite of Baptists disappear --- Separation of Church and State. Baptists, like most religions of the South have always been conservative of our social traditions. Southern Baptists split with Northern Baptists over slave ownership. The South interpreted the Bible as Paul's stuff on "slaves be obedient" / equally Northern Baptists said "There is no difference between Jew and Greek, Slave and free . . ." The same Bible offers Both options---if you choose to proof text.

With respect to religion and politics I mention only 3 names: Jerry Falwell / Pat Robertson / and what is that current candidate named Huckabee --- a Baptist preacher retired from church and running for the Republican Presidential bid.

So much for your "you don't know about Conservatives / religion / mix of politics and religion." I told you earlier I watched the SBC Conservatives lie, cheat, and steal the denomination from those of us they called "Liberals / Skunks / Secular Humanists" --- you name the vile derision words you so love to use against the President!

I will stop with this before I show how uninformed and arrogant you appear to be. Respect the old man about to turn 69 this month. I can be nice or I can pull out my can of whup-ass more, buddy . . .
Commented: Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 @ 10:17 am By: Gene Scarborough
You drone on about Conservatives and Baptists, mixing them together as if you knew the total sum of either, and I'm here to tell you that you don't.

What I am an authority of is: government at all levels (and I have few peers - especially around here), honesty (again, I take back seat to no one on this very real issue), and technology (and I'm finding that I am on the fast track here as well), and from this very certain skill set, I offer my professional opinion: Hillary is not competent, or capable to serve as president, and as the representative of her 'low information' electorate, she will represent the lowest of us all. And I mean low in terms of being a competent or capable person by proxy.

That is the way our democratic Republic functions, and I did not make those rules; that is just the way of it.

Her press conference yesterday was so bad, few not-so-deep-intellectually liberal Democrats are standing fully behind her right now. I'm really surprised you did not get the memo. It was a pathetic display, her attempting to play at a level far beyond her abilities, utterly confused to the point of stupid.

If she was not Bill's wife, or a woman, she would not be in the position she is in today: She would never have been the middling senator from New York; she would have never been the pathetically incompetent secretary of state.

Not every grandmother is capable of riding the coattails of others to the White House. And she is not electable ... unless, there is a preponderance of Americans that are far more stupid than I realize.

Amateur Obama was elected twice, however, so maybe, I am still too generous in my day to day assessment of others.
Commented: Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 @ 7:46 am By: Stan Deatherage
Now you have entered the realm of Conservative Psychosis, Stan. I watched first-hand while Southern Baptist Conservatives told every lie in the book about my Seminary Professors to the point average Baptists, in Texas especially, believed they were all "Secular Humanists."

Here is your combo of Conservative Psychosis = strange term that average people do not understand / people pretending to conserve a "true faith" by meeting in airports and plotting how to take over from one half of Baptists that which they had given and worked to achieve~~~as if only their side was right . . .

I am here to tell you that I am a believer in Christ / I attended Southeastern Seminary in it's "Liberal" days ~~~ IT WAS ALL A LIE BY CONSERVATIVES ONLY TO OWN IT ALL!!! My Professors were far more ethical than their detractors, my brother!

Good Southern religion, like good Southern politics, is a mix of people who are ALL CONSERVATIVE because we ACTUALLY conserve our valued traditions. When you take a Republican like Dwight Eisenhower of the 50's "good" Conservatism vs. those who are now running Congress and seeking the next presidential bid ~~~ you have a bunch of pretenders, in my view. . .

If you want to discuss it, let's get together and let me show you my files on the takeover of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. The new Conservative version taught from the same textbooks as my old "Liberal SEBTS", my friend. They used the terms of "secular humanist" in abundance ~~~ If you can tell me how that is evil, then you stand a chance in this discussion.

Otherwise I call "Bull S**t" on this card game . . .
Commented: Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 @ 7:31 am By: Gene Scarborough
I find it odd that it is the Conservatives that understand ethical behavior rather than Liberals.

There has always been too sets of rules, and maybe that is why Conservatives know better the ethical practice of propriety.
Commented: Tuesday, March 10th, 2015 @ 7:49 pm By: Stan Deatherage
It remains to be seen about her electibility ~~~ for certain Conservatives will talk of all things other than her experience and their torture or POW's from Iraq . . . Now add their ill-advised letter to the Iraqi's . . .
Commented: Tuesday, March 10th, 2015 @ 7:10 pm By: Gene Scarborough


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